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Everything posted by swelod

  1. mission/side/missionControl.sqf:21 _delay = 300 + (random 600); The _delay should be the time in seconds between side missions.
  2. If you are not in the squad.xml (yet), you will get an error when joining a server: 17:05:18 Error in expression <foSquad = _infoArray select 0; _squad = _infoSquad select 1; _infoName = _infoAr> 17:05:18 Error position: <_infoSquad select 1; _infoName = _infoAr> 17:05:18 Error Undefined variable in expression: _infosquad 17:05:18 File C:\Users\Somename\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Somename\mpmissions\co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_83G.Altis\initPlayerLocal.sqf, line 152 In initPlayerLocal.sqf:150- _infoArray = squadParams player; _infoSquad = _infoArray select 0; _squad = _infoSquad select 1; _infoName = _infoArray select 1; _name = _infoName select 1; _email = _infoSquad select 2; The function sqaudParams can return "[]" and we get an error at "_squad = _infoSquad select 1". Might be: _infoArray = squadParams player; if (count _infoArray > 0) then { _infoSquad = _infoArray select 0; _squad = _infoSquad select 1; _infoName = _infoArray select 1; _name = _infoName select 1; _email = _infoSquad select 2; } else { _email = ""; }; or e.g. use BIS_fnc_param or... Edit: Happens at both EU#1 and EU#2: co60_AW_Invade_Annex_2_83G.Altis: initPlayerLocal.sqf line 152. co30_AW_Invade_Annex_2_83D-S.Stratis initPlayerLocal.sqf line 110.
  3. You link to a Kamen.pbo but in server log it is Yugioh.pbo. The same? You seem to use an addon, team force radio in the mission.sqm. You got that on the server? If you use a clean Invade Annex mission without any modifications, does it work? If yes, try to add the force radio and check if it works. If that also works then try to add the new vehicles. (Your entries of the new vehicles are different from the I&A vehicles. Check mission.sqm and compare your vehicles to I&A). Edi: Also check your .rpt logs.
  4. From the mission.sqm the mortar spotter is of class "B_support_AMort_F". In the scripts/restrictions.sqf:21 _uavOperator = ["B_soldier_UAV_F","B_officer_F"]; could be: _uavOperator = ["B_support_AMort_F"]; Or change the class in mission.sqm. I've not tested it. Edit: I did test it. Not only the UGV will be available but also the AR-2 darter. Not sure if that is intended,
  5. *FEEDBACK* I have not played it too much but I find it to be rather good, but misses the small Stratis a bit. You have to cooperate more which is a real good thing. *IDEAS* - I agree with Laforte that the base looks empty. You start looking into the hangar, and if it is night it is pitch black. Add some lights etc. - Miss the action "clear vehicle" which is handy for an AT adding some titan rockets. - Not played it too much but I think the enemies sometimes spawns rather close to you. - Add the mission objective in the Briefing/Tasks menu in the map view. I missed the objective as I didn't zoom out enough. *BUGS* - Cannot see buttons in the VAS dialog. The buttons still works but it is a bit hard to remember what the buttons means. I will keep playing it. * One more "bug". CBA is not up to date with latest version. You have you have to download it manually.
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