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[UNOFFICIAL] Operation Redguard: July 24th (Sunday) 4:00pm EST/20:00 GMT

Liru the Lcpl.

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This is an unofficial unapproved gamenight. 
But I'm running it anyway!


SIGN UP SHEET!!! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RGqOkfgjyVd8fAHZGkP7-orFfiZuQEafMZEob2r5XVI/edit#gid=0
**Priority Message from the Tanoan government**
NATO, we’ve recently begun working on a large bridge to connect one of the smaller islands in our country to one of our main islands. The bridge itself will serve as a key area for linking one of our militarized islands for rapid deployment to other islands for ground vehicles, and the bridge should finish in a few months. However, we have heard word from one of our informants that guerilla forces are planning to try to destroy the progress we have made on the bridge. Worse, they seem to have some paramilitary gear provided from who we believe to be CSAT, but we cannot confirm it. For now, we need to make sure that nothing happens to this bridge. If you are able to rappel their attacks and blow away any defensive areas they set up and dig into, you could easily blow away at their morale and cause them to flee. Shock and Awe gentlemen, and from what we here, NATO is very good at that…

NATO primary objectives:
-Defend the bridge for 60 minutes: There are 2 key support struts on the end of the bridge. You must make sure that the enemy does not get to the end of the bridge and demolish these key support structures, or else the bridge will collapse.

NATO secondary objectives:
-Destroy enemy mortar position: we expect that the enemy will set up a mortar emplacement to assist their forces. Destroying this emplacement will help the defense in the bridge. (Actual effect: -15 minutes on the defense timer)

NATO Assets:
-Defensive emplacements and statics (provided by the Tanoan government)
-1 Lightly Armored Vehicle (Marshall)
-1 Pawnee for CAS
-1 Mortar team (to be done by a person (no target computer)or Zeus)


 -Harass NATO forces
CSAT Assets:
-1 Sniper team (sniper and Spotter, reserved to P057code and whoever he chooses for spotter)


Hey guys! This is another Liru Mission, and it’s going to be a very large scale operation. You WILL feel the pressure of an overwhelming force for this defense mission to the point where you might feel like it’s a Luetin09 defense operation! Utilize your support effectively here, and work your hardest to get the objective done! I’ll balance this as best I can so it’s enjoyable, but NOT impossible. Putting the right people for these assets is key, and don’t worry: these guys are guerrillas, not true military forces. I wouldn’t expect to be fighting any armor, more so a bunch of infantry and technical and such.
I’ll provide some pics soon, and the sign-up sheet will open on Sunday.


Operate Operationally ladies and gentlemen!


Ok guys, so I've refined everything slightly for the sake of artistic appeal, and am working on putting an arsenal in the main base, so CONSIDER THIS A BREIFING

-You'll spawn in the north west corner of the island you are defending. This is where your ground vehicles, such as HEMMT based vehicles, cars, Marshall, and Pawnee spawn. Timers for vehicles will be set to 5 minutes, and player respawn timers will be set to a minute.

Command squad's goals: pick a spot for your defensive artillery and a place that overlooks most of the island. Battle "Command" Tower 3, a tower that is at the center of the island on a large hill, is a good place to achieve this, and even has a good clearing right next to it for the Mortar to set up. The tower also has a .50 mounted towards the bridge, a titan AT pointed in the same direction, and AA pointed in the cardinal directions. Use them at your discretion, and make sure you let your forces know where the enemy is coming from. It could be from anywhere!


Squad 1: You are the main defensive line on the bridge. Expect the unexpected, as to the enemy will throw all they have at you. Stick in cover and on high ground: the enemy will have mortars that you might consider coordinating with squad 2 on how to deal with them. You'll have static AT and .50 in place, as well as allied Tanoan police forces to assist you. They aren't trained for this style of operation, but they'll help where they can.


Squad 2: Your placement is dictated by your commander because you are the Quick Response Force. If your commander wants you to reinforce the bridge, do so. If the Marshall needs ammo, get the HEMMT ammo and assist them. If a plane is heard overhead and you see parachutes, ask your commander if you are to go mow them down. If boats are sited, you're the force that is to move out and take care of them. There are two other smaller bases on the east and west sides of the map that have a .50, so use them wisely.


Marshall Crew: The commander dictates what you do, but the command squad can override and give you a new directive. There's a firing position on overwatch on the bridge that could be quite useful, however expect the same rules as the QRF.


CAS: You're only allowed to fire if the commander tells you to. No Lone Wolfing, no going rogue, only do what the commander asks of you. If the rules are broken, I will add AA assets and you're going to have a bad time.

CSAT Sniper team: You know what to do...


-After the mission "officially" begins, you'll have roughly 10 minutes to explore your island and set up a defensive protocol. If you join the server early, you're allowed to freely explore the island until first contact, but NOT step foot on the larger island (Put simply, if you do, you're guaranteed to encounter bandits) After first contact, you MUST report to your squad leader ASAP.

-Remember the side objective is risk vs. reward, and only will become available to do roughly 10 minutes into the mission after the first wave of mortar strikes. 


-Brandenburg is the only one (other than some AI) that is allowed to wear a black beret. No one else may wear one, and Branden MUST wear one.

