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What is AWE to you

What is AWE to you?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What is AWE to you?

    • Strict limitations (faction based arsenal), with teamwork based gameplay
    • casual limitations (blue/red based arsenal), with teamwork based gameplay

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Basically i just want to get an idea what you expect from AWE and the experiance you want from it.


The idea is, do you want the server to have  stricter limitations on cosmetics or less, with the gameplay still being more serious than the public less modded servers. 


comments are appreciated.

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To go into more detail for anyone who might feel a bit "in the blue":

The "Strict limitations" option is in reference to an idea posed by @Mouldy (correct me if I'm wrong of course) whereby there would be a multitude of factions to play as, but each faction is limited to the specific gear of that faction. For example, United States Marine Corps (USMC) wont have access to US Army gear (like the M3 MAAWs) but instead have their own type of weapon, like the SMAW.

You would still get to use all the equipment available in the modpack, just not ALL at once. And if you hadn't guessed, yes, I voted for this.

I'm sure someone else can vouch for the other option, which is essentially having all gear accessible, similar to EU#1. I personally think this "Casual" option demotes teamplay and brings too high of a focus on gear, but each to their own.

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Indeed. Both options will limit the accesibility of items based on the roll that player is running. However the casual option would mean all blufor items would be within the arsenal and you can run whatever you want whenever you want within normal gameplay. This adds options for you and shouldnt demote from gameplay as its only cosmetics that change. 

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I believe with limitations, we get a broader horizon of gameplay as we get to be limited by the very limitations certain militaries get.


This not only enforces better teamwork, the core point of EU3 since I personally witnessed its birth, but also brings about new gameplay that is engaging and exciting compared to having everyone thrown at you at once, which would quickly make the server become stale which is exactly what happened in the first place.


Learning from our mistakes is paramount.


The server should not cater to everyone, but more rather specific individuals that see the benefits of teamwork over casual gameplay where they can do as they please. For example, 77th JSOC cater to specific people yet both of their servers alone see more activity than AhoyWorld, something that was actually really rare back when there was more of a sense of competition between the two.


EU3, or AhoyWorld Enhanced, does not exist right now. So, as a result, we should be able to make it anyway we like. There is no "preset" measure of what the "server is". So, this is a great time to start fresh and get it right this time! Alongside quite a few others, I personally see that making a stricter area that caters to specific players would do much better than a casual environment.


Dare I say, that numbers do not mean community. Just because a server has more people playing does not mean you have a community, it just means you have players on the server, many of whom do not care about said community. Look at EU1 for example.


It's important to build that community we once had back up, I felt deeply disheartened to see what the server was becoming over the years and seeing how we needed to cut the Teamspeak shorter, the AhoyWorld Forums were hardly getting used and the Discord/Telegram is mainly catering to a specific few individuals rather than a large scale community discussion.


MSO was something myself and a few others built, a server to cater to specific individuals rather than anyone, and still that server did really well and dare I say that the community there was larger than that of AWE in its final days. That is actually quite sad.


Make AhoyWorld Enhanced a community server, not a modded EU1. I, among others, would be sad to see something become unoriginal from which was once incredibly original.


Hopefully this post makes a difference, polls amongst literally anything else that happens here seems to be a sensitive matter, which is a shame. I would like to see the community come together. I'm not saying that by making this server cater to specific people that only specific people can join, I'm saying that these people should adopt a specific mindset. Again, having literally everything for free will get boring and the server goes from teamwork to playing for themselves, which is what happened with EU1. For example, people have the freedom to fill up car full of AT and depart on their own, there is no teamwork in this and therefore would no be a fit environment for AWE. Instead, people should be limited as to what they are able to do, so that people are forced to play together and act as a team. Teamwork breeds Cameraderie, Cameraderie breeds Community.

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I am glad that this is finally being brought to light though, at the end of the day the Community should at least have a say in what is happening.


I hope that things can be worked out, I do honestly feel that a stricter environment is not only a more original environment but also one that is better for this server and community.


EU3 or AWE was always about Freedom, yes, but too much Freedom leads to utter Anarchy. There's still Freedom with stricter limitations of course! We can even have a PMC faction that caters to a wider scope. Stricter limitations just means that people stay together in a similar gameplay pattern which helps the teamwork bond.


I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes, and I do hope that I&A4 is a turn around for this community.

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4 minutes ago, GhostDragon said:

This adds options for you and shouldnt demote from gameplay as its only cosmetics that change. 

I agree on a surface level, but in practical implementation I think there have and will be problems. Such as magazine incompatibility, increase of Blue on Blue due to clothing differences, separation of players into individual groups (as we saw in Stiletto with @MoonFire 's group and my group wearing different cloths and testing our own different playstyles, rather than unifying together).

