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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. Mmh, I used left_shoulder, guess I shouldn't follow the documentation too closely. I'll have a look for adding that in the .54. I've already send .53 of to be put on server.
  2. Stanhope

    Cleanup script

    I don't like any of the ways of implementing this that I can think of. I&A4 will have a different type of cleanupscript, one that won't delete stuff that players are close to. But I'm not going to put that into I&A3, so I'm afraid we're gonna have cleanupscript eating things until I&A4 comes out.
  3. I've messed around with this a bit and although it's certainly possible to write a script up real quick that attaches a chemlight to your shoulder: it still causes some, how should I put it, issues. If you know of any script that I can use in I&A3, let me know. I know ace3 has this module, I know where to find their code. But I can't use it due to the license under which ace3 is released.
  4. Stanhope

    Cleanup script

    What kind of warning would you suggest?
  5. These will be in the arsenal in the next version of I&A3 (if I don't forget)
  6. Could you get me a list of classnames for the items you want added?
  7. 1st up, that's a 3 year old topic, a lot has changed since then. Next, it's explicitly mentioned in the rules that the primary role of pilots isn't to do cas but to provide support (rule 4.3.1 & 4.4.1), changes where made to the mission to reflect these rules. Additionally, not all the things asked for in that topic where implemented and that topic suggests a lot of the same changes you're suggesting. And the changes that were implemented then are the same changes I don't mind implementing now. To get into specifics: I don't know for sure that you do not get these if it's AI firing them but I'll see about adding these. Although these are still AI and are not effective anymore if you're more than 1km away from them. So their effectiveness against the people OP is complaining about is questionable.
  8. There's only 2 tank spawns in fixed locations, being FOB last stand and FOB marathon. Both FOBs are pretty rare. Any other tanks that spawn spawn as side mission rewards. Where they will spawn at the side mission that's been successfully completed. For starters, tanks need to drive places. Infantry can get flown in. Meaning that infantry could've taken out 90% of an AOs armour before the first tank arrives. Next, most tanks don't drive around with an ammo truck (which only spawn at main base) following them. They have to RTB to rearm. Are you saying that if you're with 3 guys in a teamspeak or discord you don't find it rewarding to operate a tank to the best of its ability? Your first point is made useless according to your own arguments as you said that they rearm in minutes with a supply truck and are, again according to you, back in the fight within minutes. The second one is certainly possible, not even that difficult. And how would you suggest I cut tank count? Most of the time we don't have a respawning tank. And tanks are certainly not common side mission rewards. How would a maximum use time be enforced? All scripting ways I can think of are easily avoidable by those who know how. And you made this event in response to people who know how to do these things. And again, the chances of a tank as a side reward aren't that great. Here are the chances from last time I calculated them: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RCt8AbSXH8jScMoPbRL4Hw02ALUdFh9uoETMyQZq58M/edit?usp=sharing AFAIK nothing major has changed about it since then. As you can see there's about a 8.5% chance that a tank spawns as a side mission reward. And what do you mean by your last point? Enemy armour in the AO scales to player count, the more players the more armour. I could make it so I check for specific slots but that's not ideal script wise. If you're interested here are the current numbers: Other than the service times for tanks being increased (which is easily avoidable by those who know how to) I don't see anything that is wrong and needs changing. You'll always have certain players who are exceptionally good at what they do. Doesn't mean we should take away stuff from everyone because of it.
  9. Yup, just tested the version you send to me. Everything works perfectly fine, it's just the file that you've got wrong.
  10. Just undo that, so keep initserver as it was in the mission. Then go to your server (in case you're testing it locally that'd be your arma client) and find the file named arma3_readme.txt in the root folder of your server (so the same level as you'll find the .exe). If such a file does not exist, make it. If it exists clear its content. Then add the following to this file: zeusAdminUIDs = []; zeusModeratorUIDs = []; zeusSpartanUIDs = []; zeusCoreStaffUIDs = []; getServerPassword = {_pw="yourServerPasswordGoesHere"; _pw}; Note that that last password isn't the same as the one you use for rcon or for logging in on server, it's the value that "serverCommandPassword" gets in your launch config.
  11. What exactly did you do? And who exactly is getting the admin menu? Everyone that you added to those arrays or literally everyone?
  12. Anyone can submit a gamenight to be run at a date of their choosing for a length of their choosing (oversimplified version, read how to submit a gamenight here)
  13. EU1 never focused on teamplay nor made it mandatory
  14. Iirc: because it is a CSAT weapon and no
  15. Yup. Server opens up 30 minutes before the gamenight is planned to begin.
  16. I've never come across that message nor have any idea what could be causing that so I can't help you with that.
  17. try "resistance" instead of west
  18. Which version of I&A are you using and did you change this line in local/localinit.sqf? [west, getMarkerPos "BASE", "Main base"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;
  19. Stanhope

    Ahoy team

    If you're looking for something milsim like you should've a look at our MSO, here's the topic on how you can join:
  20. Have a look at general in discord, 3 free games linked in there
  21. Except for the reinforcement helicopter that spawns upon subobjective completion and the factory there's no code that spawns AI in the main AO after initial AO spawn
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