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Posts posted by Ryko

  1. Hi folks,

    This should probably be on the Gauntlet feedback thread, but I thought there were so many opinions floating around during today's session that perhaps people might want to consolidate them here.  Here are my thoughts:


    1) People are longing for a Blackhawk on this map.  My understanding is that Bacon wanted Fallujah to be a more convoy / ground vehicles oriented map.  If the idea is to discourage air travel, how about station some permanent anti-air in the city?  Some guys with Stingers, some static AA guns - that would encourage people to go by land in a hurry.  And it would also provide a secondary objective: clear out AA emplacements so air can land.


    2) I'd remove the M1 Abrams tank.  It completely outclasses every opfor vehicle.  Unfortunately everyone wants to take it because the Bradley doesn't have Thermals that work.


    3) Fix the C-130?  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a paradrop insertion. :)



  2. You're right, Smiley - but you have to save your kit from the Virtual Arsenal and then load it in EU3, which I don't think is a server rule, but if it's overly abused, probably could be...


    Just a note on this.  I used the UAV today on an op in Fallujah and it was a great asset for spotting and marking enemies.  Except that I think the way that the Gauntlet missions are played, the AI spawns and despawns relative to the location of the players, so while I spotted tons of enemies from base, by the time we approached, they had all disappeared and started showing up along our path of travel.  So the UAV might be useful in the middle of a firefight, but for planning purposes, probably not so much.



  3. @Pancake - this is a great guide and I'd refer anyone to it.  The only thing I'd wonder about is the camo specifics - does different camo matter to the AI?  I imagine it doesn't, so really this is a role-playing thing - technically we'd all be better off wearing winter camo so we wouldn't FF each other. ;)


    I'd echo Hawkeye's thoughts on bandages, but I tend to lean on Packing bandages because bullets produces Avulsion and Velocity wounds, which PB's are the most effective for... and I seem to attract bullets.


    I'll also reference this post (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26288) which seems to indicate that there is a definite advantage to keeping your weight below 40 kg.


    Thanks also for answering my unasked question about suppression and the AI.



  4. The only reason I launched this thread was to smooth out the rough edges when it comes to players enforcing the rules with each other.  There is far too much time spent in base kitting up as it is and if people have the proper guidance in knowing what they can and can't take, it will speed things up.  As well there won't be arguments about who can bring what.  Not everyone reads these forum posts.


    If blacklisting is hard on the server I totally get that.  If it's possible to add some descriptive text to the weapons in the arsenal that's probably the better option.  I'd be happy to volunteer some time to effect this if that's something that can be delegated.



  5. One thing I really enjoyed about Boogieman's SL job last night was the post-op talkbalk, it was really good to debrief about things that went wrong in the field.


    Another thing I think a training session would be useful for would be the medical system.  We don't necessarily need to turn everyone into a medic, but knowing the basics would be very useful to keep other players alive until a medic can arrive.


    I also really enjoyed the Zeus mission; it's a pity we ended up wasting the hostage. :)



  6. I was also in the first mission.  We were executing pretty flawlessly through the first few engagements.  And then we had some attrition due to disconnections... two men down due to glitching through stairwells... myself included.  Lots of fun, though!  If one of the EU servers could be set up to run just missions like this, I would totally be in!



  7. @Plant1ng


    I really enjoyed yesterday's UAV mission as well, I don't know if you also played the Ballistic Missile Launcher recovery mission that followed but I think that was also a great success (ie it didn't nuke anything and we brought it back to base with minimal casualties).  I had a sense that some people were grumpy in the UAV mission that we won without too much contact, but as you say, isn't that the definition of a successful mission?  I am thinking that people essentiallly want a challenge - targets to neutralize, some danger - but not so much that you actually get killed or can't complete the mission...


    I'm interested in your point - "Or the next objective spawns near us. We can do briefing on the field and proceed to next objective."  In fact that's exactly what happened in that mission after we destroyed the UAV, there was a new mission to the north of the current position, I can't remember what it was but my initial sense was that we were well-armed, took no losses, and we were loaded out in such a way that we could successfully complete the mission.  I suggested that rather than just RTB with the heli we turn north to a new LZ and do a field briefing to take the next objective.  But I was shouted down (even though I was Platoon Commander) because "This isn't the EU1 server".


    I think EU3 means different things to different people, even though its definition and heavy ruleset is laid out quite clearly on the forums.  I can almost hear the grinding of teeth when someone wants to do something outside of the box.



  8. Thanks, Pero.  I've enjoyed figuring out how to use the HuntIR grenades and they are quite useful.


    Doesn't quite address the question, though, as to whether the UAV is legit on EU3.  I saw someone using one today, and it's clear that only happened because they had gotten the UAV terminal from the Arsenal one day when it wasn't blacklisted, and now it's saved in a kit.



  9. There's a lot of angst and derision on EU3 concerning players who take too long at the ammo box; this is also matched by scorn and rule-waving when people take weapons and equipment outside of their role.


    My suggestion?  Remove the ability to choose.


    When people spawn in right now in a certain class, they already have a default loadout; just keep it at that.  Perhaps allow them to change an extremely narrow array of options, like the scope on their rifle and the number of magazines they can carry.  But different uniforms, non-role or faction weaponry... this can and does lead to all sorts of problems.



  10. Is it possible to use the UAV?  Seems to me it would give a significant advantage in spotting those enemies that can see you between forty layers of tree cover.


    Would search the forums for a possible previously-asked question but UAV is three letters and search requires four.



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