In my personal opinion, the cosmetics can give off the feeling of unity and teamwork, along with practical benefits. Myself and Ghost both agree that with the with the revival of AWE a groundwork should be laid establishing what extractly the server aims to be. However how this is done and what this groundwork entails is where we find our differences.

Of course, both systems have their benefits, such as the "Casual" option providing a more relaxed experience and allowing people to do whatever they want. In my opinion and experience, this bores people too fast and is one of the main reasons AWE did eventually collapse (don't take that as fact, just my own opinion). The "Strict" system benefits from unity, but lacks the same high levels of freedom as the "Casual" option has.

Hope I'm not hogging this post too much, just want to make sure that my own along with several other's opinions are documented as it has been a while since we've seen AWE activity.

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The issue i forsee is that a group of players will get on and decide what faction they like. This will lead to other factions not being played and then people joining and leaving due to not being able to play how they want. This is why, in my opinion it should be a relaxed arsenal until a gamenight or structured night. 

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1 minute ago, GhostDragon said:

The issue i forsee is that a group of players will get on and decide what faction they like. This will lead to other factions not being played and then people joining and leaving due to not being able to play how they want. This is why, in my opinion it should be a relaxed arsenal until a gamenight or structured night. 

I can certainly understand the concern, but I think people will defiantly want to switch faction to try out other gear, weapons and vehicles. Plus, there could always be a "cycle" system to the factions, for example they could change every day. Something like that.

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I like playing as a specific faction, but think the overall mission file should be more open. That leaves it to the squad playing to decide what faction they want to play. 

On game nights this can be enforced but during regular play it would be the decision of the squad playing.  

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1 hour ago, MidnightRunner said:

I like playing as a specific faction, but think the overall mission file should be more open. That leaves it to the squad playing to decide what faction they want to play. 

On game nights this can be enforced but during regular play it would be the decision of the squad playing.  


15 minutes ago, Sack said:

I agree with Midnight, if we could choose what faction we wanna play ourselves would be cool and ofc forced factions if there are gamenights. 

Yeah people would of course be able to chose what faction they wish to play as, but all players will be locked to it. Like how Stiletto was before, how we could all vote to change, but this time there would be more factions with more specific gear.

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4 minutes ago, MidnightRunner said:

I don't agree with locking players to a faction as in essence it is a public server. Give players options. If a squad wants to play as US let them play as US. If they want to play as another faction let them. Then for specific game nights or missions a GM/Zeus can enforce a faction choice

This would be available with the blu/red option! 

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6 minutes ago, MidnightRunner said:

I don't agree with locking players to a faction as in essence it is a public server. Give players options. If a squad wants to play as US let them play as US. If they want to play as another faction let them. Then for specific game nights or missions a GM/Zeus can enforce a faction choice

Just so I understand this, you mean like individual squads can pick what faction they wanna play outside of game nights like lets say joint operations so several factions playing together?

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As much as i'd like to say that strict limitations such as what @Johnson proposed would be great, i feel like some more casual players (myself, back when i joined AWE), may enjoy dress-up warfare and a lot of different gear available. Strict limitations would result in less of those players staying, and slowly getting into the more serious game play. And while i agree that a lot of the content in the mods is left unused, players can always use that gear, while the more casual ones can stick with their loadouts.

You need to remember that AWE is most likely not going to start with 20 players playing it 24/7, therefore it may have a positive impact to allow some more lenient restrictions, hopefully resulting in more casual players from EU1 and 2, trying AWE out, additionally some casual players may be overwhelmed by more restrictions.

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It would be nice also, if there was an option to see who has voted.


At least, those who have voted could list their opinions in the comments that would be nice also.


This is only because I fear that some people voted on the poll, have not or will not play on AWE. This would cause a huge data anomaly as @Johnson previously mentioned.


It's imperative that the poll remains unbiased and based upon the very community that will play on the server in question, and not friends who are just helping with the votes out of spite for the other side.


So far the votes seem to be quite close, I just hope that the poll will be closed on a specific time frame to prevent bias. Closing it when the vote falls on favour of a perticular side would be pretty scummy compared to choosing a preset timeframe to close the vote. May I suggest the end of the upcoming week at a perticular time? @GhostDragon

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On 6/21/2019 at 6:05 PM, Minipily said:

Just because a server has more people playing does not mean you have a community, it just means you have players on the server, many of whom do not care about said community. Look at EU1 for example.


