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    GamerbugUK got a reaction from fir_nev in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    The MXSW provides the best ammo/stopping power/accuracy/manueverability ration in my optinion.
    The SPMG and Navid give better stopping power and accuracy if you are stationary and have someone to tote ammo around for you (or you have a vehicle); next up would be the Zafir; that said if I'm driving all the way to an AO, I'm taking AT not MMG rounds, I'd rather hop on a heli if I'm being an autorifleman.
    M200 is ok but the ammo weight makes it less impressive than the MX.
    All the others fire 5.56 making them less attractive options overall.
  2. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to fir_nev in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    I still think SPMG provides more accuracy and stopping power but the weight and limited ammo count will hinder me. Nice offence there.
  3. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from fir_nev in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    When all that ammo comes in handy.
  4. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Stanhope in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    When all that ammo comes in handy.
  5. Haha
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from fir_nev in One question!   
    They are the ghosts of the dead forever in TK limbo....
  6. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Stanhope in Adding Opfor to EU 1   
    Yes it is possible, but.  
    I&A was never intended as a PvP(+E) mission.  Because of this the code was not written with PvP in mind meaning that it won't be something we can quickly do.  It'd require us to rewrite a lot of the code, write new code, ...
    It'd be hours of work to only be able to do it, it won't even be bug free by then.  Making it bug free would take an additional few hours of work.

    Then we get into the problem of balancing.  How are we going to stop people from spawn camping,  which weapons are we going to give to who, where are we going to have CSAT spawn in, ...

    Because of all of these reasons I&A 3 will not be modified to be a PvP+E mission.  
    We've talked about it in the past in the dev team when developing malden.  It'd also require a lot of code to be altered and would make maintaining all the versions just that bit more time consuming.  Again this because I&A 3 was not written with this in mind.  However i do think that it's possible in a reasonable amount of time.  
    Suggest it in the ideas box and we might look into doing it.  I'm not making any promises though.  
  7. Haha
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Stanhope in One question!   
    They are the ghosts of the dead forever in TK limbo....
  8. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Zico in My 2 pence   
    1) Though Stan has said they are working on a fix here, there is also the issue that if 6 randoms clear a side mission with little to no comms, who gets the singlular reward? Most of the time I find myself in side misisons with people I have no idea who they are and it just gets cleared (or borked if its the intel/officer mission). Granted I don't care about rewards I do side missons for something different to a normal AO, but still.
    2) I do miss the centralised base and I disagree with the choice to have it where it is for the annex feeling (as it never feels like we're annexing it anyway) fair play if they leave it where it is. However even with a centralised base, if you are in Sofia doing an AO and the next pops up at Kavala, same problem for an MBT and the trave time.
    3) Nice idea, doubt it'd work but damn if it wouldn't scare the pap out of complacent hill campers to have a player squad of EI sneak up behind them and punish them (or a hilltop AT guy sat 1500m out.... not that I ever do that....).
  9. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Vargen in Terve! (Hello)   
    Hello and welcome to the forum, server, battlefield and have fun!
  10. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Nosferatu in Community Logic   
    You sound like a really nice person...
    I personally don't want someone, anyone, using the word gay in a negative way, nor is joking about rape okay in a mixed community like this. People need to be held to high standard of decorum, so i applaud whoever banned you. 
    If you want to make rape jokes and call people anything up to and including 'gay faggy fags' go ahead and do that on another server populated by like-minded people. 
    One of the best things i've found about this server is that everyone is really respectful and professional, with a few exceptions. 
  11. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Mark T in Community Logic   
    Using gay as anyting but a way to describe someone as happy or homosexual is using a word as a slur, "this is gay", "that is gay", "stop being gay", as it is using a word associated with a peopel of a sexual preference and putting a negative slant on it as you would typically replace the word gay with another negative term, "bad", "wrong", "stupid" etc.
    You say being banned for a server for this is bad? I know people who have been given formal warning at workplaces and even sacked for this, so no it is not OK. Does it bother me, not really, is it deemed offensive by many, yes.
    As for rape, using this as a joke doesn't really work either as too many people can be offended and rightly so. Does it bother me? No I have a dark sense of humour, do I use it here on the server? Nope.
    Also it takes time to stop and type these things, it's not like you are blurting it out in the heat of the moment over voice chat.
    I've always found the admins friendly but then again I have never given them a reason not to be.
  12. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Amentes in Community Logic   
    Using gay as anyting but a way to describe someone as happy or homosexual is using a word as a slur, "this is gay", "that is gay", "stop being gay", as it is using a word associated with a peopel of a sexual preference and putting a negative slant on it as you would typically replace the word gay with another negative term, "bad", "wrong", "stupid" etc.
