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Posts posted by SkullCollector

  1. We had lots of fun with impromptu End Game sessions while Gauntlet was out of order from the 1.56 update. We started out with 3 or 4 just on BLUFOR against the AI, then it snowballed into some amazing 20v20 at some point. I'd be game for that again any time.


    As for those ideas, I can see how a lowtech scenario could work out. If we need a story for an excuse, there might be a magical emitter interfering with radios, or it can be made asymmetrical with one side having access to radios, while the other side takes the role of rogues / guerillas scavenging what they find, but relying on messengers in fear of having their radio transmissions intercepted. Leave the radio side outnumbered but coordinated, and give the rogue side a numerical advantage. This could be taken a step further into a survival-type game, with these rogues having access to respawn, so the defenders need to survive wave after wave until all of them are KIA. Or give it a timer, after which extract becomes available and the defenders have to make a run for the heli. Then switch sides. Using a point-for-kill system, a winner can be determined after a couple of rounds.

  2. i love having a jet in the air for cas, as a ground trooper it gives us reassurence that if crap hits the fan support is only a call away even if the jet it at base. Yesterday was a perfect example of how CAS jets can be used to support ground troops effectively. 


    I was about to bring that up. Up until yesterday I thought CAS fixed-wings were forbidden, or at least shunned, because I'd never seen one on EU3. Just hearing the call for a fire mission, and then feeling the ground shaking from the cannon impacts, was on a whole different level than when a Littlebird drops a few rockets.


    So personally, I'm all for jets. With a good enough population, pilots usually play taxi or recon a lot, so if shit hits the fan and they get called, they'd still have to RTB, find the CAS bird, taxi to the runway, take off, receive fire mission and then take out the target. There's a sufficient time buffer to prevent OPness, I think. It's not some deus ex machina insta-win trump card. Same applies to attack helicopters.


    With that in mind, having a variety of jets can only be good and the Wasp is super modular. But it's up to the pilots to show their preferences, us ground troops just appreciate the orchestra of death.

  3. There has been word of an amazing plan for the modpack and EU3 in general, and from what little I heard, I can't wait for it. But I have to agree that it's a seemingly unreasonable downgrade from the RHS quality we got used to, especially if no one knows to what end it's implemented.


    This is not a rant. We will probably get a lot out of it in the long run, yet for now we're left in the dark with low-quality assets while we could have kept the previous stuff until the Community Upgrade Project has received an upgrade in and of itself.


    Is this a public beta? Are there things you want genuine live feedback on because you can't test them in a closed environment?

  4. For any non-gamenight session, being goofy is often part of the experience. Most of us haven't been in an actual military unit, and what is essentially playing pretend can be taken on a multitude of levels. The "veterans" (not even sure I am one yet) are usually on the same wavelengths, and if one day they're not, they all are mature enough to ask for what's up and about and comply on common grounds.


    There are some things I can get really pissed off with, and I consider them my personal pet peeves.

    Firstly, and I've brought this up before, I frequently find myself picturing to strangle those who keep their ACRE settings on shouting or unnecessarily loud levels, and thus talk over each other from 50 metres away. There's no way to make out who's talking to you or where a voice is coming from, and it drives me crazy after a very short while.

    Secondly, when people simply refuse or ignore commands issued by their direct superior (which is often the fireteam leader) and sprint ahead or out of cover just for the sake of quick and dirty action. I appreciate some fucking about and going rambo once in a while, but if there's a plan in place, it's just rude to topple it all over.


    So basically it comes down to using common sense and not being rude. There's a premise given by EU3, and the expectations you can have are fairly obvious. We have training nights now, so just drop by and see what we teach, you'll be able to deduct the atmosphere from the stuff you learn.

  5. Signed up, if I'm getting put as a TL please saddle me with people who have their head screwed on at least part way. Last time I lead was pretty fun, although that nudist MMG gunner is still a sore point.

    If that was when I think it was, it's the bane of attracting new people to the server. I remember a couple of my fireteam rushing ahead, and when asked (ordered) to stay in formation, the reply was, "but I need muh kills."


    It's funny until it's not.

