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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. Oh god yes, I used to be all for full personalisation of kits, but after seeing people running around with sniper kit (spotting scopes and rangecards), explosives when their role doesn't require it or just trying to recreate Rambo, I am now for forced loadouts with limited customizability (i.e. you can grab a red dot sight from a box and a couple of extra mags at most). So long as the loadouts you get given aren't completely bat-shit insane, like on Zargabad, the PLT Engi comes with 13 mags, 4 charges, 5 SLAM mines and a claymore, not to mention 2 defuse kits and M26 triggers (which is fucking bloody nuts, he and the rest of CMD shouldn't be seeing that much action that warrants 13 magazines), then I'm happy for forced loadouts. A flag that allows you to reload the kit you spawned in with would be good too so you can re-arm back at base. Failing this, could harsher punishments be handed out for not playing the role? As I often go Engi seeing an alpha rifleman place a charge on an objective whilst I'm running over makes it feel like a waste of time playing in that specific role. Same for most medics, everyone seems to carry 20+ bandages and 5 of each needle.
  2. The title probably gave it away, but my question is when both RHS and CUP are finished, which pack will be used on the EU3 server? Having had a look at the CUP vehicles pack the other day and comparing the similar vehicles to the RHS ones, I have to say the CUP ground vehicle textures are much nicer (air ones are fairly similar, RHS venom looks nicer). The following pictures are taken with graphics settings set to high. CUP M113 Interior: *Note that those are windows, not shitty PiP monitors RHS M113 Interior: Also, the CUP weapons seem to be much better balanced alongside the vanilla items, unlike RHS, in which an M4 for some reason has the same range and greater impact than an MX which fires a fairly larger round. Despite this, RHS has a much larger pool of vehicles and variants, with the CUP one being limited to the ones from the old Arma (there are a few exceptions to this, such as the CH 57 and an M113 with a 20MM vulcan cannon, mobile BRRRRT box). I guess time will tell which pack is ultimately better, but for now and from those who have tried both, from what each pack provides so far, which is the more likely of the two to be used on EU3?
  3. Main post edited to reflect the advice provided in the replies.
  4. The basics are capable of stopping medium wounds which is why I carry them, saves using the packing bandages, haven't checked to see whether the quikclots or elastics are able to as well. As for the medkit thing I had used the virtual arsenal to check and that's what it gave me, I remember getting a saline 250ml and an epi along with a mix of bandages on eu3 in the past, dunno if there's a specific setting they had changed to get that
  5. Introduction: This guide is designed to be a behaviour on eu3 guide that supplements this other guide that Josh wrote up a while back. So, you’ve downloaded the repo, set TFAR up properly and have managed to connect to the server just fine. Great job, that’s the first step towards becoming a good eu3 player. Now, what seperates a good player and a mediocre player you might ask? Quite a few things. How you behave on the server plays a big part in it, not just in dealing with other players, but in combat situations too. Common sense plays a big part in it, but unfortunately that seems to be in short supply across the world these days. This guide is to try and help you become a good player who survives through hell and back, AO after AO, instead of the player who gets killed in the first minute of contact and ends up having to be flown back into the AO time and time again. First thing’s first, if you haven’t read the rules of EU3, DO SO NOW. That isn’t a request, it’s an order. If you go on without reading the rules and cock up majorly to the point where another player complains about you, you’re liable to get a bollocking from a moderator or admin at the very least, a ban at the very, very worst. Now that you have read the rules, grab a simple role like rifleman, rifleman (AT), grenadier or autorifleman. Don’t play roles you don’t know how to use to their maximum capability. If you take a medic slot but don’t know how ACE medical works, you are wasting that slot for someone who does know the medical system. The same goes for leader roles, if you take one of them you will have a certain amount of responsibility in making sure your guys are equipped properly, that they all board and exit helicopters as well as following orders from higher up the chain of command. If you want to learn so you can play those roles then watch other people who know the role well enough and ask them questions. If you are completely lost when it comes to the medical system, check this guide. Terrain and using it: EU3 isn’t like EU1, it requires teamwork, foresight and thought when playing. You can’t just charge into an AO with a Navid and TWS expecting the AI to line up and receive your bullets, they act like proper soldiers on EU3, they will flank you, they will suppress you and they will fire sodding RPGs at you, they will do everything in their power to kill you once they see you. So, with that in mind, it is a good idea to remain out of sight of them for as long as possible until you are ready to strike, that way you are in the advantageous position, not the AI. Utilizing the terrain and camouflage are important in that regard. I’ll get onto camouflage and other equipment later on in the guide but in the meantime, I’ll start on terrain and using it as an advantage. It should also go