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Posts posted by Ryko

  1. On 12/30/2020 at 5:32 AM, Mad Eye Moody said:

    I was on as Vortex and despite valiant efforts to evade enemy jets, got shot down twice. Once with passengers and once as I returned to base. As a result I got kicked from the slot. Seemed a bit unfair at the time as I did avoid several missiles. Apart from that thoroughly enjoyable. 


    This reminds me of my very first car accident - a minor fender bender, where I skidded into someone's rear bumper.


    At the time, I was convinced I was in the right because the driver in front of me drove erratically and stopped very suddenly, giving me no time to react and creating the situation that led to our fender bender.  We drove out to the collision reporting center where we had to fill out a report form.


    "Where's the box that says 'the other driver stopped too suddenly?'", I asked myself, and the officer I submitted the form to.  This guy clearly had heard this complaint a million times.  He calmly asked me how much space I was leaving between myself and the guy driving in front of me.  "Enough," I said.  "Plenty," I opined.  "If you gave yourself enough space, you wouldn't be here," he replied.


    The point of the story is - it's up to you to create your own safe environment.  If you get shot down by a jet, that is obviously evidence that says the skies are not friendly right now and that's a threat that needs to be dealt with before you can try to get players back into the AO.  You are the captain of your own ship.  If other players are trying to get you to fly out when there are enemy planes in the air, or too much anti-air, or a SAM site, or WHATEVER, you have the authority to tell them no.  That they have to remove that threat before you will risk your life (and theirs) to transport them in. Air transportation is convenient, but it's not the only way into an AO.


    Further, this is the reason we give you two airframes - everyone can get unlucky.  But we limit the amount of airframes to give everyone a chance at the highly-coveted role of pilot.  

  2. 22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    Main topic of this feedback is the arsenal and monetization system.

    Thanks in advance for your comments and feedback; I will just take issue with your use of the word "monetization" as we have no interest or capacity to charge anything.  The in-game "currency" is reward points which all players accumulate on the same equal level.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    1. Make all weapons available but limit ammo. So for example an auto rifleman can equip a sniper or its ammo but cant simultaneously have them in their inventory, so therefore cant use it. As an Engineer or medic you might want to use LMG (like the SPAR-16s) style weapons for the better stats or maybe looks better, but with the 30round mags so you should be able to.

    This would defeat the purpose of having different roles.  At base, the arsenal is configured to offer you the weaponry you're entitled to use for the role you've selected; in the field, you can pick up and use whatever you want, though you may suffer an aiming penalty for using non-class or non-faction weapons.


    Plus there's no practical way for me to limit ammo.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    2. Please make all attachments in a weapon available. Last thing I want to face after a small weapon pool (compared to what is available) is not being able to slap a sexy suppressor on my weapons.

    The intention for the EU1 server (after several rounds of testing) is to make it an arcade atmosphere, so eventually yes, the arsenal will have all role-specific optics, and suppressors available without a need to unlock them.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    3. Make the DLC content people paid for available. The server isn't super mil sim with strict rules. People come on for fun and go to do missions with others because it is better than doing them alone. There are other servers for ultimate realism (which also have mods for other weapon pools). 

    I don't know what you're talking about here; the DLC content is available, as long as the item in question is available for the role you've selected.  The Promet weapons, for instance, are all available and unlocked.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    4. Idk if you can do this but maybe adding a parachute think where u can still have a parachute but not lose your backpack if you jump in the water. (I did a test jump yesterday. jumped in water with parachute. swam to the beach for 7 minutes and didn't get my backpack back after the chute was removed.

    If you jump out of an air vehicle you are automatically equipped with a parachute that is removed when you touch down.  If you want to take a parachute with you from the arsenal, that's up to you, but Arma does not inherently let you take multiple backpacks.


    If you didn't get a backpack back after hitting the water that's probably a bug because the code is waiting for you to touch ground.  Added to the list.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    5. Instead of "monetizing" attachments and weapons, monetize ranks or something that I currently cant think of. Use Role Specific Reward points from missions to show someone's experience in the server (so for each person, each role has their own progress and store item pool. Someone with a lot of experience can have higher Role Specific Ranks or privileges such as exclusive vehicles that only they can use or command the use of.

    That's a bit beyond the scope of what we want to achieve for this version, plus it'd only be good for a given mission; once the mission is completed, everything would reset.


    22 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    That is all for now. I want to clarify that the job that has been done is great. This is not me trying to be mean. I like the server and I can't find a better server that suits me more so I want to have all the arsenal to my use with minimal restrictions as others might agree. 


     Thank you for reading.

    Thank you for taking the time to add your feedback, and I take your comments in the spirit they were delivered.  Looking forward to seeing you back on server!

