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Everything posted by Lindi

  1. Maybe we could have light crates spawnable at base/FOB that contain items the civies are asking for and I agree they should be mostly medical supplies and bananas. They could then be sling loaded by vortex to the troops to trade with. Thus removing the need for troops to carry extra items that are not otherwise needed and it would give vortex stuff to do. Troops on the ground would also get more stuff to do in the form of clearing/guarding the LZ for the sling loading.
  2. Is there by any chance a maximum number of allowed load outs? The load button in the arsenal is not grayed out for the first 9 load outs I have, but 10-> are always grayed out and unable to load! ...and since my first 12 load outs are for AWE, I tend to stand in my underwear on EU1.
  3. Nice, right there with you mate. 1011 hours played.
  4. Thank you for the tip, I will try these out.
  5. I have only tried to save load outs I can actually use. I can equip the stuff, I can play with it, I can save it... I just can't load it once saved. Even the "save load out" scroll wheel option lets me respawn with the items.
  6. I'm very interested in this, I've been wanting to get into team leading, but I feel I lack the confidence to do so. Work has been crazy as of late which is why I could not attend the last training session. So is it possible to do this session more than once if there is enough interest or if you have written material maybe sharing it on the forum for future reference?
  7. I've been having issues with not being able to load my saved load outs. The Load-button is just grayed out. Funny thing is my presaved load outs work just fine on AWE.
  8. EnragedMcTw1st? ..and yes it took me two days to come up with that! I think this will help with the issue of getting the Teddies mixed up!
  9. There's quite a lot of Civilian interaction on AWE/Stiletto.
  10. It'll get easier with time, approaching suspected enemy positions slowly and using binocs/rangefinders to spot enemies before they spot you is always preferable to running into ambushes. You will soon also see that AI moves in a certain way. It is quite distinct and will help you separate friend from foe.
  11. Sorry for the tks @ParabolicAJB and @Moritz 1804. I will try to do better next time.
  12. Seeing people playing EU3 again is indeed encouraging, now if I could only find time to join myself!
  13. Cool I enjoy Tier II & III realistic myself. Higher than that gets challenging economically since I do not have a premium account. Tried to fly a couple of matches in sim, but it was quite impossible with keyboard and mouse and very challenging with a normal joystick too. Haven't given it a shot after getting a hotas though.
  14. Are you guys playing arcade/realistic/sim?
  15. Very true I think you need to stay at 5m or less for people not to take damage. Not quite sure about the limit. ...but I've managed to wreck choppers into bushes so there's always that.
  16. I think this extra camouflage for the choppers is offset by the harder landings! NVGs and their lack of depth perception really do make selecting a good lz quite a lot harder.
  17. 2 autoriflemen but no LAT or rifleman? I feel that the rifleman is quite an versatile class, especially in Stiletto where you are facing enemy insurgents, a man with a rifle, grenades and an M72 can be a very portent force on the battlefield. It is also good to have a few for the new players on the server, who maybe do not want to jump straight into a specialist role. I do agree on having a system to "trim down the fat when there are only a few players online.
  18. Lindi

    Hi fellaz!!

    I'll just drop a link here... dunno if it is helpful. Oh and Hi! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192094335&searchtext=helicopter+training&insideModal=0&requirelogin=1
  19. EoTech G33. Holo + zoom mode ( ctrl + numpad / ) and works with nvg. My infantry needs are satisfied. Vanilla Arco is good too. I personaly do not feel the need to carry additional scopes.
  20. I'm quite liking it so far! I like the civies being all around makes the world seem so much more alive.
  21. I played for a very short amount of time did not accomplish much in the AO, but Siege sums it up very well!
  22. Running Arma3Sync-Debug.exe also seems to work without bugs.
  23. I don't think I have touched them, what are the working options for you?
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