without saying that cover is super important, you shouldn’t start shooting unless you are behind decent cover (read: not a thin metal fence or some grass) or are near enough to some to run to once the enemy starts firing back The map screen represents a lot of useful data, should you know how to interpretate it, providing the scale of the map, height of peaks in the region along with the elevation per contour line, in the image provided that value is 50m, meaning that each line represents a 50m increase or decrease in height above sea level between other lines. The more you zoom into the map, the finer the contour intervals become, allowing you to see the smaller differences in height, important for pilots when choosing their LZs. For those wondering, the 3 sheets symbol, up beside the time and player rank in the map screen turns the textures off, some detail remains at a greater zoom, such as forests and building icons. Now, in this example scenario two OPFOR squads and an intel element have holed up in this town, the allowed AO is marked with a dot border. A BLUFOR helicopter holding two squads and a recon element enter the AO from the East, using the low ground approach in order to get as close as possible. The pilot decided to land slightly SW of the LZ so they touch down behind the large peak of the hill in order to prevent the enemy seeing the helicopter. The infantry dismount and provide security as the helicopter lifts off (I’m aware I used OPFOR infantry markers for BLUFOR here, that’s fixed in the next image) The helicopter departs using the same route it came in via, with the infantry moving off. One squad moves WSW to the south of the peak, holding at the cross point marked. The recon element, using the fact they are lighter equipped, take a looping path WNW in order to attack the OPFOR intel unit before they can retreat south once the attack begins. The Northern infantry unit advance West towards the cross marked and once they reach it, they alert the Southern unit so they too can continue the advance. The Southern unit will come into contact first, ideally drawing the eyes of the Northern enemy squad towards them so the Northern BLUFOR unit can get nice and close before engaging. In the meantime the recon element will have manoeuvred to a point where they can eliminate the intel team as they move South or West out of the building they had occupied. Once the intel team is wiped out, the recon element can either support the friendly forces in town by laying down suppressed gunfire from the forest into the backs of OPFOR units or they can begin an exfiltration North. The idea behind that scenario was the BLUFOR using terrain and elevation masking to the best effect in order to get as close to the enemy forces as possible before engaging, allowing a major element of surprise. Equipment and Camouflage: This part will be going over what is generally a good idea to take when playing any role (excluding primary weapons and launchers, check this guide for what each role can carry). The equipment you carry and how much of it will largely depend on your role and your playstyle, but a good rule of thumb to follow is to avoid going over 40KG weight when gearing up, as your stamina will deplete very quickly at that weight and above. First, the clothing you wear, having it match the terrain you will be fighting in is a good idea, for example, when fighting on Chernarus it’s a good idea to wear any of the following types of camo; FROG M81, FROG MARPAT WD, ADR2, MARPAT Wood, OD, Type 4 Camo (what the JSDF wear) and the woodland camo uniforms at the bottom of the list. It may seem a bit roleplay-y to have to take camouflage clothing, but the harder you are to see by friendlies means the less likely they are to team-kill you by mistake whilst allowing the mission to have a realistic feel to it. The same idea applies to the vest and helmet you wear, currently the arsenal in the mission limits the amount of vests you can see but if you use the virtual arsenal under the learn tab on the main menu of Arma you can see all the items. A vest with a good balance of armour, capacity and weight is important to take, too little armour and you’ll get put down real easy by the enemy forces, too heavy and you’ll be panting along as Armas fatigue system kicks your arse. The choice is ultimately up to you. Backpacks aren’t necessary, unless your role requires you to carry certain things, such as a reloadable launcher, or medical supplies, so for most basic roles you shouldn’t need a backpack. Now, for the items you should carry no matter what role you play. You should always have a compass, watch, map, a set of ear plugs along with a radio, if you’re using the RF-7800S-TR then having a microdagr radio programmer is fine as it has a built in watch. The other BLUFOR radio is the AN/PRC 152, don’t take any other, as the different factions use different radio encryptions, meaning you won’t hear friendlies on the radio unless they also picked up an enemy radio. Whether you take NVGs is up to you, if you are going to take a set, I recommend the wide or gen 4 versions. As a non-medic you should carry enough medical supplies to perform first aid on yourself at least once, which means you should carry under 10 bandages total, have a single morphine and perhaps an epi to nullify the heart rate drop of the morphine and a tourniquet. Tourniquets may seem useless, but they are so useful when your leg has 8 large avulsions on it, as they prevent blood flow to the limb, meaning there is little to no blood loss from it. A good mix of bandages is 3 basic or quikclot, 4 packing and 3 elastic as this allows you to cover and close most wounds you will likely suffer. Grenades and ammo wise, you are best off carrying at least one white and either green or blue smoke grenades, a night time indicator of some type (chemlight or flare, ideally green or blue coloured) and 2 fragmentation grenades (the RGN grenades are smaller, meaning a further throw distance but smaller kill radius, RGO is vice versa, shorter throw, bigger kill radius). 