  3. 5 hours ago, Jonas said:

    Just an idea but maybe we could give CSAT their own little aircraft carrier somewhere in the ocean with on board AA (~ 5-8 km range) for their jets to spawn from ( spawn them above the carrier and have them fly to the target). That way they cant be "spawn camped" and don't just appear out of nowhere lined up on their target.

    It is a good idea, except the Shikra can't land on an aircraft carrier (can the Neophron even?).  Not that I use a landing pattern for enemy CAS - they just fly back to the airport and despawn. So we could say that these are carrier-capable airframes... hmm... this ain't a bad idea.

  4. Tomorrow morning when the server restarts the beta test will be using version 087:



    087 change log
    1. CAS aircraft spawned was not flying properly and crashing. fixed.
    2. Blackfoot (VIPER) was overzealous in its anti-solo protection. fixed.
    3. Potential fix for tracking pilot movement and counter idle detection.
    4. Killed infantry no longer shows up with black markers; destroyed vehicles will show up as black markers.
    5. Gave vehicle spawning / respawning some love, instances of bad spawns
    6. Setting a default respawn location was causing problems if USS Freedom was selected, fixed
    7. Quick fix on spotting, right now you have to be very specific on what you are targeting, fixes situations which were not working
    8. User map markers not changing to LZ/disappearing over time - fixed


    1. Added TWS and Surfer cap to reward pool because I'm not a monster.
    2. Added number of warnings in `shooting too much in base` condition.
    3. Adjusted how zeus pings operate (this will need some testing).
    4. Enemy vehicles will now spawn thermally hot.
    5. Adjusted security settings to fix a variety of issues (cfgDisabledCommands)
    6. Wipeout and Neophron default loadouts now includes 2x AGM


    1. Added ability to load a saved loadout at arsenal via addaction.


  5. Thank you all for providing your feedback.  I appreciate that you took the time and effort.


    18 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    If you keep I&A 4 in it’s current iteration, it will change the climate of EU1. I started playing Arma on EU1 and stayed because I enjoyed the relative freedom it gave me to pick and learn a role and also squad up with whomever I wanted to and have my friends in roles that they wanted to play as well. I enjoyed being able to earn reward vehicles and drove them without needing to change slots to do so. 

    It was also simple and fairly idiot-proof. A great place where new players can learn and also feel welcome in the AW community. 


    This is something we're consistently talking about: what are the desires of the average Ahoyworld Arma player, and is the mission a fun place for them to spend their time.


    That said, trying to define the "average" player is an exercise in futility.  Generally, you have players that gravitate to the "milsim" style, where things are regimented and meticulous with a chain of command; on the other side, you have extremely casual players who want the exact opposite of this.  Trying to find a balance is particularly difficult.


    I contend that you have to have some practical limits to what players can and cannot do for a very important reason; mission balance.  If you have a squad full of players armed with Titan launchers, machine guns and classed as medics and engineers, they can pretty much wipe out an entire AO from a hillside by themselves, and other players will complain that they just spend 30 minutes getting to the AO only to have it finish.  Over and over again.


    Further, if a player can take any vehicle, then you run into situations where seven tanks are dismantling the AO.  And again, other players complain that these players are ruining the game.


    It certainly isn't my intention to prevent players from playing with their friends, and I will gladly concede that the IA4 dynamic groups system, especially concerning custom groups, isn't currently friendly when it comes to making that happen.  It's one of the last things that needs to be refined and improved before launch - but it's also one of the things that has the most bugs, and those need to be fixed first.


    18 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    I do not like the map and that I cannot see all the objective markers at all times.

    This is a server difficulty setting that we can look at changing; right now, the setting is that the markers appear when the player's GUI is refreshed (for example, going to the map and then exiting it and then they fade over some seconds.  We could set it so that the task markers are constantly on the screen, but you will potentially have up to 7 task markers on the screen (primary and sub objectives - all clustered together, secondary mission, personal waypoint).


    Feedback from previous beta tests is that this is overwhelming and that the fade model is preferred.  If a majority of players tell me that this is no longer the case, I'm certainly open to changing it.  The workaround for you would be to double-tap J, which will bring up tasks and send them away again, which will show your task markers in the game world.



    (Discussion re armor crews, soloing, playing with other players in armor group you don't know)


    You're all completely correct in what you've mentioned.  The challenge is to make a system which balances the usefulness of the asset and makes it fair for all players to have access to.


    I think we can (as a baseline) agree that there is a distinction between pilots and non-pilots.  IA4 tries to make a further distinction by segregating heavy armor out from all other vehicles, purely because the vehicles have the capacity to completely wreck an AO, similarly to how a CAS airframe can do.


