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Everything posted by Colsta

  1. Exceptionally, I'll comment. 1. You don't know what evidence we have on you. 2. The Community Referee has made a decision, and it is final. I'm locking the thread, you may appeal again at a later date decided by the Community Referee.
  2. For anyone who's wondering, you sign up here for the first session.
  3. Are you trying to port Gauntlet Fallujah onto another map, or are you trying to join the server?
  4. You might want to post those bugs somewhere the developers can see. If they don't know about them, they can't fix them.
  5. Most important thing to teach people is don't fire without explicit orders... and don't clear the whole AO.
  6. Weeeeeeeeeell, it IS in the AWE subforum........ : D
  7. Colsta

    SWAT 4

    I definitely would, but I'd need to buy it first.
  8. Let me tell you arrows don't behave like that at all. But many games do it for balance purposes I assume.
  9. I played Hunter when I tried it out. I found archery really weird. The arrows fall way too much way too fast. That said, if you can find animals, it's a really profitable venture.
  10. Personally I disagree with some of those. Specifically SL. Having a SL is never bad, and they should never be doing the FTL's job. The team's official stance on exactly when roles can be taken has been mentioned by Vlk. Regarding the usefulness of the roles... it depends. On the mission, what the state of the AO is, and so on. It's pretty much up to the commanding officer.
  11. My ping is <50ms in British/German servers.
  12. It's not prohibitively expensive in my opinion. But it does need work. I'm rooting for it.
  13. When Fabs and I played, there were a total of maybe 2-3 players across all servers.
  14. One thing I disagree with - a rifleman having a backpack. There is never a need for this, ever. Only exception I can find to this is no engineer being online and your leader telling you to take explosives.
  15. Played it for two hours so far. It has a lot of potential, but both the server lag and the FPS drops should be their top priority. There's a distinct lack of players as well, at least when I played it. I can see it becoming a good game, after a lot of work is put into it.
  16. I had a memory problem with ArmA last year. It turned out to be faulty memory sticks, which I replaced, and never had that same problem ever since. It might not be the same thing though.
  17. Which server? EU#1/2 - I&A3? EU#3 - Gauntlet?
  18. @Grezvany13 That looks a lot like the Marines structure, which we had on the server before and didn't work.
  19. What slot were you in? If you were in Vortex, the helmet might be the problem as stated above.
  20. Judging from the titles, most of those seem to be directed at fireteam leaders. Granted, a squad leader should know how to FTL. We have a FTL guide here We also used to have a topic with a bunch of basic stuff, including infantry and vehicle formations, but I can't find it anymore. Good initiative though. Might I suggest you or someone else make a written version of all of those videos? Or even Dslyecxi's videos on the same matter.
  21. Only crew/pilot helmets muffle the sound a lot. The "normal" ones I use don't.
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