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Posts posted by GamerbugUK

  1. 15 hours ago, Nutek said:

    Scar with grenade launcher EGLM is all I use. The rest is to fill AT, Recon or Marksmen from time to time and enjoy arma from another point of view but Scar is my weapon of choice.


    Such a good looking, bad ass looking weapon and it exists in real life, so it works for me ;) 


    And Scar will thank you for such a high opinion of him 😂

  2. You wont be rolling with that on I&A though. 😉


    Out of all the vanilla weapons allowed, I typically go for some sort of MX as they just work, ammo is plentiful and they hit hard enough.


    Marksman I usually go SPAR 17


    AT I'm going to be using a Titan and hopefully taking a vehicle for rearming.


    L/MMG i tend to go MXSW or SPMG.


    Always carry a few smokes, a few grenades and about 10+ mags.


    I never carry a pistol as the weight of a pistol and some mags is way heavier than a several extra mags for my main, and that holds more ammo.

  3. AW MVP 2018: @Ryko

    AW most friendly admin/staff member 2018: @Mark T

    AW most helpful admin/staff member 2018: @Chuck

    AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2018: @Stanhope

    AW strictest admin/staff member 2018: @Solex (I mean, he's the man with the ban)

    AW most active staff member 2018: @Xwatt

    AW friendliest user 2018: @Geb

    AW best moment 2018 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Shooting down a chopper with my marksman rifle.

    AW best forum post 2018 (please put url in): Any of the ban appeals by Daniel

    AW best driver 2018: @TheScar

    AW worst driver 2018: Probably me

    AW best baby 2018: @fir_nev

    AW best fail 2018: Dayz getting a 1.0 release
    AW best game of 2018: Arma 3 (probably)

    AW best official server of 2018: EU1

  4. 1 hour ago, TheScar said:

    ... but that mug barely fits my ego, plus it lacks stains and bite marks and chips!


    On a side note, have you voted already?

    *points gun*




    You should have seen it this morning before I cleaned it. I like the coffee taste/stains to ferment over weeks.

  5. I do agree with the RPGs, make them available for any one; picking one up of a corpse can mean life and death for a person stuck in no mans land; ditto for weapons of bodies in general (possibly make them class dependant).

  6. Liking the merch, possibly a good step (who knows though really).


    Regards the above post, having a full run and gun server is all fine and well, but even back when you could carry as much as you wanted and use any gun you wanted, the servers were often desolate so it really made little difference.


    EU1 fills up just fine, EU3 - well I honestly don't know as I don't play there. So I would say if you want to generate more player base it's having a new game mode on EU2 (what  that might be I have no idea). I mean other maps have been tried and they didn't work, though I am somewhat surprised as a smaller map makes a lot of sense (you get to a fight quicker). So maybe AW needs a second game type to supplement I&A.


    Either way I will still support you guys where I can, it's a good community/server/game mode.

  7. Ah the spectrum, too much of my childhood spent on that system. I recall playing Back 2 Skool in a cold bedroom on a black and white tv til my fingers went numb. As for Bruce Lee, what a classic!


    Welcome to the forums fellow old midlandian.

  8. Not encountered it but I've had windows updates play havoc with my audio settings before.


    Recorded entire videos before with no audio because windows had set my mic to my monitor as default!


    I'd say double check voicemeeter, VB Cable, and defaults, I think you can double check audio in Amra itself, or maybe I dreamed that.

  9. 56 minutes ago, Nibbs said:

    Errr I'll go with that excuse... ;)

    To be honest I don't really make vids, so a few mistakes due to me trying to think and fly at the same time.

    I make lots of videos and still cock up all the time, I just can't be bothered to go back and sort them out.


    Trust Stan to highlight it ?

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