1 or 2 magazines for your sidearm is normally more than enough (if you’re down to just your pistol something has gone horribly wrong for you) and depending on the role you have chosen, between 5 and 12 magazines (about 3 belts for an autorifleman) for your primary weapon should be able to see you through an AO. ­­Miscellaneous Survival Tips Cover is your friend when in a firefight, you won’t last long without it. I shouldn't have to put this here, but work together with your team. If everyone went off lone-wolfing, there would be a dramatic drop in effectiveness and increase in team kills. Together you form a cohesive unit with a greater effectiveness than single units wandering about the AO on their own. First Aid Kits will be broken down into a basic and packing bandage, a morphine shot and a tourniquet, medkits will break down into a basic bandage, a tourniquet, an epi pen, a morphine, a 250ml saline bag and two packing bandages. You will need a backpack in order to pick up the medkit due to vanilla arma constraints. Make sure to call out any enemies you see to the rest of your fireteam/squad, understanding where the enemy are so you can avoid or engage them is important. Don’t let yourself get supressed by the enemy to the point where you can’t move, if that happens a flanking force will have an easy time picking you off. Similar to above, don’t stay in the same area too long otherwise ambient AI will spawn in. This could be problematic if they spawn behind you and your team as they will move towards the sound of gunfire, potentially getting the drop on you. After recent updates to Arma, suppression now affects enemies, it’s determined by the size of the bullet and how close they are to hitting them. This reduces their accuracy of return fire, so even if you’re missing, you are having a detrimental effect on the enemies’ ability to fight. If you aren't sure if a unit is friendly or not, er on the side of caution and hold fire, if they start shooting you however, then there's a good chance its an enemy ai so go ahead and shoot back.
  6. Is there even any marksmen slots left on the gauntlet missions? I don't remember seeing one on the Chernarus or Panthera maps Yeh, that always confused me seeing fireteam leaders running around with a backpack radio instead of using the AN/PRC152 on the squad frequency, if the server was full then all the fireteams giving reports would pretty much jam the LW channels
  7. I make sure to grab the crew chief seat whenever I can on the black hawk so I can yell when the troop bay is clear then hop out, if the gunners made it a responsibility to be the last blokes out and to check the bay for stragglers that would be a great help to the pilots who don't have a track IR on had to check behind them
  8. This was tried a long time ago and nearly everyone on EU3 wasn't happy with that. There's no real solution to this dress up problem short of having a timer or only allowing people to load loadouts from it (but that would penalise people who want to experiment with different roles)
  9. It's more than capable of a one hit mobility or weapon system kill on the newer models of Russian tanks, as me and Johnson saw on EU3 the other day when we were in a HAT team. There's also versatility to the available rounds, that squad half a klick ahead need smoke cover now? The MAAWS has got you covered. Need a large area lit up at night? Just fire up a flare round and let the light of King Gustav shine down on all in about a half klick radius. Got a platoon of poorly spaced Russians advancing on you? Dump a HE in there, problem solved (Umbrellas not provided). Replacing one of the HAT teams with a MAT team would allow a greater spread of weapons to be brought to a battlefield, allowing squad level AT to disable ifvs or apcs they run into, MAT to nail other ifvs and apcs that are moving in and potentially knock the track off an MBT and allow HAT to concentrate on MBTs solely
  10. Why not throw these on instead? Doesn't have any mod dependence and looks pretty slick in the flat camo scheme http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24899 - Kuma in Nato camo http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25166 - Mora in Nato camo Second link should work now, no clue why it broke
  11. Shame it wasn't yesterday, you missed some wonderful Thursday only presents
  12. Think of it this way, epi and morphine are now one use per life medication, but atropine can be used as much as needed. So if you have just woken up someone who had passed out and don't want to waste the one morphine he can take to lower the heart rate you can instead use an atropine. The same also applies in reverse, but I guess two or more doses of atro are needed
  13. In a sandstorm? It'd be kinder to shoot the medevac crew and the injured if you were to try that, sand and engines don't play well together, not to mention the rotor blades would get eaten away. at least that's how it should be. No doubt the effect for that will just behave like smoke
  14. Someone in the past made a similar post to this in regards to switching the player faction to AAF, he ran into a problem because he forgot to change the AAF relations in the Intel menu. Control + W is the shortcut to bring that up, so don't forget to change that or some AOs might finish themselves if AAF spawn in the town whilst Blufor spawns around. Here's the thread if you're interested
  15. Pancake


