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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. For quick touchdowns a rule of thumb is forward speeds greater than 40kmph and descending speed of greater than 3m/s will wreck your helo, there are some with higher tolerances, some with less. Most have mechanical or electronic dials and a few come with HUDs that display your apoapsis (direction of travel with current energy, using the hell-cat at low speed and putting in control input and you can see it changes drastically). Use these systems to your advantage and always realise when the LZ isn't suitable
  2. Sadly my weekend tends to be busy with catching up on a weeks worth of stress relief, Sunday is also one of the days where there is rarely any other gamenights. If I get it set up right I'll record the session. JIP Will be allowed, but if you miss a small aspect of it you'll need to rewatch my footage (provided I manage to capture it) or ask me when I'm next online
  3. Hey folks, I'll be running a small-ish training session this Sunday to go over ACE Explosives and Combat Engineering. Overall length should be at max an hour and a half. There'll be an explanation on what roles each explosive device is effective and how best to employ it (X1) along with demonstrations of them in use (X2). After that I'll cover how to be an effective engineer with and without vehicle assests to keep an eye on (X3). Sign up form is HERE The training will be held on Stratis to allow everyone to have a good framerate. I'll see you all there.
  4. If you do come across to EU3 some time, remember to ask lots of questions, it's a very different kind of organised chaos compared EU1+2. Best to read most of the sticky'd posts in the subforum too... Either way welcome!
  5. Given the video in the OP, I expect it to be jet dogfighting, which will be OOFT
  6. Like the static defence missions the shacktac guys seem to run quite often? That'd be pretty neat
  7. In response to Zaks initial point and most likely the reason this was made in the first place: The rule to fill up alpha before taking bravo slots and subsequently bravo slots before charlie it to promote teamplay and keep the blufor tracking on the map fairly neat. It's also a method of stopping "lone wolfing" or people grabbing all three marksmen slots then re-enacting American Sniper, only with more civilian casualties. If you're suggesting that encouraging team play is a stupid idea, which is what it came across as today when you had a hissy fit then quit, then you probably want to re-evaluate what it is you want in a gaming community. Also the tone you used with david after the restart was downright rude and unprovoked. To what Frag had been on about with staff "abuse" (abuse isn't the right word to use for that but I can't remember what one would be suitable to describe it): The only whacky incidents I've seen staff doing out with the rules on EU3 was the spawning in of vehicles by a Zeus and Bacon taking the FAC role when there wasn't a platoon commander online. Hardly serious offences
  8. The time we ran the zues vs IND+OPFOR was pretty fun, until I put in a comanche... God the rocket runs from that. Some TvT would be nice every now and then, a recreation of the battle of Grozny Grad would be cool and PTSD inducing, provided it's as savage as the actual battle. Some variety in the types of missions made would be nice too, instead of Go to point A, kill all bad guys and blow up/assemble macguffins, job complete cos that gets old after a while.
  9. If people are interested in learning about explosives and their applications in the battlefield I'd be happy to organise a sort of showcase mission and host it this Sunday coming. If people PM me or reply to this so I know how many slots to make it for that'd be dandy.
  10. I suggested that to him last night to no avail, it persisted. Honestly it looks kinda cool, I wish I was getting that bug, the reflected imgae is a static area from somewhere on Altis anyway so you're not missing much
  11. It was switched out to ACRE due to personal preference on the developers part. Acre doesn't allow multiple people to speak at once which forces people to have better radio discipline. The ranges are also a tad more realistic for the radios
  12. By and large yeh, the I&A gamemode was always popular. When I joined up around 2 years ago the server was at least half full by 11am British time, which was pretty impressive compared to other games
  13. There's also that clip of me playing ring a ring a rosy with a bush hugging CSAT bloke on the twitch, god my scream in that
  14. If you look up "theminipily" on youtube you should find his channel, he has a fair few highlight videos from EU3, although they tend to be the side splittingly hilarious glitches or incidents Edit: I would link you to the page myself but the WiFi network I'm on just now blocks youtube EDIT 2: Huzzah, I have a link - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMinipily/videos
  15. Exactly what Amentes said, instead of a single TS grpup for veterans skill tags would be nice, indicating those who excel in certain fields, medic, rotary pilot, fixed wing pilot, comms, engineer/demolitions, team/squad/Plt leader (corporal, sergeant and LT rank markers respectively?) that kind of stuff. So someone who is tagged as a veteran medic would be better suited as a medic in a game night compared to a new-to-ACE-med person
  16. It's alright lads. I went and made tiem into a youtube video so you can spread it like herpes
  17. Well lets get some topics for discussion written down in preparation then shall we? I would like people to respond to this with their ideas and this post can be edited to be the comprehensive anchor esque list that the spokesperson can delve into for topic inspiration. New Member quality control Loadouts, forced or free? Sure to be a hot topic Direction of mission development Addition or removal of certain mods ACE Medical, a step in the right direction or a dumbing down of a complex system? Inappropriate leaders -Para Time Wasting -Para (I made my first comment about that on the last gamenight ran by Icy, 2 hours before we got to the city) ACRE & the issues we've been having with it -Aalp No doubt many more points to be made
  18. So since today is some sort of worship and consumption ritual of my namesake, I come bearing gifts of auditory hell I created in the past. Don't question them, just listen. Tiem by Herns Zimmpfer: Something... words can't really describe this one: http://picosong.com/8Xfx/ This one is genuine ear sodomy, I made this as a joke a long time ago, low volume if you want to listen to it: http://picosong.com/uY3v/ A modification to the marching anthem Erika: http://picosong.com/SRFS/ The sound of PTSD: http://picosong.com/6WdK/ Crawling by Linkin Park, only better: http://picosong.com/AjZq/ Rare WW2 footage: May god have mercy on your soul if you click them all in quick succession, it will be loud. All I can really say is that I'm sorry. Hopefully these musical abortions I create will get better with practice. Also happy Shrove Tuesday
  19. Feedback: Waiting time was not enjoyable: I understand it's a zeus made mission but couldn't more stuff have been placed down and organized before hand? Desync: I remember Icy saying something about having it fixed after the first restart, which is good for future gamenight, but I had several AI bullshitery moments where desync dropped, I shot an enemy 10ish times then I was one shotted once the server caught up Dis-organization: not a host or Zeus issue, but there was an incident where alpha had cleared a town and outlying farm, was about to depart then was asked to investigate a parachute that had come down in the town, which was then told to be a crate, queue a 5 minute search that turned up nothing then command told us to disregard the search. After that it was small leadership irks, indecisiveness mostly. Med system: no clue what kind of state it's supposed to be in, getting knocked out by everything is annoying though, and only once did I wake back up to bandage my wounds. Loadouts: Wrong ammo given for some guns, TL's spawned in with 40mm grenade launcher ammo and no launcher on the rifle. Yet again no pistol ammo meaning they're just dead weight.
  20. Thing is, between RHS and TRYK there's plenty of choice, if you're feeling picky about a uniform just remember at the end of the day it's a game, doesn't matter if you look smart for the ladies, the AI are equal opportunists and will kill everyone. Adding more mods to bloat the arsenals load time even more is not the solution
  21. Signed up, if I'm getting put as a TL please saddle me with people who have their head screwed on at least part way. Last time I lead was pretty fun, although that nudist MMG gunner is still a sore point.
  22. Pancake

    Naval Action

    What time period is the game set in?
  23. Be a registered user on the forums for a while and moderately active on the teamspeak, at least that's how it was done when I joined here a few years back
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