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Posts posted by Xwatt

  1. I try to do this is as much as I can when i'm zeusing, If the AO is low and AI and very abundant in players, I will send reinforcments.


    I always try to change the way I do this, to keep it refreshing, so it's not always the same.

    My reinforcements could be;


    -Helicopter Insertion

    -Helicopter paratroopers

    -Infantry transport trucks 

    - Armoured Convoy 

    - Light Vehicle Convoy 

    - Enemy QRF (1x attack heli, kajman or Orca)


    This is just the few ways that I can think on the top of my head, I am forever learning, trying out new ways to bring reinforcements in a way that is fair, but effective so the AO's don't always feel the same, and I hope that the players enjoy this as if I feel it is too much, I will reevaluate the ways I try to spicen up the  mission.


  2. that's an odd place to place Praetorians :P 


    I'm also slightly concerned about the spacing between the ground vehicles, if one was to glitch and explode, It may create a chain of reaction for all of the other vehicles leading to a very big fireball.


    Lastly the Stop gate (I forget what it's called, the thing under the finish sign) would probably just get broken as most people will just drive through them as they are too lazy to get out the vehicle and open the gate.

  3. Indeed what BorderLive said is true, never feel threatened to ask others around you for help, all of us at one point had to ask, myself included


    99% of the time anyone you ask in enhanced will be more than happy to help you, again myself included :)


    See you around!


  4. Welcome to the forums Hashlog!


    nice to see you're already nice and cozy in enhanced, feel free to ask me, or anyone else in enhanced, for help if you are struggling with anything :)

  5. 1 hour ago, radek said:

    1) GG grenades, not OMG

    Switch throwing 'nades from simple G to G+G (double tap). it's a dangerous toy. And it happened to everyone.


    2) check CAPS

    actually, nevermind caps lock state. but change it from 'transmit on current channel' to 'group chat' (which is the one you actually want to use) and assign '4' for vehicle and '5' for direct. that way you never gonna spam side/command again.


    3) Y u mad?

    Unmap Y (Zeus). Simple. You don't need it ever and it only will get you into troubles.



    Nice to give a reminder to people now and then about this kind of stuff, they are things that annoy all sorts of players, maybe this topic might help influence people into not making these 3 common mishaps. 

  6. Ahoy!


    Seen you around a lot on the server these past couple of days, nice to have you aboard.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help if you see me around :P 



  7. Hey Lindi,


    I was having the two same exact problems as you, but I managed to fix them today.


    I used to get errors from BAF when launching the game, and inside enhanced I would keep getting  'session lost' every 10 minutes or so I joined.


    So I reinstalled the modset, this fixed the 'session lost' but then I had an issue where the AI were invisible.


    So this was the fix. I kept the reinstalled modset, but I uninstalled, and then installed arma 3 sync again.

    I then synchronised it with the repo and didn't touch anything else, just launched the game with the mods.


    This fixed the BAF erros on startup, I did not get any 'session lost' and I could see the AI again.


    Hope this helps you,




  8. Here's how I see it.


    I've had many conversations about the role of the wasp with many people since the introductory of the Jets DLC.  The role of a CAS jet should be a SUPPORT role. Meaning that the pilot should only fire on request and should be on standby, scouting targets. Sadly this hasn't been been the case. I have seen pilots utilise the black wasp incorrectly, taking it upon themselves the fire without request and 'One manning' missions spoiling the role for those on the ground.


    Face it, it's a public sever. No matter how hard you try an enforce the Black Wasp as a support vehicle, you will constantly see people taking it upon themselves to fire. There will always be a poor execution on a public server of support roles. It is something that requires communication and coordination to be effective in any scenario. Invade and Annex for me has always been better off without the CAS jets as they are not needed in order to be effective and getting the mission done. The player count is usually high enough that the fire power of jets such as the Black Wasp are not needed.


    I also feel the Jet DLC has put too much power in the hands of the pilot. the new system allows the pilot to lock and fire without the need for people to lase targets as the pilot can do this as it is in his power, allowing him to engage every target that he can see.


