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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. Ahoyworld is yes, MSO and I&A are both up and running. AWE is, and has been for a while as stated in multiple places around these forums, down. It's expected to come back up, with a new modset, when I&A4 is released. A release date for I&A4 is not known, Ryko is, very understandably, taking a "it'll be released when it's ready" approach.
  2. The point of KOTH is to capture the zone right? You might fly hundreds of people over there but in the end the rifleman is still the most valuable person around as he's the one actually doing the objective.
  3. I'll be able to make the start of the event but will have to leave for half an hour an hour in.
  4. With all due respect, this is the biggest pile of bs I've come across on this forum in a loooong time
  5. I have no clue, I write code, I don't manage servers, @GhostDragon might know
  6. Try putting your radio in your regular inventory, not in the radio slot
  7. Don't forget to also do it for the regular inventory items
  8. use find, keep in mind that find is case sensitive
  9. When you exit the arsenal tfar takes away the radio you have and gives you one with an almost identical classname but with and underscore and a random number between 1 and 999 to the end of it.
  10. 2:30: your main rotor gets fully destroyed and magically repaired at least 4 times in under a second
  11. KOTH doesn't have a script that automatically repairs main rotors, does it?
  12. For the radios: go to functions/inventory/fn_cleaninventory.sqf and in the code that removes assigned items and inventory items make an exception for tfar radios. For the gbus on the wasp: have a look at fn_smsuccesshint.sqf, there's a wasp with gbus in there. Just search for the classname
  13. Well I was assuming you didn't edit anything elsewhere. I'm away from my pc for a while so I can't help you.
  14. That's doable, I tried to set that up a while ago but due to circumstances never finished it. All you've got to edit the main_machine.sqf in the missions/main folder.
  15. You should really learn some scripting if you want to edit scripts to make them do something else. private _nextAO = ""; if (manualAO != "") then { _nextAO = manualAO; }; while {_nextAO == ""} do { private _testAO = selectRandom allMapMarkers; private _testAOName = (missionConfigFile >> "Main_Aos" >> "AOs" >> _testAO >> "name") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; if (!isNil "_name") then { if (str _name != "any") then { if (!(_nextAO in controlledZones)) then { _nextAO = _testAO; }; }; }; }; _nextAO This should fix that, still untested.
  16. private _nextAO = ""; if (manualAO != "") then { _nextAO = manualAO; }; while {_nextAO == ""} do { private _testAO = selectRandom allMapMarkers; private _testAOName = (missionConfigFile >> "Main_Aos" >> "AOs" >> _x >> "name") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; if (!isNil "_name") then { if (str _name != "any") then { if (!(_nextAO in controlledZones)) then { _nextAO = _testAO; }; }; }; }; _nextAO Replace whatever is in fn_getAo by this. Don't know if it works or not, I didn't test it.
  17. Well probably fn_getAo.sqf but as I said this is some code I've made to find the closest AO to a given location. You'll need to alter it for it to pick a random AO.
  18. This is a little script I've written to find the closest AO to a given position, you can probably tweak it to pick a random AO: private _sortedByRange = [allMapMarkers, [_pos], {(getMarkerPos _x) distance2D _input0}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; private _breakOut = false; { if (markerType _x == "Empty") then { private _name = (missionConfigFile >> "Main_Aos" >> "AOs" >> _x >> "name") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; if (!isNil "_name") then { if (str _name != "any") then { private _result = [format ["Do you want to set %1 as the next AO?", _name], "", "Yes", "No"] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage; if (_result) exitWith { manualAO = _x; publicVariableServer "manualAO"; hint (_name + " set as next AO."); _breakOut = true; }; if (!_result) exitWith { hint "Did nothing"; _breakOut = true; }; }; }; }; if (_breakOut) exitWith {}; } forEach _sortedByRange;
  19. You should probably post in: But to answer your question: not at this moment in time. I&A4 uses the same revive system and dragging has been disabled there for being too buggy. I can only promise I'll look into it, don't know if I can get it working.
  20. A player that was unassigned was able to fly a heli Teleporting back to molos airfield from the carrier puts you on top of a camonet.
  21. I've already said this in person to a few zeuses that were present Sunday but I want to stress again that I have no problem with the actions of any one particular zeus. My problem lies with the compounding effect of all of those actions which, to me, felt heavy handed due to a lack of coordination.
  22. I guess this is the best place to give feedback about Sundays zeus mission. I want to start of by saying that on Sunday I did a piss poor job at squad leading. Going in I was prepared to do some team-leading but found myself as a squad leader for basically the entire OP. Because I was initially a team leader I missed some key aspects of the briefing, specifically that armour squad gold was basically under alpha's command. In addition I found myself task saturated most of the time. From rewatching the stream I noticed that often people tried to reach me and I did not respond. In the majority of cases my mind hadn't even realized that someone was trying to talk to me. On the one or 2 occasions I did register that someone was trying to talk to me but did not respond I was simply too preoccupied to respond. That's entirely on me. When I got squad lead I should've taken a moment to sit back, think about what I've now got to do and then systematically do it. I didn't, I just started to do shit leading to a very unorganized squad. Now for some feedback of the mission. The fog levels and wind levels were insane. Nobody in their right mind would start an attack in those circumstances. AI could see you from 800 meters away while you yourself could hardly see 200m in the valleys. On the hills visibility was a bit better, about 400 meters. Combine that with multiple static .50s and you're basically doomed. I could see an insane amount of stuff on my map but when I actually took my laser designator out and looked I couldn't see anything. On top of that the wind was so strong that smoking any approach to anywhere was impossible. Leading us to have to run across an open ridge-line, with enemies on both sides that we cannot see nor engage that can see and engage us, to an objective from which we're being engaged but can again not engage ourselves. The actions of Zeuses needs to be better coordinated. From rewatching the stream I noticed that multiple zeuses were suppressing the same squad while others were seeing where they could put down mortars to get people to move up. Suppressing is done to keep people in place, so how can a squad simultaneously be expected to move up? Also, while the intention of mortars might be to get people to move that's not always how it's perceived. Getting mortared while only moments before being suppressed, by enemies that cannot be seen or engaged, has no real benefit on gameplay in my personal opinion. Also, 3-4 rounds will do, no need to put a barrage of 10-15 mortar rounds down, at least not the first time a squad is being mortared at the same position. There has to be a rule that at the very least 2 people should be in an armour squad before it's allowed to leave. A single crew armour piece is useless in missions like these because you can't set up on a hill far away and kill everything from a safe distance. Zeuses should be required to partake as players in these missions from time to time. I feel that it's important that a zeus is put on the receiving end of what they do. As for a conclusion I feel that Sundays mission would have been more enjoyable if the fog wasn't there and if zeuses were just a bit less heavy handed.
  23. Locking vehicles to certain people is possible. But it's the "who were in that side mission" part that's the problem. A heli flies over filled with guys, does that count? What about a guy that just drove through the side mission without killing anyone? Or a guy that only killed 1 person? Or a guy that sat back waiting for everyone else to clear the sidemission and then just swooped in to secure the objective? Or a sidemission that's up for 2 hours and a guy shot a few enemies in the first 10 minutes of it being up and then just went to do something else? Or a guy that really wanted to help and was there for the entire duration of the side mission but couldn't find a single guy to shoot? The problem isn't really making a system, it's making a system that's fair and takes all of the above mentioned things into account. Making such a system is next to impossible.
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