    As another baseline I've put a hard limit on four heavy armored vehicles (ie., Marshall, Slammer) that can be used by the two dedicated armor groups.  If you don't think 4 of these vehicles is enough to tackle an AO then that's another conversation.  Early testing didn't have these limits and we say cases of 6+ heavy vics going into an AO and wiping it clean within 2-3 minutes.  So if we can start by agreeing that this isn't desirable behaviour, then we have to work backwards from that and decide how to regulate those vehicles.


    What you're asking me to do in looking for a solo-vehicle scenario is create a situation where you can have groups you can exclude players from.  For jets and helis this isn't a problem because they are functionally solo vehicles.  But for tanks, which can (and probably should) accommodate up to 3 players, it seems you want a system where you can have a small group of players who are your friends, but also lock out players who are not your friends.  This is tricky because if you by definition want a casual play system, you can't then start creating barriers for these same casual players from playing.


    This is made further complicated by situations where a player solo's a Slammer, gets it killed within 5 minutes, and is then chastised by the server for taking it out alone.


    I welcome suggestions on what the perfect solution is on this front, because I hope you can see there are a number of issues at play here, and I haven't yet found a balanced solution which accommodates them all (at least, in the Gambler/Hitman context).  I could allow for something like the Armor Commander can lock the squad and prevent other players from joining (or allow the AC to invite other players specifically) but then we run into other issues as I've enumerated.


    18 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    i don’t want to grind a few hours just to get the loadout I enjoy playing with

    I've also heard it from players that they enjoy having goals to accumulate points towards, but I don't think there's a clear majority on this issue.  I could easily be persuaded that the default setting for EU1 is that all weapons and gear are essentially pre-purchased and available in the arsenal, but I think that touches on another discussion point - whether people are chafing at role-related restrictions ("why can't I have a machine gun as a medic").


    3 hours ago, Cammobi said:

    I&A4 an upgrade for I&A3, or a server in its own right in a same way Ahoy has other servers with more realism built in?


    IA4 is trying to be a lot of different things, and I think what we're trying to aim for is what the "general/casual" settings will be - this is an extremely important discussion and I welcome it


    59 minutes ago, Pukamafin said:

    I got an idea about kicking pilots that crash too much. 


    It's an interesting idea Pukamafin, but as you say there's going to be an issue if, say, we make the "Fine" 500 points and your infantry player comes into the role with 4,500 points.  If they accumulate points while flying, it could be over a dozen choppers have to get destroyed before they're forced to leave the role, and in an IA3 environment one of the things the mods love doing is having to tell inexperienced/bad pilots to leave the role.  This system automates that process.  I recognize that it is at times vastly unfair (arma physics, Tigris spawned underneath you, etc) but remember that the system is at its heart designed to accommodate the fact that the pilot role is one of the most popular, and we're trying to let every player have a fair shot at the role.  Plus, it's only a 30 minute timeout.

  6. 4 hours ago, Berker said:

    it should take some time for enemy to take off their CAP jets, also their CAS jets shouldn't spawn over only 1 hunter with 1 infantry inside.


    Yeah, that's not intended behaviour, I think you got unlucky with ambient AI.  Remember that the mission also attempts to simulate that the entire country is occupied by the enemy, not just the AO.  But three enemy air spawns is definitely not my intention there.


    4 hours ago, Berker said:

    What Im suggesting as solution is, either make jet respawn times much more shorter or find a way to discourage random people from using those assets, like paying X amount of points to occupy the slot.

    Unfortunately this is the nature of a public, casual server; we don't whitelist slots, anyone is welcome to play any slot on a first-come, first-served basis.  We have guidelines in place to suggest that players learn to fly offline, but we can only kick for wasting assets, and we have no intention to create any kind of system which segregates players.


    That said, I appreciate the point you're making, and I like the idea of reducing a respawn timer for vehicles that die within the limits of a friendly base.


    4 hours ago, Berker said:

    Also each player should be allowed to lock the reward vehicle they bought

    Reward vehicles are spawned as locked to the player that bought them.


    4 hours ago, Berker said:

    It is so unpleasant how other players occupy other crewman slots and hopping in the vehicle you bought and giving you order

    Are you talking about an "armor commander" in your group doing this?  I mean, I can't possibly regulate how players choose to play their roles.  I think the only thing I can suggest here is that you offer some kind of suggestion for how to alleviate this situation.


    Right now, any group leader can lock their vehicle, as long as it's a land vehicle; air vehicles can't be locked as you could create problems transporting players, and attack vehicles don't have enough seats to justify locking.


    1 hour ago, Minipily said:

    a much shorter respawn time if they crash in base and haven't left said base first?

    Yup, I like it and it's implemented.  I can't distinguish between a bad landing and a combat kill, so it's just going to have to be a generally hard exception case to try and capture base shenanigans.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jonas said:

    After closing the game down using ALT+ F4 my bought reward items are now gone(weapon and laser designator). The reward points I earned stayed however.