    You say being banned for a server for this is bad? I know people who have been given formal warning at workplaces and even sacked for this, so no it is not OK. Does it bother me, not really, is it deemed offensive by many, yes.
    As for rape, using this as a joke doesn't really work either as too many people can be offended and rightly so. Does it bother me? No I have a dark sense of humour, do I use it here on the server? Nope.
    Also it takes time to stop and type these things, it's not like you are blurting it out in the heat of the moment over voice chat.
    I've always found the admins friendly but then again I have never given them a reason not to be.
  13. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Stanhope in Community Logic   
    Using gay as anyting but a way to describe someone as happy or homosexual is using a word as a slur, "this is gay", "that is gay", "stop being gay", as it is using a word associated with a peopel of a sexual preference and putting a negative slant on it as you would typically replace the word gay with another negative term, "bad", "wrong", "stupid" etc.
    You say being banned for a server for this is bad? I know people who have been given formal warning at workplaces and even sacked for this, so no it is not OK. Does it bother me, not really, is it deemed offensive by many, yes.
    As for rape, using this as a joke doesn't really work either as too many people can be offended and rightly so. Does it bother me? No I have a dark sense of humour, do I use it here on the server? Nope.
    Also it takes time to stop and type these things, it's not like you are blurting it out in the heat of the moment over voice chat.
    I've always found the admins friendly but then again I have never given them a reason not to be.
  14. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from BloodInTheSand in Community Logic   
    Using gay as anyting but a way to describe someone as happy or homosexual is using a word as a slur, "this is gay", "that is gay", "stop being gay", as it is using a word associated with a peopel of a sexual preference and putting a negative slant on it as you would typically replace the word gay with another negative term, "bad", "wrong", "stupid" etc.
    You say being banned for a server for this is bad? I know people who have been given formal warning at workplaces and even sacked for this, so no it is not OK. Does it bother me, not really, is it deemed offensive by many, yes.
    As for rape, using this as a joke doesn't really work either as too many people can be offended and rightly so. Does it bother me? No I have a dark sense of humour, do I use it here on the server? Nope.
    Also it takes time to stop and type these things, it's not like you are blurting it out in the heat of the moment over voice chat.
    I've always found the admins friendly but then again I have never given them a reason not to be.
  15. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from fir_nev in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    Yay I got to play for a bit, being a parent sucks! 
  16. Thanks
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Avenhold in Greenhorn.   
    Hello and welcome.
    The servers are purposely built to be played without DLC, though having it will allow access to more weapons etc.
    The only server reliant on DLC is EU4 which is set on the Tanoa map, and Apex is needed for this map.
    All other servers are either vanilla (EU1/2/5) with the option of a few client side mods if you want them, or the slightly more tactical/milsim server AWE (EU3); that relies on a lot of mods, but again does not require DLC. There is a whole sub-forum for AWE where you can find all the help you need.
    Ahoyworld wants to let anyone play not just those who purchase the DLC.
  17. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Stanhope in Greenhorn.   
    Hello and welcome.
    The servers are purposely built to be played without DLC, though having it will allow access to more weapons etc.
    The only server reliant on DLC is EU4 which is set on the Tanoa map, and Apex is needed for this map.
    All other servers are either vanilla (EU1/2/5) with the option of a few client side mods if you want them, or the slightly more tactical/milsim server AWE (EU3); that relies on a lot of mods, but again does not require DLC. There is a whole sub-forum for AWE where you can find all the help you need.
    Ahoyworld wants to let anyone play not just those who purchase the DLC.
  18. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Hodor in Just a quick hello!   
    How do and welcome.
    It is indeed a great place to have fun, and just get on with the game.
    If its more realism you want the AWEU3 recruiters will be around soon, if not pick any other EU and have fun.
  19. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Hodor in Hi fellaz!!   
    I have a 3yo son and a 3 week old one, so activity is limited due to the new arrival, but I try to get one when I can.
    I happily take whatever role but AT, Medic and Marksman are favourites - ironically I'm often a squad lead though (only slot not taken)
  20. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Hodor in Hi fellaz!!   
    Hi welcome and hope to see you out on the battlefield.
    Advice is shoot the bad guys, not your allies, don't fly helis if you dont have the skill (practice elsewhere such as the editor), and have fun.
  21. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from TheScar in A few ideas and more   
    Thsoe two points seem to counteract each other, ral as possible, can we run around with realistic loadouts. Don't get  me wrong I don't think of the public servers as remotley realsitic, it just needs to maintain balance.
