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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. 1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:


    It picks up more from the top of the mic, less from the sides than say the Blue Yeti which I used to use. Point it at your mouth and get it close and you are good to go, move away and you lose a lot of the sounds, which for gameplay vids is ideal.


    The Yeti made you talk into the side of the mic, but still picked up a lot of exterior noise; hence I gave it up, it just recorded everything (good sounds quality though)


    I ALMOST BOUGHT BLUE YETI! Thanks for stopping me. I will look into cardioid microphones more intensively now.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Miczils said:

    Well, i guess you're pretty lucky. 

    Also if you ever join EU3 and ask to get attached to the Alpha Medic to learn some ACE Medical, 99% of cases the medic is gonna be happy to share his knowledge.


    Dat time difference... :DudeComeOn-min:


    I will take up Ur suggestion to attach myself to ALPHA Medic when I join in. Remember: Whenever repository has an update, it will take me more than a week to complete the download.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Miczils said:

    ACE Medical is great fun, i think if you either know what you're doing or want to get better at it and have the wish, i think i can speak for all of AWE players, more medics - operations choooch more better, you're invited!.


    I am real combat medic but I got intimidated by ACE. Maybe I need @Spanky to mentor me on this.

  4. 21 minutes ago, GamerbugUK said:

    add in track IR

    CFO has agreed to my proposal of the said item.


    21 minutes ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Actually used to have a makeshift shield over my KB and a big sort of muffler round my mic to drown out the KB sounds, worked well but was a pain, now I just live with any KB sounds, but the Apex is membrane and helps a lot, and the mouse is way behind the mics picup area overall.

    I see that it is cardioid microphone. Need to have this right in my face so that KB/M are behind its audio pickup range.


    Edit: I am tired to record audio solely on my Logitech G430.

  5. 13 hours ago, Tim O'Kill said:

    I enjoy playing as a medic in EU1, and though the ace 3 medical system seems a bit daunting I believe it will only make it more fun once I get to grips with it


    I respect Ur willingness to play medic on EU3. I will stick to my favourite LAT class.


    Welcome! Ur valuable inputs will be much appreciated!

  6. 1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Pedals: Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals

    What is it used for? I dun think U pilot much...


    1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Controller: Xbox 360

    Is this bound to XPADDER? @DerRoteKoyote just told me about it... He purely games with this.


    1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Mic: Rode Podcaster Mic & Boom Arm

    No wonder your videos sound so crisp and no irritating keyboard tapping. Time to convince my Chief Financial Officer to approve of my proposal :hmmm-min:

  7. 16 minutes ago, Norris said:

    Side note: I forget who said it about there not being a Admin or Zeus player on.... I've noticed that most of the Admins are based in the Europe region and there are a lot of players in the North American region so when the Admins are signing off there are players signing on...I don't know if you should have a more diverse group of admins so that there is coverage on the server all the time because when I sign on there are mostly always no admins on and the players tend to abuse things more often when they know there is no admin online. Just a thought though as I know there is a application for the admin role and there is a message that pops up on the server at the beginning of the game saying youre always on the lookout for admins. Again just a thought.


    I am thinking about it since I am from the South-East Asia... but let us see how it goes.


    18 minutes ago, Norris said:

    Now there have been times where I have been looking at the map to see if a medic is playing his role as sometimes there is a medic that goes around a big group of friendlies and is concentrating on the fire fight instead of concentrating on playing his/her role, now I have gotten maybe about half way to the downed player in the hunter or just rolled up to them to find that the player has finally seen the downed player and has either revived them or is in the process of reviving them.


    By right, medic should be at the tail-end of a squad and riflemen should be dragging/carrying casualties to him. If the squad does get mowed down, medics should be in the thick of the action so that threat is neutralised.


    24 minutes ago, Norris said:

    Oh and I posted this before but maybe implement a system of players being able to STABILIZE the downed player giving the medic time to get there. Again just another thought.


    Maybe we should try playing AWE (EU3) more often. There was once my treatment took me more than 20mins cos I had to replenish plasma during my first hour there...

  8. 12 hours ago, Doc said:

    For example,

    - Will the new UCAV Drone be added in addition/replacement of the Greyhawks?

    - Do you think the USS Freedom should be added somewhere on the map?

    - Should we have dog-fighting/air-superiority side missions?

    - Do you think more VORTEX slots should be added to accommodate the new planes?

    - Should there be a permanent FOB set up on the USS Freedom (if added)

    - Will the new jets even be added?


