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Posts posted by applechaser

  1. AW’s MVP 2019: @Ryko I&A4 is gud

    AW’s Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2019: all of em

    AW’s Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2019: @GhostDragon I've been told you do very useful things with AW servers

    AW’s most Active Staff Member 2019: @LH5 you somehow always online

    AW’s Most Helpful User *Non-Staff* 2019: @Stanhope you fix, I play

    AW’s Most Friendliest User *Non-Staff* 2019: honestly you are all awesome people

    AW’s Strictest Admin/Moderator 2019: @Norris idk

    AW’s Most Tacti-Cool ARMA player 2019: @BruceLee Rickard propelled Grenades

    AW’s Best Teamplayer 2019: @Jenkins for Plat.Co.

    AW’s Most Underrated User 2019: @Moto Sneaky man with no voice

    AW’s Most Incoherent ARMA Player 2019: @itsmemario no explanation needed

    AW’s Best ARMA pilot 2019: @Whigital always a reliable transportation method

    AW’s Worst ARMA pilot 2019: @Toasted_Bread_Slice (just don't wanna put myself here 😜)

    AW’s Funniest Person On Teamspeak 2019: @Lindi unfunny dad jokes are funny

    AW’s Best Voice 2019: @Murph "i'm batman" 

    AW’s Best Drunk Member 2019: @itsmemario you sing very well

    AW’s Worst Joke 2019: @LH5 " Hi Back" 

    AW’s Best Moment 2019 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): there is so many of them, i really can't decide

    AW’s Best Forum Post 2019: (please put url in): The start of something great.




    AW’s Best Driver 2019: Error 404 "good driving in Arma 3" not found

    AW’s Worst Driver 2019: @Xwatt

    AW’s Best Fail 2019:




    AW’s Best Banned Member 2019: bans are no good.

    AW’s best TeamSpeak Channel of 2019: EU1, where no one is actually playing on EU1

  2. 15 hours ago, ansin11 said:

    I had my suspicions last week so I did some testing.

    As far as I know and as far as my testing established, DAGRs do not feature LOAL. The WY-55 Hellcat does not have a laser spot sensor, the helicopter can't lock onto laser spots. The sensor suite can of course display laser spots uploaded to the data link (if the Hellcat has data link reception activated), but this doesn't influence the lock-on mechanic of DAGRs on the Hellcat:

    The missile itself needs to be pointed directly at the laser spot in order to lock onto it. And, even then, no LOAL, as far as I could see. This makes DAGRs on Hellcats more or less unguided, confusing pilots who try to lock onto or fire at a laser with their supposedly guided rockets. Add a MANPADS to the mix and that Hellcat goes down like the first one last week.

    Don't give the Hellcat guided munitions.


    Hellcats can still lock onto targets that are picked up by the passive radar + everything the datalink sends to it's passive radar. And DAGRs can still be dumbfired so no point in switching to DARs right?

  3. 8 hours ago, Jenkins said:

    Not sure how well this will work though as we no longer have an arsenal to get radios from.

    i'm sure xwatt can drop a few radio's somewhere if needed :)


    8 hours ago, Jenkins said:

    I do think this will require a trial period though, so that we can determine if it's actually beneficial in the long-run.

    Agreed, i think a trial period would be good since both squad layouts have some big pro's and cons


    Yes i think the american squad structure might be better to make leading roles less intmidating altough this does make a problem:

    The squads will be even bigger and there will be 3 leading roles to take up instead of 2 meaning that we need more players to fill up the squads and since the squads weren't filled up before we might be having more instances of having 2 incomplete squads or 1 full squad and 1 not combat effective squad.



    22 minutes ago, Gambit said:

    the players doesnt seem to misbehave,


    apart from mister toast flying arround with a marksman rifle :P 

  5. if i remember correctly:

    you need to set VerifySignatures to 2 in the server.cfg (0 disables it, 1 does somthing else i cannot remember, 2 checks for the allowed addons)

    and then only mods/addons that have a key in your keys folder are allowed on the server.


    and making TFAR optional is possible, but people that don't use it just won't be able to hear any of the radios nor proximity voice.

  6. 1 hour ago, Stanhope said:

    2:30: your main rotor gets fully destroyed and magically repaired at least 4 times in under a second

    noticed that aswell XD, very interesting thing indeed.


    i also noticed that you really like to use walls and fences as landing zone any reasoning behind this?


    And i suggest that if you want to prove yourself to people from this server you actually do it on this server, instead of in a gamemode that has precisely nothing in common with what we do here.


    Anyhow, welcome to Ahoyworld i hope you enjoy your stay!

  7. 4 minutes ago, Spaget69 said:


    Absolutely loved the op we had on 25th, so I had to ask, is there going to be a OP every Sunday? 

    Really looking towards playing with you guys!

    Sorry I am new here.


    With all respect,



    Yes, Zeus operations will be every Sunday at 17:00 UTC (with the TFAR(BETA) mod).


    Welcome to Ahoyworld i hope you enjoy it :) 

  8. had lots of fun playing as CSAT Today.


    * the "redeploy to CAS Area" action teleported me to the bottom  left of the map

    * if you have the map open while purchasing a para drop it doesn't work

    * Light Anti Tank role had access to the vorona (not sure if that is supposed to be, but doesn't sound very "light" to me)


  9. just some things i noticed from the test:


    1. goblin uav fell down (crashed)  like a brick when it spawned in the air again after "servicing"
    2. donating points doesn't work (pressing "donate" doesn't do anything)
    3. buying uav actions doesn't work (pressing "purchase" doesn't do anything)


    some suggestions (my opinion):

    1. make Crossroads whitelisted or somthing along those lines so not every person can just grab to troll with

        maybe apply for HQ acces on forums

        or maybe an in game voting system so that if someone wants the role they can cast a vote among the other players

    2. Opening doors of the tower would be fun to use as atc



  10. heyoo we live in exactly the same city lol

    welcome to ahoy world :)


    On 10/2/2018 at 10:05 PM, Stanhope said:

    Do you happen to know this or this YT channel?  Both of them are in the area of Amersfoort if i'm not mistaken.

    the first one sure is in Amersfoort have seen the guy drive arround a couple of times, not sure about the second one.

  11. just a few things i have noticed while playing here:

    1. the destroyer has currently no way of rearming the cannon and cruise missiles. (Maybe this is supposed to be a 1 time use thing idk)

    2. vehicles are not respawning/despawing same with the helis and the blackwasps

    2.1 idea: reduce respawn time and distance with alot if vehicles are in base since they are already used alot for in base transport

    3. primary weapon of the default Anti-Air riflemen slot gets deleted (MX Black)

  12. On 9/15/2018 at 10:35 PM, Colby said:

    Found that you can get in helicopter as pilot in base then switch your role to something else and still fly the helicopter. I could see how this could be ok if the player count is under 5 so then you could transport yourself faster

    yeah, same thing with the armor roles.


    another thing: helicopters are not respawning: joined the server when it was emtpy yesterday all helis were gone..

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