    Depends what the vehicle is for and where you park it. I do this all the time and I've had my vehicle stolen once in the last few months, and when it is stolen, not a lot I can do, move on adapt. I have had countless missions where my ammo ran out, I adapted, took what I could from dead enemies and made it through multiple AOs, its heartpounding stuff. Another issue I have had is crashing a vehicle I have loaded up either at an AO, or on my way to it, and thats really frustrating but those are the breaks as well.
    An option here would be try, instead of lowering weight, lobbying for pilots to bring a supply drop to a finished AO as a standard practice maybe they will add in a rule or a best practise guideine "if a pilot is at base or very near base and an AO has completed, before heading to evac bring a supply crate with you".
    I can't comment what other servers do, I only play here, but I guess if other servers did what I wanted and here didn't I'd play there instead. That said I've not liked every step AW has made but it still gives me what I want; even if they lowered the weight as you suggest I'd still play here it'd just be a lot more arcadey than it is now, but I'd adapt easy enough and just have fun being a walking tank.
  22. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to TheScar in I:A | UGV Stomper & UAV AGM for UAV Operator   
    in b4
    broken wheel flipped FF damaged FF firing spawn issues continued beggings to slingload the thing So,when the Stomper (unarmed) gets added i expect a edit in numbers for UAV tools total count,right?
    (read = -1 Greyhawk)
  23. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Stanhope in I:A | UGV Stomper & UAV AGM for UAV Operator   
    We haven't fully discussed all of that just yet.  We're currently discussing something else, i cannot disclose what this is at this time.  But all of that will be discussed before we put it in.
    1: obviously
    2: you've got to have skills to flip something what such a low center of mass
    3: the stomper is unarmed?  And it's pretty recognizable but that hasn't stopped people yet   (take the guy that was shooting at my slammer earlier today)
    4: same as 3?
    5: shouldn't, fingers crossed XD (i'll properly test it)
    6: we have a blackfish now
  24. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to TheScar in A few ideas and more   
    for a start,as you said - its a game that we r playing on a free to access by anyone that owns A3 and therefor you can expect getting a certain portion of retards by default and RL training/combat experience doesnt apply in a game world,so dont even go there
    But its a two way route,you also meet great tactical and teamplay orientated players also and (imo) thats what you (i) strive for,those 20min of enjoyable cooperation in the 3h run you had.
    What if i told you that your take on the situation is flawed?
    I learned to keep my vehicle off pub crowds/reinforcements/anyone_i_dont_know @ my 2nd day on EU1#.
    You need to adapt your plan to the current situations ingame.
    Works for me,at least.
    And about the locks on vehicles,sounds reasonable but that conflicts with the way AW always managed the (public) servers and this is the no mod requirement to play and that´s just fine.

    I agree the pilots lack a certain idea of logistics 85% of time and have no intention to uphold a logistic chain at most.
    Then you have the occasional pilots that take 15min to load their choppers only to be shot a few min after and all their load effort was useless.
    Or,like i experienced,you fly a few hours with all sorts of ammo and none even requests it as they prefer to respawn and be reinserted,then you get shot down.
    There´s no way this can be enforced by AW at all.
    The players need to change or simply JUST DO IT.
    Its always best to start by yourself first and see if people will follow your path.
    Again,that´s what i´d do.
    Apart from the fact i see Ammo Supply trucks and Prowlers driven by several people all over Altis daily.
    Maybe check the map more or adress certain people by chat you know doing just that regualry and the chance to get a supply drastically changes to your favour (at times).
    Or,supply on dead enemies.
    Again,i do that regulary - any chance i find gear on dead enemies  i deem usable i take it.
    The most effective weapon of humans is their brain and the ability to work with it.


  25. Haha
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from S0zi0p4th in A few ideas and more   
    Not sure that being a trained gunner is important, your real life scenarios make perfect sense without needing to back them up.
    Regars the limitations; take a vehicle, take a friend or pick a lighter setup. You can carry a ridiculous amount of 6.5 100rnd mags for the MX-SW, I think I was easily toting about around 1500 rounds of ammo, which is pretty impressive for a solo person and allows you to lay down some impressive suppression (not that suppression really does anything in Arma).
    In real life an AT soldier would also have support carrying rockets etc, or a vehicle to supply them, but in arma you can carry exactly 3 a weapon and some gear. I have a choice, take 3 titan missiles, ask a buddy or grab a vehicle - I tend to do the latter.
    It's a pick up and play server so the supply chain doesn't work as there is little coherency, though you may find others willing to help in that regard.
    Counterpoint to what I have said of course is, its a pick up and play server, so why restrict weight, and not allow people to carry more rockets ammo boxes etc? and the answer is we used to allow that and AOs went down faster than they came up with one man armies laying waste to them (anyone remember the VR suit abuse?)
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