On 6/21/2019 at 6:05 PM, Minipily said:

Again, having literally everything for free will get boring and the server goes from teamwork to playing for themselves, which is what happened with EU1. For example, people have the freedom to fill up car full of AT and depart on their own, there is no teamwork in this


for fucks sake,you know nuttin Jon Snow ...

You realise that EU1# is the horse that carrys AW and it has always been.

Stop talking BS about things you only see from your perspective.

There s a shitload of people that come for AW and the spirit it offers,have some unrestricted fun,talk some shit,do some shit,win some shit.etc on EU1#.

I can name at least 40 names of regular,dedicated people that play EU1# as their first adress.

They team up quite frequently in the same groups,doing the same stuff together and having fun together.

Thats the whole secret behind it ... fun with comon minded people.


If AWE,Enhanced or (like us old guys refer to it) EU3# had 50% of those like minded people we wouldnt have this conversation here.

All i see is talk from you people.

First,you never gonna get everyone 100% happy - face it.

Second,you gotta start somewhere.Talk isnt gonna help,progression comes with time played,so just start somewhere and take it from there - just grow a comon direction and follow it together.

Every day EU3# isnt up is another day you loose people looking for a modded,enhanced experience of Arma 3 they yet have one option less to choose from.

The secret is in numbers playing - find 1 or  better 2 days you can get 10-15 people together to seed the server and advertise them both on EU1# and AW facebook so people get the awareness.

For sure,this wont be a change done in a week to get the server at least 50% full,but with every gamer possible knowing about this the situation will improve.

Dont talk,just do it.

It cant get worse,can it?


Isnt the poll looking like the BREXit poll of GB?

Either decicion you go,you got more than a 3rd of the populatio being not ok with it,yey on democracy.




Please do not take offense in person,just your quotes got me really railed up this morning and i had to take my anger out somewhere,right?

Altho i got no buisness in this part of the forum,but as long as i read stuff i will forma  opinion on it and i may express it,too.

Kisses and make me proud,so i can have a go at EU3# people on EU1# again.

Good times,good times ...

Edited by TheScar
Zusätze und ein paar Löschungen,weil ... Sonntag eben
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So far the votes seem to be quite close, I just hope that the poll will be closed on a specific time frame to prevent bias. Closing it when the vote falls on favour of a perticular side would be pretty scummy compared to choosing a preset timeframe to close the vote. May I suggest the end of the upcoming week at a perticular time? [mention=4388]GhostDragon[/mention]

The tone here suggests I am biased and removes my credibility of this to be a valid result. All I can say is this poll will be closed at the end of this month. I like the discussion that is going on and feel it is useful.

Ps if I wanted to close when it went in favour of one or the other there has been ample opportunity to do that by now.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, TheScar said:



for fucks sake,you know nuttin Jon Snow ...

You realise that EU1# is the horse that carrys AW and it has always been.

Stop talking BS about things you only see from your perspective.

There s a shitload of people that come for AW and the spirit it offers,have some unrestricted fun,talk some shit,do some shit,win some shit.etc on EU1#.

I can name at least 40 names of regular,dedicated people that play EU1# as their first adress.

They team up quite frequently in the same groups,doing the same stuff together and having fun together.

Thats the whole secret behind it ... fun with comon minded people.


If AWE,Enhanced or (like us old guys refer to it) EU3# had 50% of those like minded people we wouldnt have this conversation here.

All i see is talk from you people.

First,you never gonna get everyone 100% happy - face it.

Second,you gotta start somewhere.Talk isnt gonna help,progression comes with time played,so just start somewhere and take it from there - just grow a comon direction and follow it together.

Every day EU3# isnt up is another day you loose people looking for a modded,enhanced experience of Arma 3 they yet have one option less to choose from.

The secret is in numbers playing - find 1 or  better 2 days you can get 10-15 people together to seed the server and advertise them both on EU1# and AW facebook so people get the awareness.

For sure,this wont be a change done in a week to get the server at least 50% full,but with every gamer possible knowing about this the situation will improve.

Dont talk,just do it.

It cant get worse,can it?


Isnt the poll looking like the BREXit poll of GB?

Either decicion you go,you got more than a 3rd of the populatio being not ok with it,yey on democracy.




Please do not take offense in person,just your quotes got me really railed up this morning and i had to take my anger out somewhere,right?

Altho i got no buisness in this part of the forum,but as long as i read stuff i will forma  opinion on it and i may express it,too.

Kisses and make me proud,so i can have a go at EU3# people on EU1# again.

Good times,good times ...


Keep things professional.