  16. I'll be showing up about 1830, provided I'm not killed by some nutter in a car once I finish work.
  17. Keep in mind that the size of calibres for applications has been upped throughout the game, a 7.62 round is used in what's considered an LMG, whereas with todays current weapons that round is often used in MMG's. The increasing of the calibre for marksman and MMG roles doesn't seem far fetched as greater stopping power at range and armour penetration are in demand as personal armour technologies update also, it's kinda like an arms race between the two. Have you seen the kick of the 9.3 versus the 7.62? The fact that the Cyrus has a slower rate of fire is so that the operator of it can actually keep it vaguely on target. The lack of full auto on the MAR 10 does speak of it's purpose though, which according to the OPREPs, it's used by the CTRG faction as a lighter alternative to an anti material rifle.
  18. Something broke with the recent update, AO's seem to take a real long time to spawn in fully (+15 minutes for the AAF to spawn, +20 for the tower). Not sure what the hell is causing that though. Some of the desync issues may be related to Zeus usage however, as someone had said the gameplay had been fine until I had hopped onto eu1 and opened up Zeus to zap an asshole, then it just started to desync horribly
  19. There's an option for Marksmen weapons (bar the KIR, probably cos of it's limited range) to be restricted to marksmen and spotter. The same goes with at least the new MMGs, only autorifleman are able to use them. Also, in regards to the inability to snipe at night, I guess that means the sniper and spotter have to do their intended role and monitor enemy positions! Perhaps even mark them, encourage the teamplay and all that jazz, instead of dropping people at 1+ klicks.
  20. Having tested on the release candidate build I have found that the mission is playable, BUT, there is the following bugs to deal with: Deploying a non vanilla weapon whilst prone sinks your body about half a meter into the ground, most non vanilla weapons can also accept bipods but they won't be modelled Joint rail sights can't be put on the new weapons (yet) People are notified when ambient zones are deleted Helicopter G forces are much more pronounced At least on my machine whilst downloading GTA V onto the same disc I had massive slowdowns in server performance Players are temporarily able to access Zeus, however this stops after about 30 seconds in the interface Tank's don't do that cooking off thing, they just spontaneously explode once more Explosives require to you lower your weapon before they can be deployed Now, with the vanilla improvements to ai along with that script that helps make them more lifelike, the ai are more terrifying than they have ever been, I holed up in a house and the fucking breached and cleared it, admittedly I had the last laugh when i died as I rigged a satchel to a dead mans switch, but the fact they entered then cleared the house was simply outstanding for them.
  21. As the mission development progresses I'd like to see more specialised support squads being added, such as an EOD/Logi team and perhaps a Sniper to the command element (They, along with the FAC could be sent ahead to gather info on the ai positioning at the ao, which could allow for more flexible battle plans). As it stands I've noticed people carting around explosive bricks when they're not playing the PLT ExSpec which invalidates that role rather badly I find. In regards to training I could help with explanations and demonstrations with the AGM explosives module, as clunky as it is. A greater variation in the vehicles available to use at base would be ideal, perhaps replace 4 of the abrams with 1 Slammer A1, a Slammer A4 and a Kuma. Something similar with the Bradleys, switch out 5 of them for the various other APCs included in the base game, nothing wrong with them. I'd also like to see the addition of a CRV at some point, so that disabled tanks can be recovered if they're ambushed just outside the base (this has happened before, we ended up getting the UN Party Car outa that mess). Now for what I guess will be received as the unpopular opinion:
  22. Fairly Hyped aye, looking forward to it seeing as I've watched videos over the course of a year about it and it's development is impressive
  23. Open up the mission in the editor then do Control + W, that should bring up the intel menu, change the IND relations at the bottom to either friendly to BLUFOR or no-one. If that doesn't sort it then I have no clue, seeing as I know sweet F all about mission making
  24. As of the weekend that just passed, aye!
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