    Reward items are tied to the role you occupied when you bought them; if it's a Sniper-specific rifle, then you'll only find that weapon in the arsenal when you re-occupy the sniper role.  If it's a general weapon (like the AK-12, for example) then it should be available for any role you occupy.  It's worth asking if that's the case before assuming there's a bug.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Bug: Enemy CAS as well as an enemy MBT spawned in reaction of me driving to the AO.  The AI couldn't possibly know about my position because I was 6k out of the AO.  Same happened to someone else, just only an MBT, not a neo. 


    Likely these are both ambient AI spawns, reflecting the fact that the entire country is a dangerous place.  I'm also assuming the enemy has access to satellites, UAVs, etc, which means they have good visibility on player vehicles.  That said, if you're finding that ambient is too frequent, then it can be toned down.  Once AOs are secured, they become zones where ambient AI cannot spawn, so if you want to be safe (at least from enemy ambient land vehicles), drive through secured zones.


    Also - recall that not all enemies de-spawn after the completion of an AO, so it is also possible you are encountering vehicles that are not in the immediate engagement area of the AO, or vehicles that have spawned in relation to other players.  Unless you have specific knowledge to know that enemies are spawning specifically to you...


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Mild annoyance: main objective tasks spawned as assigned instead of created.  Meaning that if you manually assigned yourself the side mission you'll have to reassign it every time an AO spawns.  Not a big issue, just an annoyance but one that is very easy to fix.


    I am 99% sure I am creating tasks as CREATED rather than ASSIGNED, but I'll check.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    And lastly (for this reply) the rules related to CAS need to be revised.  The current rules are made for I&A3, where CAS is an uncommon occurrence.  Now it's rather common.  Meaning that you'll run into situations more where infantry have driven half an hour to a side objective only for the commander who's sitting comfortably at base to tell the wipeout to just level the side objective, taking away from the enjoyment from the people who are actually playing the mission. 


    Not sure how this is different from current rules, which require ground forces to authorize CAS strikes.  Is there a specific rule on IA3 that prohibits one player from authorizing CAS against targets when other players don't want it?


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    I'm the only one in the vehicle, yet the vehicle isn't empty enough to be locked?

    Could be because you're not in the driver's seat, I will check.  Not a great hint, either way.


    1 hour ago, Jonas said:

    Enemy artillery will target a player until either the arty gets destroyed or the player dies. Maybe have a limited ammount of shells per target or a max amount of time a player will be targeted by artillery

    That's true, but I would suggest that players in the reverse situation would probably not be as kind to OPFOR...


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Another bug: vehicles aren't being cleaned up.  Leading to there being no vehicles in base for people to use. 


    Next version will feature a glorious overhaul of vehicle spawning, which hasn't gotten any love since beta 36.  It's particularly bad this version.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Edit: another bug: the server FPS displayed under performance in the admin screen shows client FPS, not server FPS as it says. 

    Uh not sure that's true, but I'll check.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Edit edit: markers placed via zeus can't be edited or deleted in zeus, they become player placed markers

    This is known, because you're creating a new zeus module every time you enter zeus.  It's on my list.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Edit edit edit: Reinf paratrooper didn't get new waypoints for the new AO, this are his waypoints from the last AO

    They get a search and destroy waypoint when they land, if there's nothing there when they land, it will end with nothing. They will react to players through standard AI.  If the AO completes, they'll be swept up into a move waypoint to the next AO.


    I'll check, I think they're supposed to get a move waypoint after the search and destroy waypoint, but generally, they land pretty close to the action so I've never really bothered.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Enemy ambient spawned *rather close* to base:

    I can only move the goal posts so much.  That's 1.4 km from player spawn


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    It's a common occurrence for ambient to spawn in in response to friendlies that they can't possibly know about. 

    See above.  Ambient spawns consider all players to reflect the idea that there are loads of OPFOR on the entire map, not just in the AO.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    All the enemy reinforcements were killed yet the defend objective didn't complete

    On a counter attack mission, the mission is on a timer, not simply a slay all enemies condition, because players aren't omniscient to know when they have killed the last dude.  The mission notifies players that they have to secure the area for X minutes, and when the timer completes, the next AO spawns.  Players in the AO actually get several notifications indicating how much time is left.  Technically if there are more enemies than players in the AO when the mission completes, OPFOR should retake the AO, but I can't be bothered and it would probably slow down the game.


    If it went for more than 15 minutes without completing, then there's a bug somewhere.


    1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    Manual spawned Kill HVT mission spawned with task and marker for supply cache

    The possibility to spawn chosen specific side missions was added hastily and with no documentation, technically you need to pause side mission spawning before launching the side mission you want or else things can get messed up.