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There are some problems I have with this Gamenight,

  • Is this a Request?
  • We will need a Tested (with TADST) mission file at least 1 week, before the event takes place and no last minute edits.
  • What Server will this be taking place on?
  • Does the mission require a CS member to be around at the time?

Finally, we reserve the right the cancel the event with notice. Or accommodate the mission as we see fit.



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7 hours ago, Origins said:



There are some problems I have with this Gamenight,

  • Is this a Request?
  • We will need a Tested (with TADST) mission file at least 1 week, before the event takes place and no last minute edits.
  • What Server will this be taking place on?
  • Does the mission require a CS member to be around at the time?

Finally, we reserve the right the cancel the event with notice. Or accommodate the mission as we see fit.



Uhh...for the past 4 weeks I've hosted I just poke Chuck in TS and he moves it up to the news and events thread...but to answer the questions...

1. No, I host it as Zeus.

2. I import the files via Ares war Mod around 15 minutes before I start the mission

3. One of Shadow's private servers, Otherwise CobaltCat's private server

4. I don't know what you mean by CS member...

I follow this thread for all my events:


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4 minutes ago, xSniper1982 said:

@Liru the Lcpl.

CS = Core Staff

Ahh, thanks for the clarification @xSniper1982:)

In that case @Origins, I don't need one around, but they're always free to sign up and play in the operation :) same goes for anybody: Core staff, admins, Spartans, field ambassadors, members, and even guests and those who are new to Ahoyworld!

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All Right chaps, sign up sheet is now AVAILABLE!!!

Here's some sign up rules:

1. Please let the Squad leader be experienced, coordination is very key here
2. CSAT is reserved to P057code and whoever he choses as spotter. This is so that the sniper team isn't too OP because they'll be briefed on how to specifically engage and harass NATO so the balance doesn't break
3. LEAVE THE PAWNEE TO AN EXPERIENCED PILOT, it's not respawnable, same goes for the Marshall and her crew.
4. I'll add another squad IF AND ONLY IF I see ALL slots taken already

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-Defend the bridge for 60 minutes
give or take, and if the secondary objective is done it takes 15 minutes off the main timer,


The objective here is to deflate your enemy's morale here by inflicting true shock and awe. If we're 30 minutes in and you've already murdered 3/4 of my forces, expect them to wave the white flag a little early based on their high mortality rate. ON THE FLIP SIDE if you're just purely bottlenecking the enemy force over the bridge and they're camped across with little casualties and just exchanging fire with you, expect to go a little above the expected timer.

Shock and awe ladies and gentlemen, but honestly, you have a Pawnee, Marshall, and mortar team. I think you'll do fine  :)

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Hi Liru,

does this operation require some particular game version?

I'm currently using the Tanoa test version (the one you can activate in Steam settings).


Also just an observation:

your comment about being more active then just camping one side of bridge suggest that Blufor should at some point cross the bridge to secure the other side. Planning this, I would include EOD element in Blufor assets.

I would hate for someone to step on a mine, IED or even lose Marshall to it. ;)

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@kman it'll be with Apex on Tanoa (non testing, just the released version), no mods, the bridge is "under construction" and you'll get a better briefing on it when I make the map in the next few days. Should you go for the secondary objective, you'll have to cross the bridge, it's risk VS reward though. Also, do you honestly think your enemy is just going to come from the bridge? *laughs* no no no...you're talking about a LIRU operation...

Your opinion on the EOD element is noted, but you are on the defensive here, and mines are defensive weapons, so I honestly don't see a point. Plenty of EOD elements for Baywatch though...

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OK I will check my calendar and like to come if able.


ps: I got impression that blufor will start controlling just one side - as you mentioned "they're camped across with little casualties and just exchanging fire with you", that led me to that "crossing withoud EOD support" issue. I just misunderstood the starting dispositions.

Edited by kman
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21 minutes ago, Max said:

What sort of kit limitations will we have?

Main base: bring whatever you need, ammo provided at the FOB. NATO weapons only, no thermals, no titans (you wont need them) stick to your class for gear, but the more OP I see you guys gear up as, the more stuff I'm throwing at you.

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It's awesome to see the progress of how you started making missions and where you are now. Every mission is getting better and better, Communication between squads is getting superb.


The overall experience is great!!!!!


Keep this up man

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Last time whisper system on TS did not work. Might I suggest we keep the same approach as last time? That is squads on group channel VOIP and command on TS.


What would be even greater is if we can all be on the same TS channel. Only members of command would have unmuted mic and then members of respective squads will mute all other leaders except theirs. That way they will be able to hear him communicate with others in command. I hope you get what I am trying to explain so badly :-)

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3 hours ago, Cebi said:

Last time whisper system on TS did not work. Might I suggest we keep the same approach as last time? That is squads on group channel VOIP and command on TS.


What would be even greater is if we can all be on the same TS channel. Only members of command would have unmuted mic and then members of respective squads will mute all other leaders except theirs. That way they will be able to hear him communicate with others in command. I hope you get what I am trying to explain so badly :-)

I agree that we should start doing some communication based experiments, but Baywatch worked really well because, from my POV, I was able to listen in to what the squad leader and team leaders were saying on the long range network. We can try this method but I kind of do enjoy the light voice crackle from using command and side chat, but i'll leave the idea up to you guys! If you want one way or another, please post your opinion ^_^

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