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Hi fellaz!!


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So, my gaming name is Olim Ra.

Im 33 yo boy/man/daddy from Finland. Few days ago my friend told me about this community and servers, and i immediately tried it out. Im very excited about it. Nice people and things are working good. Im not so good at english, but quick at learning.


U can send me a friend request on steam and come to chat. Im pretty new with Arma but i handle the basics. So if u see me doing things wrong, or something, u can give me an advice. 


See u in the field!! :)

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Im pretty active gamer, allthough i have a 2 yo daughter :D so i think we gonna meet there. 


Im training to be a heli pilot. Just bought a joystick, and im training in editor :) not sure what is my favourite role, but being as medic is fun. Have to try different roles so i can be multitalent ;)


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On 8/16/2017 at 10:55 AM, OlimRa said:

Im pretty active gamer, allthough i have a 2 yo daughter :D so i think we gonna meet there. 


Im training to be a heli pilot. Just bought a joystick, and im training in editor :) not sure what is my favourite role, but being as medic is fun. Have to try different roles so i can be multitalent ;)


I'll just drop a link here... dunno if it is helpful. Oh and Hi!



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Hello Olim Ra,


Welcome here and have fun. Any other games you play? Ive heard you guys from finland also have a talent for racing and by the looks of some finnish ahoy members, you guys excell in censored  censored . Anyways, have a good time here...

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On 21.8.2017 at 2:13 PM, PiranhA said:

Hello Olim Ra,


Welcome here and have fun. Any other games you play? Ive heard you guys from finland also have a talent for racing and by the looks of some finnish ahoy members, you guys excell in censored  censored . Anyways, have a good time here...

Thanks! Planning to get project cars 2 on pc. I have first one on ps4 and i like it a lot. I have thrustmaster ts300 steering wheel so everything is ready for taking tight corners on the tracks. 

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Hi Olin Ra & welcome!

I'm pretty new here myself, I've joined a few games on eu1 and have had a great time.


Best bits of advice I can give is say hello to your group when you join and be vocal in your group chat, makes your experience 10x greater.


Sharing your mags with team mates who've ran out is a good way of making friends, (you can take them back if they stand up and wave at a tigris).


Also read the forums & guides and you'll pick up info you never knew existed. And don't stand up in the open fields when everyone's getting lit up around you (Tried and tested).


Lastly, shit happens. I've been sniped by team mates, shot point blank clearing a town, just brush it off the players usually apologize straight away.


See you in game :)


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8 minutes ago, Minipily said:

Welcome to AhoyWorld! 


You fins always say you're bad at English but funnily enough you usually speak better English than an Englishman! :P 

Its not that an englishman can't speak english, its the fact that most of the time they speak english english, a sadly not so rare language only the english inhabitants can understand and not everyone else who can speak understandable english ?


Bit, as you say, all sacndinavian people

i have met can speak english very good..

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