    1. Maybe, I foresee the staff make it as part of Side Mission's rewards or in-mission purchase
    2. No, since talks of scraping underwater mission is underway
    3. No, we shouldn't. I already like how the current missions are infantry-centric
    4. No. 5 slots are already good enough for 4 transport : 1 CAS or 3 transport : 2 CAS
    5. Since point 2 is no, No
    6. Like point 1, maybe will be included as in-mission purchase (then we will see the setup they set in the pylon; will it be more to AA or CAS?)
      • I do hope Gryphon is the cheapest
      • F/A-181 Black Wasp II and To-201 Shikra should only be the conventional version
  9. 1 hour ago, Happyman88 said:

    Hey guys,

    Im new to Arma and this fourm. Any pointers or tips and tricks are welcomed


    ProTips when playing on AW servers:

    1. Do not troll / TK / waste assets
    2. If AO is just beside base, suggest U drive
    3. Wanna pilot a chopper? Get good in the Editor or Showcase
    4. U can teleport between base and FOBs (if they are unlocked)

    If U wanna report players:


  10. 44 minutes ago, Doc said:

    GamerbugUK doesn't want this to become a overpowered beast where we just have 100 AT soldiers crowded around one truck reviving each other and bombarding the AO with missiles.


    44 minutes ago, Doc said:

    I think that we might be able to reach a compromise that will fulfill the requirements that fir_nev wants but doesn't exceed what GamerbugUK think's is too OP. I believe that this 'new' HEMMET medical should be able to transport troops, but has extremely limited inventory space. The inventory space, which will be tiny, should be primarily used for FAK's. This way we still have that hospital on wheels but its not also a armory on wheels. 


    Oh.. U clearly haven't seen me clearing Priority Targets and Side Missions while on HEMTT Medical on I&A 3.0 and 2.85 respectively. That is why @GamerbugUK deem it can be OP.





    44 minutes ago, Doc said:

    But I also think that we have one more issue to fix before anything else happens. This kind of ties into one of my posts on re-doing the side missions, but we need a Taru(correct me if i'm wrong, pilots) to airlift these HEMMET. Now, ill admit, I have driven a HEMMET Medical to an AO once, to set up that FOB but it took forever and the AO was quite close to base. If the admins to implement this system for the HEMMET Medical and don't implement a good way to transport it, well, I think that it will "die" off and no-one will use it. I think that a good compromise to allow the players to get their hands on a Taru could be by completing the "Secure Enemy Helicopter" side mission. This logically makes sense, a CSAT helicopter, Taru, is secured for NATO use. We could then ask VORTEX to fly that HEMMET out to the AO. 


    If GamerbugUK or if anyone else feels that we should not have this special HEMMET Medical truck right from the start, that is understandable. (I'm not saying this is what I want, I am simply proposing ideas if people don't agree with mine) What we could do if the admins and player base did not want the HEMMET Medical always around because of its OPness we could do something similar to the Taru. It could be earned through a side mission. Now I think that we might need to invent a side-mission for this, maybe "Secure Enemy Truck" or "Assault Enemy Hospital". After a successful completion of this this new and improved HEMMET Medical truck will spawn at base.


    :Cereal_Guy-min: I like Ur post. Taru is currently available once we unlock FOB Guardian but lifting of HEMTT would require lifting script.


    HEMTT's top speed is 82 km/h and Medical is third choice compared to Ammo and Repair variants. The least used vehicles compared to Hunter and Prowler.


    It all boils down to how a player appreciates the attributes of a vehicle to unleash its potential.

  11. 40 minutes ago, GamerbugUK said:

    I know you love your medical HEMMT, but you are actually having your cake and eating it by saying you want to be able to be an AT and a medic. Pick one or the other, I know I want a marksman rifle for my Medic (love that Spar 17), but that's being greedy and I don't see that being allowed.


    Singaporeans are known to be greedy... Just like people from PRC. :bitch_please-min:


    46 minutes ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Besides you can be a medic and take the RPG-42, or RPG 7.


    I have tried that. The results were less than satisfactory. <_<


    But AW is all about adapting and I have no qualms if this idea is deemed redundant. Just trying my like, that is all...

  12. 4 hours ago, Ryko said:

    Current code tests for I&A 4 use the vanilla revive system with a few things added on, so it should restore medical to the methodology you know and love and makes sense.


    So, can players revive each other with only FAK and medic gets 2x speed multiplier?


    4 hours ago, Ryko said:

    As for the HEMTT medical truck, how would you see that working in practice?


    If the answer is 'yes' to the preceding question, I will gladly ditch this idea. It is a nice nostalgia, though. ^_^


    @TheScar Looks like U will see more of Prowler heresy.

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