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Everything posted by Chutnut

  1. Any opinion on the FOB idea though, That is what im all about on this topic e.e
  2. An arsenel truck sounds like something from planetside 2 e.e I was also thinking about a specific role for it too as not many people may want to do it. I was thinking that we could have more than one supply type, so like fuel and ammo are seperate but I think it would be pushing it a bit.
  3. Overview Now it came an idea to me to actually put a use to the Logistics trucks at base rather than just using them to carry your rockets and cookies etc. I think that instead of just being able to take over an FOB you should also have the responsibility of maintaining it as well as its security. How will logistics work? :- I plan it to work by having the FOB spawn with the vehicles and arsenal, However if someone decides to use one of these and destroys it, It cannot spawn unless it has the sufficient supplies, So for example if we unlocked FOB Martian and I took out the AA Jet on patrol and got shot down by some AA I would not be able to have it spawn back unless I have, Say 750 Supplies (or whatever you want to call it). To resupply on these you would use a specific truck (or trucks as I suggest the Logistics trucks are used). How will Security Work? :- So while you are worrying about having a proper logistical convoy running you are also going to come under attack, Like at base the FOB can be equipped with an AA Terminal but only activated when the supplies are available, The FOB is also going to come under attack by ground troops depending on how close it is to the AO, If the AO is 1.5 KM away from the FOB expect it to come under attack frequently but as the AO's get further it will soon Be attacked less frequently and possibly not at all. Though if the enemy manages to overrun the position the FOB will be unsafe and you will not be able to teleport to it until it is cleared. Control :- In terms of controlling this (Preventing rule breakers from having too much fun) I think that there should be some enforcement, FOB's are hotspots and if someone teleports and starts killing everyone there (Which has happend in the past) then we should make the FOB a no Shoot zone, However when under attack this is disabled and people are free to fire, If the FOB is not unlocked then it will also have to be disabled. I hope this was an idea you can take into consideration and I would love it if all of it can be added but of course remember that you can have only 1 part of this added.
  4. Knew someone would take a pic of dis e.e
  5. Chutnut

    Crash landed

    Everyone starting complaining the supplies were soggy, Cheeky.
  6. Chutnut


    I was almost made MIA until someone found me e.e
  7. Chutnut


    #BLAMENUMBNUTS for leaving me behind in the AO for an hour
  8. I think with the addition of supply crates I think now would be a good time to add a clear inventory script, therefore I support this!
  9. Last night I was helping stanhope on EU4 with testing, I think one of the main things we discovered was that being shot by a lightning bolt can cause you to go down somtimes and somtimes kill you, Same with being shot to the head, It is a very random situation of either going down or staying alive.
  10. Did you refresh the page? I would assume so but I ain't no expert
  11. Pototo setup git gud m9 ⌐■-■
  12. Chutnut

    Hi o/

    Hei derr, enjoy your time in thw AO and try not to eat led
  13. Chutnut

    Fuel trucks

    Maybe have it as a temporary thing until they can fix the Repair Spec's Refueling script. But once and if they do fix it I think it should stay the same, Repair Specialist's are just as powerful and if you ask me more effective.
  14. Chutnut

    Fuel trucks

    I understand your second point but I think it can be fixed, however I don't agree that a change should be needed. The way I see this idea is technically make it easier where you have plenty of options to refuel.
  15. I suppose its not necessarily a 'new rule' But I am just reinforcing it and making people aware of this, And yes pilots may not read the rules but most people don't read the rules at all so we can't guarantee they do everything correct.
  16. So recently with the prowlers added I saw an annoying situation I ran into a couple of times, I can't find any prowlers. Both times this had happened I checked Zeus to find them laying over a random area of the map or at one point I saw a blackfish pilot dumping them over some troops who don't even notice it. The point is I think a rule should be added for all vehicles that they may only be lifted to the AO if they have been requested there or are in the vehicle lift zone. Tell me your thoughts! \\ Chutnut //
  17. Chutnut


    Sp00ky m9
  18. Chutnut

    Tanoa Marksmen Ops

    Found some marksmen sniping the artillery area while under the rising sun!
  19. If there is a reward rework coming I don't really want to say much about new vehicles however I think jet Cas is a wee bit overpowered and should be a reward but I do agree in more anti-aircraft options.
  20. I think the one time I successfully saw it work was back in I&A 2... So yeah, A long time ago.
  21. So for a long time now Command chat has been open for Microphone use however this feature is very annoying to 75% of players, I would like to suggest we block this VON communication as it is technically the exact same as Side chat just only squad leaders can hear it. Since it requires you to join a squad to not hear it I think this is why we should get rid of it. Tell me what you think
  22. Ayy, Another Scottish bloke, Not that I am FROM Scotland but I live there e.e, Welcome!
  23. Heyo buddy and welcome! Glad you enjoyed yourself on EU2 hope to see you elsewhere!
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