  8. Hi Art3misZA,


    Thanks for taking the time to write your thoughts down.


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    Can you have the markers for all active objectives show like the previous version and not only show when it’s been assigned? I get that we need map awareness and all that but while traveling, if one stumbles across the side mission or something and dies it wastes time and resources. This also helps in objectives being completed more effectively as all players are aware of active tasks at all times.


    I think you're referring to the server difficulty changes which fade the task markers as opposed to a vanilla regular setting of keeping the task markers visible at all times.  There's a good argument to be made that they should remain on a casual server, and we could have faded markers on a more hard-core (EU2) server; I'll pop that question to our admin team for their thoughts.


    My feeling was to go with the faded task markers to clear the HUD of clutter; If we went this way, it would mean that you would also see that secondary mission that's 18 kilometers away.


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    Also I am not a fan of how the map currently works in terms of markers for vehicles and infantry. The previous one feels a lot a cleaner and easier to use. I didn’t even use the map yesterday because it didn’t offer me anything beneficial as markers seem to fade fast and EI are not marked. My reason for bringing these points up is that you have a lot of new and casual players on EU1 and these small things plus the increased difficulty of missions makes it frustrating and will probably result in teamkills, players not wanting to play due to frustration with mechanics and difficulty etc.


    My intention here was to remove the godlike ability the player has to know where all enemy infantry are, and exactly where and how they are moving, by simply opening the map.  As well, it would force the player to perform some level of target acquisition and keep them in the game world rather than flipping back and forth to the magic map; the targeting functionality (while, admittedly, not perfect) is meant to bridge the gap, but clearly, it's not used enough to do so.  My hope was that this was just something that would be adopted over time.


    The reason the markers fade over thirty seconds is because they are statically marked, and over time it becomes misleading to think there is infantry in a certain place when they would have moved away from where they have been marked.


    It's hard to say whether this has resulted in more teamkills; my impression is that there is an equivalent amount between 3 and 4. 


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    To be honest, I still have a better, more fun gaming experience on the old version because it’s simpler and I enjoy clearing buildings of EI. Please put EI hiding in buildings again!


    I should note that EI do garrison in buildings.  The difference between 3 and 4 is that they will leave the building if they are shot at.  It makes no sense to glue the infantry to buildings when they are being attacked, and in addition, it has led to cases where players are absolutely certain they have cleared a town when they have not found that trio of enemy infantry that are stuck in a building.  This way, they will leave a building and engage, leading to a completion of the AO.


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    I was frustrated, annoyed that I kept dying trying to get out of the old AO because infantry don’t despawn,


    Infantry used to despawn, until there was some hue and cry about how unrealistic it was, especially when people where about to kill an EI and it would disappear in front of them.  Keeping them in the AO makes it a bit more challenging, especially as that EI now gets a move order to go to the next AO.


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    annoyed that I kept getting one shot by EI over 700m away.... 


    No amount of coding is going to stop that from happening, that's just Arma.  I have made some skill changes to the EI to be in line with difficulty settings present in IA3, and I have seen it result in cases where the AI gets into battles they clearly should have won, only to get shot by a player.  The logic I've seen with Arma is that if you're being shot at by an EI, it is time to reposition, as they will get more accurate over time.  You are literally dueling with an aimbot!


    7 hours ago, Art3misZA said:

    I think AW need to look at what, ultimately they want from this. Is it for the experienced players, to offer a challenging experience? Is it for the casual players? Will newer players stick around, eduring the more challenging aspects and dying often to master the new version?


    You're wise to ask this question, and it's a question I ask myself every beta test.  Nothing is set in stone, and changes are being made all the time to adjust to the majority of the player base; especially the parameter settings of the mission that will play on our flagship server (EU1) where casual play is the intention.


    One of the hardest things is to decide what features are "too hard" for a casual player and should be removed, versus what features are too useful or good and you just want the players to adapt to it.


    Again, thanks for your comments, and I welcome discussion on any of these points.

  9.   Moved this over here as it's relevant to the mission generally


    3 hours ago, Stanhope said:

    Some ideas:

    • Remove the perverse incentive from vortex

    Currently it's in Vortex' best interest to fly leisurely to the AO and speed back to base.  As vortex gets points when flying people around.  Instead have vortex earn points by dropping people of near an objective (maybe with a multiplier for distance to the objective) and for bringing them back to base. 


    You're not wrong, but I think you run this risk of creating a different perverse incentive for Vortex to plant people as close to the center of the objective as possible.  I haven't heard a lot of complaints about pilots being slow to drop players at the objective.  I already have to deal with pilots who complain about how they shouldn't be held responsible for the loss of an airframe when they're killed by enemy fire.


