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Everything posted by Sack

  1. You can Walk'N, just infiltrate as civvie and we can distract them.
  2. AW MVP 2020: All of AW staff that contributes to missions, servers etc to be set up so we can enjoy our day. AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @WinterMute AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: Everyone AW Most Active Staff Member 2020: @chicken_no6 AW Best Team Player 2020: @FrOzTAlways on the move, AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2020: The community as a whole. Everyone helps eachother out. AW Most Friendly Member 2020: @Jochem AW Tacti-cool member 2020: Liberation players mostly AW Underrated Member 2020: @Noah_Hero AW Most Incoherent Member 2020: @Minipily One of the most enthusiastic players I have seen and one of the more ragier ones. But always good times, broder. AW Best Pilot 2020: The ones who bring us to the objective in one piece. AW Worst Pilot 2020: The ones who do not bring us to the objectibe in one piece. AW Best Voice 2020: @Jenkins , Private. AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2020: @Jenkins AW Worst Joke 2020: AW Best Moment 2020 (can be in-game, on Team Speak or Forum): Every event is great. AW Best Forum Post (please put URL in): AW Dankest Meme Post In Discord 2020: To many dank memes out there. AW Best Driver 2020: @Minipily adventures on the country roads with Hammer. AW Worst Driver 2020: @Xwatt I might as well join in on the meme. AW Best Fail 2020: @Jochem Knows and it will haunt him for the rest of his days. AW Best Ban of 2020: AW Team Speak Channel 2020: Navigation Deck of course. AW Best Screen Shot 2020: AW Best/Worst Call-out 2020: AW Candidate for the Hague 2020: @Minipily AW Role Model 2020:
  3. Well I am in quarantine for two days now, bored as hell and I need help.
  4. Well, I am a bit dissapointed in the DLC content. Felt like it was a bit lacking compared to what Tanoa/Apex offered, but its also a good dlc. Woulda liked to see some Russian Spetsnaz gameplay in the campaign and/or a bit gameplay from the perspective of the LDF.
  5. Well Livonia is certainly an interesting map with lots of potential for future AWE missions same as Tanoa, but thing is we dont know how many has Contact dlc on EU3/AWE playerbase so maybe waiting a while would be better for the playerbase to grow a bit.
  6. Like you said Livonia fits a guerilla type campaign much better because of all the ambush opportunities we will have access to, the cover needed for such operations and it will fit the whole guerilla theme. Malden is just to damn open for such a type of campaign and there isnt much ambush opportunities to be had which most knows is an integral part of being a guerilla rebel group. Seems most people agree with this too.
  7. A bit unrelevant of this topic but does anyone here know which maps are confirmed for AWE launch?
  8. Just so I understand this, you mean like individual squads can pick what faction they wanna play outside of game nights like lets say joint operations so several factions playing together?
  9. More factions and more specific gear is also a great addition.
  10. I agree with Midnight, if we could choose what faction we wanna play ourselves would be cool and ofc forced factions if there are gamenights.
  11. I would like an application system for CAS roles. So new guys dont pick it and destroy it within minutes. And possibly increase spawn timers for the vehicles so it makes you more aware and careful when its used.
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