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Everything posted by Jason.

  1. I agree with Sniper, the infantry transport certainly has it's uses, but they are quite rare and most of the time a helicopter would be a better choice. I would like to see it switched out to the vehicle transport version, as that has a very clear purpose and it isn't really possible to be wrongly used like the infantry transport often is. The infantry transport could be made a reward vehicle (as well as the gunship??).
  2. The Darter backpack is also missing, it should be available to everyone.
  3. @Cebi I have the same feelings. But before we go back to longer respawn times the refueling problem needs to be fixed, as that is often the biggest problem of a crashed helicopter, not having any fuel. It's one thing to have to wait for a repair spec to come and repair your heli, but to require a fuel truck to be driven (or lifted) to your heli as well is too much to expect from these servers. Also I don't think it would be a good idea to stop helicopters from de-spawning (assuming that's what you meant), as I can imagine it would cause a lot of helicopters to go "missing".
  4. I think you're misunderstanding what they're saying. "The difference is the Tanoa terrain itself. Here you really need to own Apex to gain access, whether in the editor or multiplayer or any other avenue. Not only that, but the Tanoa-specific data, such as environmental objects and structures, is only downloaded to Apex owners." They only say that about the Tanoa map itself, and the new environmental objects/structures that come with it. That does NOT include the new vehicles and weapons.
  5. I'm not sure how you came to that. In the link you posted it says: "all vehicles, weapons and character gear will work as it did in previous DLC. You will be able to try them freely in VR Arsenal / Garage. When you encounter and use them outside of that mode as non-owner, you will meet various limitations and messages." So it will work the same way as the helicopter and marksmen DLCs, all players will be able to see and use the new vehicles/weapons.
  6. I wouldn't worry about that too much just yet Kyle, I doubt the admins know any better than we do atm as there are still many unknowns. I would expect to see most if not all of the new vehicles/weapons available on the server one way or another. But things will change in the weeks and months post-release as more is learnt about the playerbase, Tanoa and the capabilities/limitations of the new vehicles.
  7. I think that is best learnt in vanilla EU1/2 before you try and learn it on EU3. There is a guide on how to use UAVs on the forums already so check that out first, and then practise it on EU1/2. If you have questions then you can ask them in the linked guide and myself or someone else can help you out. I don't know how CAS UAVs work on EU3 but I'm assuming it's very similar.
  8. Unfortunately I wasn't able to try it out yesterday, but I'm super interested in the new mission, if anyone has any videos/screenshots of the mission that would be great. I imagine a lot of this was discussed in TS at the time, but what are the future plans for Alganthes mission, was this just a one-off or will we see it again?
  9. These are the mods I use on EU1, the ones in bold is what I think everybody should use. @Blastcore_Phoenix; @Blastcore_Skies; @CBA_A3; @ccip; @outlw_magrepack; @st_gi; @sthud_a3; @st_nametags; @DragonFyreEden;
  10. @xSniper1982 I gotta admit you make a great argument and I really do wish that what you said is the solution. In my experience on EU1 (almost 900 hours) I've gotten to know who all the regular and helpful players are, they are the people I know I can rely on to help out when problems like this arise. I've been in and seen MANY situations where a player needs help (repair/medic/ammo etc) and communicates it clearly in side chat, in the rare scenario that somebody actually responds, 90% of the time that person would be a "regular". My point is, in the times where there are no "regular" players available, it is very hard to find any player willing to help. So for these times, the only solution I see is the offroad repair. How does this fix the problem? People have been making really good points with different ideas on solutions and I respect all of them even if I don't agree, but this comment adds nothing.
  11. 100% right, but the problem is they're not always doing their job. So this can be plan B. Bear in mind that things are very different on EU1 compared to EU2.
  12. Friendly fire DOES happen, and there will ALWAYS be bad pilots. Responding with what should or shouldn't happen is pointless since it's not a reality. The reality is that there IS a problem, and there always will be a problem unless something is done about it. Also vote kick does nothing other than cause others to spam the button which just makes dealing with the bad pilot even harder. Bad pilots will crash, we can't redesign the base to fit their requirements. The repair vehicle idea will help to deal with the crashed helicopters, negating the problem. Sure a few bad pilots may crash into the vehicle, that is a small disadvantage. But the advantage of being able to repair helicopters that would otherwise be unrecoverable, is definitely worth it. One thing I would add to the idea is that (if possible) make it so that the vehicle only partially repairs the helicopter. Meaning that it will be flyable but would need to go to the helicopter service to be fully repaired.
  13. I don't think anyone is expecting too much from the actual I&A/Zeus missions, the main thing is to get to see the new map, and don't forget the new vehicles! Since people obviously can't wait to try out Apex I think the priority should be on getting a server running it asap. I'm thinking just a very basic base, just set up the spawn area and VAS/Arsenal. The rest (vehicles) can be placed by a Zeus as I'm sure there will be a few available. So more of a sandbox server, hopefully with some decent Zeus missions. This temporary set-up would be running until a working I&A is made. You can expect the server to be VERY busy, so maybe a forum post can be made with a (estimated) time when the server goes live so we could all get on teamspeak so that we can join in at the same time?