    • Introduce a kill assist mechanic

    Currently you can do 99% of the damage to a vehicle but if it blows up on its own after that you get no points.  At least with an assist mechanic (e.g. a hit event handler that pushes back the players uid into an array that's set on server on the affected object with setvariable) you'd get some points. 


    Well, this is already in place:



    IA_fnc_rewardPointEH = {
        params ["_unit"];
        if ( isNil "_unit" ) exitWith {};
        _unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", {
            params ["_unit", "_causedBy", "_damage", "_instigator"];
            if ( local _unit && {isPlayer _causedBy || isPlayer _instigator} ) then
            {    if !(isNil "_instigator") then
                {    _unit setVariable ['lastHitPlayer', _instigator]; }
                {    _unit setVariable ['lastHitPlayer', _causedBy]; };
        _unit addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {
            params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"];
            if !( local _unit ) exitWith {};
            private ["_rewardPoints", "_type", "_modifier", "_reason"];
            _modifier = OpforSkill / 5;
            if ( _unit isKindOf "Man" ) then
            {    _rewardPoints = 25; _type = 0; _reason = "Infantry killed"; }
            {    if ( _unit isKindOf "Air" ) then
                {    _rewardPoints = 500; _type = 3; _reason = "Air vehicle destroyed"; }
                {    _armorVal = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _unit) >> "armor");
                    _rewardPoints = 150; _type = 1;
                    if ( _armorVal > 700 ) exitWith { _rewardPoints = 400; _type = 2; _reason = "Armor vehicle destroyed"; };
                    if ( _armorVal > 200 ) exitWith { _rewardPoints = 250; _reason = "Light vehicle destroyed"; };
            _rewardPoints = ceil (_rewardPoints * _modifier);
            if ( isNil "_killer" && isNil "_instigator" ) exitWith
            {    _killer = _unit getVariable 'lastHitPlayer';
                if !( isNil "_killer" ) then
                {    if ( isServer ) then { [_killer, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] call addRewardPoints; }
                    else { [_killer, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] remoteExecCall ["addRewardPoints", 2]; };
                    _type remoteExecCall ["trackKill", _killer];
            if ( !(isNil "_instigator") ) then
            {    if ( isServer ) then { [_instigator, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] call addRewardPoints; }
                else { [_instigator, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] remoteExecCall ["addRewardPoints", 2]; };
                _type remoteExecCall ["trackKill", _instigator];
            {    if !(isNil "_killer" ) then
                {    if ( isServer ) then { [_killer, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] call addRewardPoints; }
                    else { [_killer, _rewardPoints, _reason, nil, true, true] remoteExecCall ["addRewardPoints", 2]; };
                    _type remoteExecCall ["trackKill", _killer];


    So this is your kill assist feature; when a unit is Hit by a player, a variable is set on that unit that marks who was the last person to hit it.  When the unit is killed, if Arma can't detect who the killer was (the vehicle died due to arma physics, or a cook-off, or whatever) then it should reference the 'lastHitPlayer' variable and award reward points to that player.  But as you and others are experiencing, that's not happening.


    The local unit checks are necessary because the unit could be owned by the server or the headless client, and in an MPHit or MPKilled situation, the code is run on all connected clients.

  10. 5 hours ago, Minipily said:

    I +1 Johnson's idea, I've seen custom loads for aircrafts but in vehicles it could be useful.


    It'd be a post-release implementation and I'm not even sure it's possible. Aircraft can have customizable loadouts but it's not as easy with vehicles that don't have pylons.  There may be away to alter vehicle ammo loadouts.


    5 hours ago, Minipily said:


    Here's my feedback from yesterday:



    • I was not awarded for about 75% of what I did yesterday, same goes for the rest of the crew. Checking in on the scoreboard before we went off, between the crew we accounted for about 50+ infantry destroyed and ~20 vehicles destroyed. After pooling all of our reward points on me, we finished the night with 4500. In total, we collectively earned about 9000 points that entire night. I can confirm that when checking history, the vast majority of our kills were not recorded, with even entire AO's worth not showing up. To compare, last test it worked absolutely fine, with us collectively earning about 25,000 points the entire night.


    Yep, I'm well aware of this issue.  Killing infantry is pretty straightforward as far as recording kills, but for vehicles Arma is a lot more tricky.  I have tried to implement some exception cases that track who "hit" the vehicle last when it died, so as to award the reward points to someone, but that doesn't seem to work reliably.  The larger problem is connecting a hit to a kill; there are cases where you can shoot a vehicle but not kill it, but then a second later it dies from arma physics.


    The ideal way would be to intercept the score table and equate that back to reward points, as that system seems to work 100% effectively, but Arma has no commands that let you parse that data back out, as far as I'm aware.