  6. Will this be something like an exclusive group or an AhoyWorld thing?


    If we get two groups started, it just occurred to me that we could share the world and have something like periodical meet-ups. Have a drink and start a nice tavern brawl before the next venture.

    But that's just another one of my inane thoughts.

  7. A tournament would actually be a really nice change of pace.


    But what would you want to see in it? A series of End Game matches of 5v5, 10v10, or tiny 1v1 duels in confined space? A timed mission versus AI for each round, and the fastest team / player wins? Question is if that's proper PvP, then.


    But I like the idea. We should give this some thought.

  8. Can you make the questions multiple-choice or STV? I wouldn't mind any of the options further down, so having a top 3 would help. For the genre I went with 'other', just so I can say 'both'.


    For SF, my own novels made me biased towards scales of pangalactic societies, but all these little fantasy short stories I did when I started writing have rooted deep. I can appreciate the efforts of the individual elven tavern keeper just as much as the power struggle of an interplanetary nation in some good old space opera.


    If we do actually find enough people for a large-scale science fiction RPG, I volunteer to help maintain the universe.

  9. Did you migrate behind the scenes or was this an out-of-the-blue decision you made because of yesterday's desync?


    At any rate, thanks a lot! Today's gamenight will be a nice trial by fire, I'm sure.

  10. A thing I'd like to address is not an issue of ACRE, but should be common sense in the player base: Don't be on shouting at all times, or even normal.


    Shouting on open terrain easily carries your voice a hundred metres, and not only confuses people in the AO, but can get on your nerves during the staging phase when you can't make out who is talking to you from where or with what relevance. I've already had to take off my headphones just so I wouldn't get crazy.


    Setting your voice all the way to whisper reaches out about 5 metres, and normal around 35 or so. When you brief your team or just have a general conversation, find a sweet spot between these two for whoever many people are around. Terrain occlusion matters, not sure if player bodies count in there.

  11. We also had 152 problems at the beginning, solved (for me) by getting a new one from a full arsenal.

    343 worked for me after having swapped with Hatred, but bugged out again after ~5-10 minutes.


    Edit: Did extensive testing (with no results) and eventually, desperately, fixed my particular issue with a full Arma 3 re-install. Corrupted file, wonky dependencies, no idea, but it's all right again.

  12. 1. 343 as stated.

    2. Preset loadout.

    3. Haven't even got TFAR installed anymore.

    Bringing up the radio, the GUI and the ACRE configuration in the menu all passed tests. No pipe errors and I was connected to the game at all times, according to my TS status text.

    I checked if there was a key to switch blocks on the 343 without detaching the side, maybe it conflicted with another key binding. Nothing there. Also wouldn't explain why people couldn't hear me on direct. Regular TS in other channels and servers was flawless, my mic wasn't muted and Arma sounds played just fine. Everything also worked just fine when I respawned at the staging ground.

    Only after the transfer to the AO did I bug out. It got me to thinking it might be something in the helicopters, but I have no idea how pilot intercom works and apparently, all others were all right.

  13. Okay, today's the first time I actually got to know how all of you experiencing issues with ACRE feel. It even made me ragequit, and I'm the first to admit that. It seemed pointless to stay when no one could hear me.

    Also, 80% of the time I couldn't hear anything being said to me either, as soon as we left staging. I'm not sure if it had already bugged out in the Chinook, but in the AO, virtually nothing came in on the 343 from Flash (not sure if he was the only one I didn't hear, because, y'know, I didn't hear) and not even my team members were able to get my direct voice most of the time. On direct, I could hear them all properly, so I thought it might have been a TS plugin issue and reloaded it a couple of times, but that only fixed it briefly, read: seconds.

    Coincidentally, it's also the first time in ages I took a TL slot, and I've never had any problems whatsoever in regular rifleman slots. Not sure if it's correlation or causation.

  14. I do hope that we're having more EU3 Zeus missions, now that we know for sure people are interested. We had a good influx of new folks joining yesterday to try out and enjoy the more organised aspects of Arma. I'd expect to see some of them regularly on EU3 in the future.

    Overall, the OP was a success. People did what they were asked and ordered to do, stuck together in a coherent manner and weren't easily upset by the wank AI.

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