    Personally I feel the Black Wasp should not spawn on the carrier. I feel it has too much unnecessary power that is not needed 80% of the time. Instead it should be limited to a side reward or a FOB vehicle as that way it can be utilised effectively, as players don't need to have access to a CAS jet that permanently spawns at the carrier that they have 24/7 access to if it hasn't been destroyed


    My action points are:


    • Limit the Black Wasp to side rewards or to a FOB. That way it can still be utilised effectively in I&A but then players do not have access to it whenever they feel, they must work for it, this makes sense as I feel a vehicle with such firepower should be worked for.
    • Replace The Black Wasp for the AA buzzard, this can replace the Black Wasp at the carrier, and I feel a pilot who is skilled has access to the tools needed to eradicate enemy air such as Shikras and Neophrons, while not ruining the fight for the players on the ground.
    • If somehow you feel the AA Buzzard is 'underpowered' replace it for the Gryphon, it doesn't have all the fancy parts of a Black wasp but it still has more than enough power to be effective at its role, and should be able to eliminate enemy air and few ground targets, as such hefty power that the Black Wasp has is not needed to be effective.

    The comment of 'The AA buzzard is a air to air while the Black Wasp is air to ground' may come up but that's my point. I don't see the need for an air to ground jet to be accessible all the time, an AA jet should be more than enough to eradicate issues that players complain about, enemy jets, and a vehicle with such firepower like The Black wasp should be worked for, and reduced to a FOB or to a side reward.

  9. 7 hours ago, Miczils said:

    Hello, as some probably already know, with a few other players we have gotten an idea of placing billboards that promote AWE on Eu 1 and 2. Quite often i see players on those servers that really want more tactical realism/try to do that there. And quite often, when asked about AWE, i find out, they had no idea that it even exists or many answer something along the lines of "yea i heard about it, what is it tho?, like, I&A with 18gb of mods?". 

    Therefore, my idea is to make some "tacticool" billboards around the base on Eu1&2 from the great pictures that we have on the forums, promoting, and informing players of the environment AWE offers. I have spoken with a few staff members, and they seem to like the idea, next step is asking @Ryko and the rest of core staff what they think about it, but to do that, having a few billboard projects made, would be useful. I would love it if you posted your favorite pictures from AWE and your ideas of slogans that could make players consider joining, or at least, checking out the "Enhanced" community, in this topic, also, it would be great to hear everybody's ideas and opinions. 

    Cheers Miczils
    Ps. if you want to take it a step further and make some billboard projects, that would be damn amazing : D .


    I believe this has been done before on early versions of I&A2 but for some reason it seems they were disbanded for a reason that I am not aware of.


     I managed to dig through some of my very old screenshots and I managed to find a few!


    Of course the old billboards ( see below ) are very dated, but I am with the idea of updating these to fit in with the more - modern enhanced server.


    (The screenshots were taken at 2015-06-30) so a fairly long time ago :P





  10. Hi Shay!


    Seen you a lot on the #EU1 server the last couple of days, and its great to see you are enjoying yourself!

    Teamspeak is a great alternative if you want to hop on and speak to many of the people on the server,

    Hope to see you around even more :)


    - Xwatt

  11. 5 hours ago, GandalfTheCray said:

    Version: Gauntlet 53_114

    Mission: Kerama Islands

    Bug: AI take over after player disconnects / re-slots

    Description: Instead of the player dying and the body despawning, AI takes control of the player after the player returns to the lobby. Happened on three occasions at base when people from Alpha returned to lobby.


    Adding on to this, when re-slotting people were not able to do this from the lobby directly, instead they had to fully disconnect from the server and connect again in order to have the ability to re-slot.

  12. Welcome Fletcher!


    as long as you know the basics you should be fine, be sure to come to me if you are in need of assistance, I would be more than happy to walk you through some basics and even some more advanced little tips.




  13. 3 minutes ago, kebabelele said:

    I've seen you around quite a lot too, it has been really fun playing on AW!







    except deez stoopid AA's


    Maybe im a bit too addicted, clocked 9 hours gametime today......


    Ouch :P 

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