I'm well aware that EU1 is a workhorse, but what I am saying is that players alone does not dictate that a community is truly successful. What I am saying, and I'll keep it simple, is that the community should come together that bit more. I don't mind EU1 having the natural essence of players coming and going, doing as they please similar to joining a random server, that is fine. What I would prefer to see however, is people to come together more on AWE and do away with the casual "easy come, easy go" atmosphere and stick around with something original. The gameplay can still be familiar, but would do better to be more original and slower paced compared to the faster paces, less original styles we see on EU1. I'm not slating EU1, it's a fun server but it's almost impossible to see the differences between that and the various other Invade and Annex servers people have to choose from.


Yes, no one will be 100% happy with AWE, that's the entire point we've been making. Cater to specific people with the like mindedness to bring about some originality rather than create a simplistic server with little orchestration. If said people from EU1 would actually like to become regulars of AWE and play together, that would be entirely fine, what myself and others want to see is some community and they can add to that. But, if said people from EU1 are not even interested in AWE, then there's no reason for them to be included.


This entire thread is the start a direction, or at least I hope it is. For a long time AWE lost its direction and tried to constantly change to meet the needs of what little people it had left playing, then it passed away. What myself and others want to see is a specific direction chosen, one which will STICK. Once that direction is chosen and firmly put in place, it will be easier to control what is done with the server to prevent the anarchy that came before. 


Sure, a simplistic casual direction could work and I'd be willing to try. I just don't like walking in circles.


I agree with you, that something should be done and done fast. You are right in that regard, dare I applaud this expert thinking? It seems we're still waiting on the I&A4 mission, I can't think of any other reason why AWE is so delayed. But while we wait for this messiah mission, it can't hurt to talk as a community and choose a direction we all agree on, dare I also suggest a meeting again so parties can express their points and perhaps we can actually choose a good direction? Transparency was one of the recent changes to AW, no?

Because I am sick. and. FUCKING. tired. Of the amount of witch-hunting, hatred and spite that is being thrown at each other. Myself and "those lot" as we're known, are not trying to rip the server apart for our own agenda. We just want our golden server to be brought back up with its usual original design. Now I am not afraid of a bit of change, and having the server cater to a wider general easy play audience. I just want it to work, and I have seen these casual modded servers before (trust me, the amount of times I've been banned, one desperately looks for what he has sadly lost) and pretty much all of these servers were dead. Now, I can see the thinking here, cater the server to casual play so  that we can try and get a steady flow from EU1. I remember this exact thinking back in 2015 and unfortunately it didn't work, but second time is the charm.


Again, I'm willing to try something new, I'm just afraid it might not work as well. But ignorance is bliss, and perhaps I am completely wrong. I'm willing to accept I'm wrong if it does turn out to be a success, but the success I'm looking for isn't players, it's community.


All me and @Johnson want to do is revive the server in the communities best interest. Again, we are not COMPLETELY AGAINST the idea of a casual limitations server. We are just, simply, seeing the wider picture of community success within a stricter atmosphere rather than a player success through casual. 


And yes, I do partially agree that you can still have a community success through just simply gaining those easy come, easy go players. It just means that there's a wider mindset between players that often means the rules need a bit more enforcement and pushing. I am talking from experience of what I've seen.


Yes, you could say the poll looks a bit like Brexit if you want, I prefer to say the poll looks like the community attempting to make a decision. 


It's hard not to take offence when you call my deep concerns for the community "bullshit" but I can understand if you too are feeling railed about the current goings. Don't claim that I "know nuttin." 


Though, like myself and @Johnson suggested. If you have no reason to get involved with AWE then it may be suggested you refrain from the poll, I can understand if you want to support one side but that doesn't equate to much if you don't plan on playing on the server. This just brings us back to that "Brexit" ordeal like you were saying. I mean this will full respect of course, I just want to see a poll not be biased in any way. I'm not trying to defend my vote out of spite, I just want to make sure we keep a good footing.


I can see now that the vote is slowly tipping in the favour of casual, if that's the direction the majority of the community wants to go that is fine, I just hope the casual limitations are handled out well and for the betterment of the server and its community. Democracy is a funny system.


So again, if casual is chosen in the end then so be it. But, let's get AWE going in the right direction next time. I'd suggest the rules take a good look over, the staff are picked not out of personal preference but experience during the entire field of AWE (it takes someone that has seen what AWE has come from to see where it should be going) and that the mission works well. I don't doubt I&A4, I'm sure it'll be pretty nice, I just hope that it works well for AWE in the modded sense.


Hopefully this all pans out well, I'm not a pessimist. I'm still optimistic that whichever direction is chosen, something good can happen; AWE will be revived.

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