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AW needs you!!!!!

Have you noticed the billboards next to the vas man on EU1? Have you thought they look amateurish and a bit poop?

Well here's your chance to pretty up the place!!! How about your image up there for all players to see?

Here's how you do it.....

Post an image that you think would look good up there, it might be a bit jokey, it might be information that you think many people could do with knowing, it might be a screenshot of something around Altis you can submit whatever you think would be well suited. (no we won't post questionable material of any kind)

Information in the image like AW links (forums, ts, youtube or twitch) and advice is encouraged.

You can add some AW logos or branding to the image if you like and we will sign the winners name on the image for all to see.


A group of cultured admins will pick the final contestants and the community can vote on which one they'd like to see! 

the image must be 1024(width) and 512(height) pixels large and in jpg or png format.

Here's a  few examples I came up with....

Good Luck 



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