    5 hours ago, Minipily said:
    • AI was spawning on top of our vehicle during one of the AO's. I believe they were Special Forces teams dispatched to deal with us, however on about 2 occasions, a squad spawned directly on top of the vehicle, killing the friendly infantry next to us. Not sure if we were parked on top of a spawn point or something though.


    That's not ideal behaviour, and all I can say is that I do go to some great lengths to try and spawn enemy units out of the reasonable visual range of players.  Enemies only spawn during the creation of an AO, or when they are spawned via ambient AI, but in both cases, logic is in place to choose infantry spawn locations that are at least 500m distant from any player.


    That said, I can imagine a case where ambient spawns in response to a specific player, and that 500m parks in the vicinity of another player, but again, it's meant to avoid that scenario.


    5 hours ago, Minipily said:
    • Not sure if this is a bug or just something I was experiencing that night, but the A-164 Wipeout does not have a working camerapod and laser sight. I can fully understand if this was a choice made to try and mitigate pilots targetting things on their own, however I just didn't know about it so it seems like a bug that affects combat efficiency in the jet.

    This is indeed by design and for that very reason, and it's carried over from I&A3.

  11. 18 hours ago, WinterMute said:

    When pilots reach 9 minutes on the AFK counter, can you pop up a hint (not requiring a click to acknowledge!) that reminds the pilot to move their mouse/press any key, in case they are HOTAS users?

    I think it does do that, but I'll check... it does escalate from systemChat hints to actual hints, I'm fairly certain.  But yeah, the hintC would be pretty obnoxious as a chopper pilot :)


    17 hours ago, MidnightRunner said:

    18:48:45 Observer B GHOST:2 (vladd) REMOTE (s_20) in cargo of B GHOST:2 (vladd) REMOTE (s_20); message was repeated in last 60 sec: 8111

    Standard arma rpt spam


    Error Undefined variable in expression: getplayerbyuid

    Very strange, as this is a defined function in the mission file, did this happen before you relogged? You said you had an issue with alt tabbing during mission load




    That's a specific Arma/Bohemia function, not sure what's happening there.


    17 hours ago, MidnightRunner said:

    Also, the below functions are restricted, is there a reason for this

    As I've said before, if there are Achilles/Ares functions that are being blocked just let me know and I'll add them to the whitelist, I don't test with Achilles loaded because inevitably I manage to pack the mission with it, making it a dependency 😕

  12. Hi folks,


    Invade & Annex has a main objective to assault and secure an area of operation somewhere in the mission terrain; and when completed, it selects a new area and creates the next main objective there.  In the context of those main objectives there are usually sub-objectives, which add flavour to the main mission, which may also be mandatory to complete the main objective.  Further, there are also secondary objectives; side missions which are completely separate to the main objective.


    The purpose of this thread is to document what these missions are, and to allow suggestions for new sub- and secondary- objectives.  We welcome your suggestions for new sub- and secondary objectives, in order to keep the game interesting.


    There is a big caveat to these kinds of missions, however; ArmA does some things very well, and other things very poorly.  Anything that requires the AI to drive from one point to another is just asking for trouble, so your convoy missions, reinforcement missions, and even defense missions will likely not survive from the suggestion phase.   It's just too hard to figure out how to get the AI to cooperate with what you're asking them to do.


    Secondary missions can fail; sub-objectives cannot.  Please feel free to add your ideas to this thread and we can discuss if they can be implemented.


    So, without further ado, here is the list of sub-objectives:



    I&A 4 Sub-objectives:


    • Destroy Ammo Depot: a camo tent containing a supply crate is randomly spawned in the main AO.  Defended by a light infantry.
    • Attack Helicopter: one or two (depending on player count) enemy helicopters are spawned with dismounted crew.  If players are detected, the crew will mount the helicopters and attack detected players.  If no players remain, the helicopters will attempt to escape. Spawns on airfield objectives only.
    • Anti-air vehicle: an extra anti-air vehicle spawns and must be destroyed.  Also spawns an additional APC/IFV.
    • Command Center: a military cargo building spawns with two power structures.  The building is populated by a small squad as well as mounted static machine guns. A single squad patrols. The building must be destroyed.
    • Enemy officer: a small command squad spawns garrisoned in a building. The officer must be killed.
    • Elite squad: a large overstrength infantry squad spawns with a patrol order. The squad has very high skill and has an assortment of weapons.
    • Mortar squad: a small squad spawns equipped with a mortar. The mortar will target groups of players that the enemy has detected who do not move.
    • Radar vehicle: an enemy radar vehicle spawns with light infantry and an anti-air infantry team. The radar must be destroyed.
    • Repair depot: a tent hangar spawns with a repair station and a damaged, unfueled, uncrewed and unarmed heavy enemy vehicle. The depot is defended by light infantry. The repair station must be destroyed.


