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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. Stealing vehicles is undoubtedly against the rules, rule 4.7.7 to be exact. Camping spawn is also against the rules, rule 4.4 because if you're sitting around in base you're not playing your role. If someone gets into your tank and drives of with it first tell them it's yours and ask it back, if that doesn't work either contact a moderator or file a player report. As for single crewing vehicles: lone-wolfing is allowed, so why shouldn't single crewing vehicles? EU1 is not a tactics or team-play oriented server. It's for the very very casual player. And not having a platoon commander, or in the future case of I&A4 the platoon commander not really having any meaningful impact on the gameplay, is a logical result of the very deliberate decision for very casual gameplay. As for the new rule, why make an unenforceable rule? What is the point of making a rule that cannot be enforced? The only thing it achieves is getting people's hopes up and, inevitably, crush that hope when they realize that there are either 1 no admins around to enforce that rule or 2 the admins were playing meaning that they can't possibly have seen who was at the side mission. In addition, say a side mission is up for 2 hours when the server population is limited. Person A completes it and it spawns an MBT person A really wanted. Person B respawns and hops in before person A. A complains that B stole his vehicle. B says that he killed half the vehicles at that side mission before A even connected to the server. What do you do? A is still annoyed, B might get kicked even though he might've been telling the truth. But B might also be lying and we have no way of knowing whether or not he is. Unless this is a scripted thing there is no way to make this an enforceable rule. As for the stuff from the past, well, it's the past. The only remnant of that is this: But seeing how server restart is now automated that's pretty much useless. One of the many reasons I&A4 is being made is to solve the issue of stealing vehicles. There are many that don't like the system used to prevent this but I have yet to read any post that presented a way to prevent this from happening. All I've read so far in the past few years is people complaining and time and time again just saying "make it a rule". That's not really helpful, make a suggestion on a system that you think could solve the issue. It might not get implemented either due to technical limitations or because of other issues with it but at least you tried to help instead of complain.
  2. Tell me scar, how do I automate this? How do I make a script that knows who to lock the reward for and who to allow in the reward? Because as you well know having admins enforce this is impossible. Not though to enforce, impossible. Admins cannot be expected to keep an eye on who's playing the side mission at all times just so they can see who to give the reward to. Not to talk about when there's no admins online.
  3. Nope it's been disabled. And in the newest versions the call to it has also been removed.
  4. Just an FYI we already have 2 places to post screenshots, either in the gallery or a special screenshot and videos tread we have.
  5. A donator has donated money, a member meets the following requirements and has applied to become a member: And you can apply for membership here
  6. Right, I've figured it out. This is the config for FOB martian: class AAC_Airfield { name = "AAC Airfield"; nearlocations[]={ "Melanera_Bay", //"Therisa", "Katalaki", "Katalaki_Penninsula", "Faronaki" }; type = "Base"; respawnPos = "aac_pl_res"; visMrkr = "FOB_Martian"; vehicles[] = { {"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F", "aac_heli1",60}, {"B_Heli_Light_01_F", "aac_heli2",60}, {"I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "aac_heli3",60}, {"I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F", "aac_heli4",60}, {"B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F", "aac_veh1",60}, {"B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F", "aac_veh2",60}, {"B_MRAP_01_F", "aac_veh3",60}, {"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "aac_veh4",60}, {"B_LSV_01_armed_F", "aac_veh5",60}, {"B_LSV_01_unarmed_F", "aac_veh6",60}, {"B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "aac_veh7",60}, {"B_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F", "aac_jet3",60}, {"B_MBT_01_TUSK_F", "aac_veh10",60} }; }; We know this from looking at the visMrkr atribute of this class. This is the config for FOB guardian: class Terminal { name = "Terminal"; nearlocations[]={ "Lakka", //"Telos", "Athira_Factory", "Anthrakia", "Kalithea", "Rodopoli" }; type = "Base"; respawnPos = "term_pl_res"; visMrkr = "FOB_Guardian"; vehicles[] = { {"Random_AA_Jet", "term_jet1",1800}, {"O_Heli_Light_02_F", "term_heli1",900}, {"B_Heli_Light_01_F", "term_heli2",120}, {"O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_black_F", "term_heli3",120}, {"I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F", "term_veh1",900}, {"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "term_veh2",120}, {"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "term_veh3",120}, {"B_MRAP_01_F", "term_veh4",60}, {"B_MRAP_01_F", "term_veh5",60}, {"B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "term_veh6",120} }; }; And again we know this from looking at the visMrkr attribute. What I cannot show is where markers aac_jet3 and aac_veh10 are located. But I can tell you that they're located at FOB guardian. So when FOB guardian spawns that wipeout and slammer won't spawn at guardian. But when FOB martian spawn they will. To fix this: move {"B_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F", "aac_jet3",60}, {"B_MBT_01_TUSK_F", "aac_veh10",60} From the FOB martian config to the FOB guardian config. Which is located at line 1350 of the mainAOs.hpp file.
  7. Stanhope


    It's been too long since I last tried fixing that, I'll write it down to have another look at it. For the UGV stuff I'll let someone who's staff answer.
  8. Stanhope


    Which glitch?
  9. My opinion is that a tractor is nice gimmick but shouldn't be a reward. But I don't get to do what I want. In one of the next versions there will be some changes to the tractor reward but as I've not made them yet and am thus not sure yet what they'll be I'm not going to share what exactly just yet.
  10. Should MBTs that require the tanks DLC also be removed? Should jets that require the jets DLC also be removed?
  11. Oh yea, I said I'd test your version. Well euh, I didn't yet, I've been a tad busy, got exams coming up next week so I've been studying a lot. And most of my remaining free time has been put into doing stuff for AW. I'll see if I can fit it in tomorrow.
  12. We used to have them, nobody used them.
  13. I'll run it myself tomorrow, got other things to do today.
  14. If number 5 is the only one you deleted then yes.
  15. You deleted zeus module number 5, causing everything to bug out, rpt line 1189.
  16. They aren't hosted anywhere, they are just running on our arma servers. Hop on there and you'll have it downloaded in your mission cache.
  17. Whichever version is currently running on our servers.
  18. The version that's running on server. But that's not currently available for Tanoa
  19. I can't really support that, that's really really out of date.
  20. Which version of I&A3and which version of arma are you using?
  21. Could you share your servers RPT?
  22. Well, you're not giving me anything to work with so how am I supposed to help?
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