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Posts posted by Ryko

  1. 6 hours ago, J0hnson said:

    Will the arty vehicles now spawnable actually be able to be used with no Arty Computer or range table?


    Also @Ryko could that ACE boat push be applied to other craft? Things like the RHIB should be pushable really.

    Yeah we'll probably bring the computer back, it's fun to do the ranging manually but in the end there are so many variables that don't line up it's too unpredictable. 


    For the RHIB, from what I can see it's baked in by class name, so you will have to bitch at ace for that. 

  2. Stiletto version 060 is now on the server. Change log follows.


    Tembelan will be reverted to the previous version on the next update of the repo, until then it has been pushed to the back of the map rotation (Lythium is now default after server restart).


    CHANGE LOG 060
    1. Updated Stiletto engine to allow manually spawned missions and enabling / disabling of Stiletto mission engine during the mission.
    2. Added Taru to Russian EMF and Desert player factions
    3. While the M27 is available to all Blufor factions, the 60-round magazines are available for autoriflemen only. The new 40-round magazines are available for all M27 users
    4. Kill HVT mission completion has been overhauled. You now just need to locate (be within 8m of) the HVT's corpse for the mission to complete. In Kill HVT missions, the HVT is armed.
    5. Added point system for vehicle spawning. Values are set at an initial state and will be adjusted over time as we see how the system works. Vehicle resource points are refreshed at 1/1000th of their initial value every minute (so at a default of 150,000 points, 150 points are accumulated each turn). In addition, accumulated intel points are added to this rate. All default initial combat vehicles (except quad bikes and repair vehicles) have been removed from player bases.
    5A. Added the C-130 variants and AN-2 to unarmed plane spawns. Be very careful when placing plane spawns with LOGi: these are large vehicles.

    5B. Added the Mi-24G to Eastern faction vehicle spawns.
    5C. Added artillery vehicles to vehicle spawns.
    6. All vehicles from allied factions are now present in their respective vehicle spawners, so specific factions are no longer relevant (you do not have to be US Army to spawn a Blackhawk, but you do have to be a Western faction). Vehicle rarity is now governed solely by point cost.


    For clarity: Vehicle respawn points are separate from Logi points.

  3. 10 hours ago, Stanhope said:

    Follow up:
    When the rally was implemented what was it intended for?  And does staff think it's still being used as it was originally intended to be used?

    It was implemented during a phase with low server pop, when no one wanted to run Vortex. Original implementation was that it was disabled when a Vortex was online, and then people asked for it to be more regularly available so Vortex could be used for CAS.


    I feel the responsibility for using the rally point exists strictly with the Squad Leader deploying it: yes, they must be aware that by using this function they are removing a need to use Vortex for insertions.  I can think of several scenarios where this is preferable: for example, going after an AA unit objective, using Vortex to re-insert troops is not preferable.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Noah_Hero said:

    Feel bad that the idea is just thrown away

    I don't see how that's justified as I explained why Stiletto, and Gauntlet before it, was not structured this way. Locking down the arsenal to a bare minimum is something more akin to what a dedicated milsim server might do, and that's not the spirit of AWE.  You've always been free to choose your own level of realism and immersion, and that's not likely to change, for better or worse.

  5. So in the past we've explored this concept, but have decided to leave the arsenal as open ended as possible. Part of the appeal of the AWE server is that you can choose your own interpretation of the scenario: if your character is an IDF soldier or a South Korean spec op attached to US forces, you can choose to play that way. 


    This philosophy also makes the mission much easier to maintain. If you want to have a scenario where everyone uses the same gear, consider submitting a game night. 

  6. I should have said "force" instead of "ask".  I guess my point was that you're treading on ground that we as staff see all the time, you can have what you see as a perfectly reasonable change to the rules / modset / game mode and not get consistent or rational feedback from the user base.  You have to expect that some people are just going to disagree with you without elaborating on why.  It's the exact same reason that people don't like playing as a Russian faction and will go play something else instead, despite the mission having made allowances to make Eastern play more West-like (by adding Picatinny-style AK's, for example, which mount Western optics).


    I would suspect that the main reason a SAF faction would be unpopular would be simply that it's not a conventional Western style faction, which the majority of the user base seems to enjoy playing the most.


    As I've stated in another thread, I'm on hold for further development of Stiletto, and limiting my time on this mission to game-breaking updates. That said, if you want to build your own SAF faction, structurally it wouldn't be that hard; however the arsenal as coded right now envisions a pretty strict delineation between east and west factions, and a SAF faction would fly in the face of that.  If you look at the Spetsnatz faction (1043.sqf) you can see how there's a custom addition of weaponry that adds the NPZ weapons, and that'd be the way to get around that.


    - R

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