    and the list of secondary (side) missions:



    I&A 4 Secondary missions:


    • Capture UAV: an enemy UAV has been shot down. The UAV must be located and the players must download the intel from it.
    • Destroy SAM site: a SAM launcher and radar spawns, with light vehicle and infantry defending. The players must destroy the SAM launcher and radar.
    • Destroy Artillery: two artillery vehicles spawn, with light vehicle and infantry defending. The artillery units must be destroyed. The artillery will target players similar to the mortar sub-objective above, even across the map.
    • Destroy Mobile Transmitter: several enemy vehicles spawn, one is a transport vehicle equipped with a radar dish. The vehicle must be disabled and its intel downloaded. Once the intel is downloaded the vehicle must be destroyed.
    • Destroy Cache: a supply cache has been stolen by the enemy: locate it, download its valuable intel, and then destroy it.
    • Destroy Tank Platoon: several armor vehicles must be destroyed while they are being repaired by the enemy.
    • Kill High Value Target: a high-ranking enemy officer must be located and terminated.
    • Capture High Value Target: a high-ranking enemy officer must be located and captured.
    • Rescue Civilians: four civilian hostages have been taken by the enemy; they must be located and rescued.
    • Destroy Radio Tower: destroy a radio tower.
    • Destroy Prototype Tank: the enemy are field-testing an advanced tank. The tank is heavily armed and armored, and defended by light infantry and anti-air units.
    • Disable East Wind Device: the enemy are field testing the East Wind Device, capable of initiating earthquakes. Locate and disable this device. Earthquake tremors will occasionally occur to players in the area of the mission.
    • Disable Radiological Device: the enemy are field testing a radiological device. The device must be located and deactivated. Players in the mission zone will take radiation damage unless they are equipped with CBRN gear including a specific uniform, face mask and backpack which are present in the Contact DLC.


    In addition, I am developing certain missions which will activate only during the mission night cycle: stealth missions, which require the player(s) to remain undetected by the enemy.


    • Steal Documents: locate and steal enemy documents without being detected by the enemy.


  13. 19 hours ago, MidnightRunner said:

    Not a fan of the map markers fading, clutter on the map has never been an issue which needs to be sorted. 

    It'll be a little less obnoxious in the next version (in this version, they were disappearing in about 10 seconds.  That was never the intention; it was meant that they'd disappear over about 6 minutes.  New behaviour is as follows:
    1) Disappear functionality applies only to markers in sideChat. Markers in Global, Vehicle, Group, etc remain as normal.

    2) Markers prefaced with "LZ" are maintained in sideChat and transformed into a special LZ symbol.

    3) Other Markers disappear slowly over 6 minutes.


    15 hours ago, JJ Cakes said:

    I have no idea if this is would be difficult to implement, but it would be nice if players could set a preference that when they log out of I&A4 their murder coins are distributed equally to the side.  I tend to forget, and have to log back in to give them away in the instances when I actually remember to log back in.

    It wouldn't be difficult, I just wonder how many people will dig down to find the preference to do so.

    I'll put it on the list. It probably won't make it in for initial release, but it's definitely an interesting idea.


    20 hours ago, RiverWolf said:

    @Ryko Think the AI need dialling back a little bit, so many pin point head shots last night from miles away was crazy 😆

    Yeah, thanks to Stanhope I have lined up enemy AI subskills to be similar to I&A3.  I figure there was some good work done to find the right mix of AI settings for that mission, which I'm more than happy to paste into 4.

  14. Beta 082 change log


    1. Players who fire in base zone will only be killed if they are within 100m of the player spawn area.
    2. UAV now serves as AWACS aircraft, and will call out enemy air contacts if detected.
    3. Zeus healing a unit (CTRL H) will also fully repair a vehicle they are in. Selecting just a vehicle will fully repair the vehicle with this keybind.
    4. Revisions on how medical tent and healing actions work to mesh better with battleye. In medical tent it is now an action rather than just walking inside.

    1. Players were not receiving revive rewards.
    2. Some vacated group roles showing up as Error: No Unit.
    3. Persistent mission variables were not saving properly for server/mission restart.
    4. Occasionally players switching groups would put player to orphan group (Al), will now be regularly cleaned up and replaced into their proper groups.
    5. Tweaks to cleanup script, should now delete civilian and enemy vehicles that are not destroyed but abandoned in previous AOs.
    6. Unlocked FOBs would not spawn vehicles after persistent mission reset.
    7. Error for enemy officer sub-objective if mission spawned in area with no buildings for him to occupy.
    8. Fixed error in zen occupy script (did not supply center position)

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