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Allow a new Mod on #EU1



Hello ,
I just found a really interesting mod. Its a mod for people with a second screen , to see on this second screen the map of Altis , from the server you're playing at. You should take a look on it.Its the Athena mod: http://www.athenamod.com/
It looks really nice and it would be really nice , if the mod would make it on the list of the allowed mods.
It just gives you a live picture of the map , so you don't have to press M all the time and take the risk to ram something (if you're a pilot ( expecially when you're flying in a jet))

Well , thats my suggestion :D


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i think we should add enhanced moment mod. it lets you clear walls and climb up ledges. the developer of it plans to make it coop with useing a second player to get over higher walls...


This would occur weird for player not using it. It would teleport people over/thorugh walls for non-using clients. It would only work if ingame animations are used (meaning everyone has them and would see them).


Could you also provide a link to the mod (if there is one), I`ll look into it.

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Feedback to EU#2
It works perfectly and I got like no laggs or FPS decreases.
The FPS of the map is on 3-4 which is perfectly fine. You can track yourself or just get a big overlook over the whole map if you want.
If you're a pilot this map is extremely good , to look where you're flying or where are people in the middle of nowhere to pick them up and stuff like that.
It even shows you all the LZs from the Global,Side and like every other section.
For me , it works perfectly fine , how about you all?


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