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Everything posted by Colsta

  1. Gamenights can fill that niche, and they have in the past.
  2. Because they require a specific team to use - Torch or Hammer - which require high numbers of players on the server. More specifically, it requires enough numbers to have both Alpha and Bravo full, as well as a Platoon Commander.
  3. It did work back when I first joined. No reason not to work again.
  4. This is a pretty common occurrence whenever BE updates itself. Nothing to do but wait.
  5. This is the fix to that problem. It's exceedingly common.
  6. I've seen a few "take appropriate gear", "correct equipment". What's this to you, I'm curious?
  7. To add to the last post, I would call AWE "tactical realism". I'll close the topic since it's been answered and discussed extensively, and as such is getting derailed.
  8. There's always people who want to control everything and everyone on the battlefield. That's why SLs who micromanage exist. To them I say: Let people do their jobs. Feel free to contact the staff team if it happens again. And yes, it's a breach of rule 9.
  9. I'd say respawning and having to go back to the AO takes longer than being revived in the middle of it.
  10. When we had no insta death no matter what, the gameplay devolved as did player skill. Massively. Players just rushed head-on with no fear of dying, because they couldn't, in fact, die.
  11. There's not one to my knowledge. If there is, it'll be announced in a timely fashion, worry not.
  12. "BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty 1, meaning "infantry fighting vehicle"." So they're not technically wrong.
  13. Colsta

    SWAT 4

    The version with the DLC is available on gog.com
  14. Forum: https://forums.ahoyworld.net/forum/128-mods-maps-and-feature-requests/ How-to:
  15. Colsta

    EU Servers

    In addition to what Copey said, if you want to play on EU#3, I suggest you give the rules a read. https://www.ahoyworld.net/enhanced/rules-and-guidelines/ And here's a general idea of what AWE is. https://www.ahoyworld.net/enhanced/what-is-awe/
  16. In my experience as a mortar gunner, that job is very, very easy. It's the one calculating the shots who does all the heavy work.
  17. I'll quote my answer to you on another topic. In addition to the staff's discretion, stuff like this falls under the CO's discretion. As Copey said, common sense. If you want to spend more time dead than alive, be my guest, don't wear a helmet. Just keep in mind you're jeopardizing your team and others' enjoyment.
  18. Then you have 20 rules that nobody reads. Like before. Clarity and simplicity should suffice. If it doesn't, it falls to the staff's discretion as stated. But we're not here to discuss rules. Let's keep it on topic.
  19. Not really. Not with the way Gauntlet missions work. Not without a Zeus mission.
  20. Yep, in AhoyWorld there's no reserved slots.
  21. I doubt anyone on the team thought it was intended to be incorrect. Just not something that's immediately noticeable.
  22. Please note this is for AWE AKA EU#3. Teamwork problems are rarely a thing on here. You'll need to install the mods if you want to join.
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