  14. I agree with the idea, but personally I think whitelisting 3/5 of the slots is way too much. 1/5 or 2/5 would be enough, at least to begin with. The ratio of bad/new pilots to good/known pilots is pretty high, so 3/5 would make it very easy for the listed pilots to get a slot, but very hard for newer players, which isn't what we want for the public servers.
  15. It's a nice idea but it would take a lot of time to implement (if it's even possible), and could be easily abused. Pilots could purposefully fly longer routes to earn more "credits". Pilots would be discouraged to do supply drops, or to lift vehicles (offroad repair), as they wouldn't earn any credits. Pilots would be much more likely to fight over transporting players so that they can earn more credits. Pilots wouldn't waste their time going to evac a single player as they won't earn many credits. The idea of progression is nice, but I don't think it's right to assume that some helicopters are better than others since everyone has different opinions, I know many would disagree with the MH-9 being the worst/cheapest. I think this idea is just far too complicated and has too many flaws to be a good solution. So here's one of mine: Create a leaderboard that shows the five current pilots online and ranks them by their deaths/hour. The information should be easy to get, the only problem I see is displaying the info, static billboards obviously won't work for this. Perhaps it could be done using map markers that can be updated? Another idea: From your idea of progression, use helicopter skins to show how good a pilot is. All helicopters will spawn a certain colour, then every 30 minutes the colour will change to a "better" one, crashing the helicopter would then result in it going back to the original colour. So the colour of the skin will show how long the pilot has gone without crashing. I personally really like this idea, but the problem is that skins are classed as "mods" and so they have been denied in previous topics. But maybe this could still be possible?
  16. What exactly would that help though?
  17. It always feels weird when something you're used to changes so much, and the natural reaction is to want to go back to what you know. But give it a week or so to familiarise yourself with the new layout and for the staff to address the bugs etc, then the feedback will be much more useful. The website is clearly still WIP so try not to worry too much about these things until the site's finished.
  18. I don't know what the problem was that led you to make this post, but I think I have a good idea. I don't think anyone has a problem with you doing the side missions, since nobody usually goes to them anyway. If some players are going to a side mission, then obviously they're not going to like it if you complete it just as they're arriving. So maybe a little communication first would allow both of you to engage the mission without it seeming that you're stealing each other's fun. You usually wait patiently nearby for their inevitable deaths anyway, so that's fine, although a little creepy... AO's are different since that's the main objective. A few times I've seen you get to an AO and take out all the vehicles before other players even arrived, that's more likely to be a problem. Instead you could just take out a few vehicles, e.g. the Tigris' since that would help out the pilots coming in to the suicidal LZs. Must be a hard life being so OP
  19. I'm definitely down for this! I'd be able to get a team for this, hopefully we can at least get a small tournament going.
  20. The problem is that there just aren't any long range night vision scopes in the game. The only alternative then (as you said) is to use the sights which also get thermal vision. But imo this isn't something that should be available to so many people (squad leaders is enough). The Marksman and Sniper roles are already very popular, giving them access to thermal scopes would mean half the server would be walking around in ghillie suits.
  21. Ah interesting, I never thought about FOV but that's probably it then, thanks. For me (like I mentioned above), the HE has a very different flight trajectory, so it's not unique to him, I always assumed it was normal? I'll have to do some more testing later! Ok I've found the answer to the problem, MODS! Specifically, Blastcore_Phoenix. With the mod, the HE round travels much faster and with less drop. Without the mod it behaves identically to the AT round.
  22. Weird. Here's a video I made just now testing the RPG's scope. I turned off all my mods as well in case that caused it. https://youtu.be/r1RdN1X4ZIg
  23. The ranging of the RPG has never made much sense to me, the range markers on the scope are ok for up to 200m but after that they are very inaccurate. I tested this extensively a while ago, for example at the 500m marker on the scope the AT rocket would actually reach 900m. The HE rockets perform VERY differently as they fly MUCH faster you can assume they have no drop up to at least 500m, and if you range it right you can hit much further away. So HE can also be useful for hitting moving targets like a helicopter or an Ifrit at long range.
  24. I don't think adding more AT enemies would help as there's quite a lot already and the problem is that the tank will just sit outside of their range. I agree with the others here that I don't think tanks should be removed, and that it's low speed is the main balancing factor. An idea that just came to me is maybe another enemy attack helicopter could spawn in once the AO has ~50% of enemies remaining (and if the radio tower is still up). I see this as a better solution to countering Blufor Armour as an armed Orca/Kajman is a serious threat to tanks. I know that there is already a 50% chance of an enemy heli spawning in at the start of the AO, but this is often taken down by the time a tank rolls in, or at least the tank driver will be aware of its presence and will therefore stay away to avoid being engaged. But spawning one in some time after the AO started means that the tank is already at the AO and would be within range of the helicopter, so it would be a nasty surprise!
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