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Suggestion: Ammo Rationalisation

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A few times on the server now there has been discussion about what ammo to take as there are probably 20 different types of 5.56mm alone, and many of which are not interchangeable into other weapons, which you might expect them to be.


My suggestion is to rationalise the ammo available via the arsenal/ammo crates/vehicles to the basic 5.56mm magazines including tracers, which seem to work in M4, M16, M416, M249 etc.  The same could also be done for the M249 ammo which appears to be compatible but when you need it you find out it doesn't work, and also other ammo types such as 7.62mm, so that a basic set of magazines is available for all guns.


This may or may not have been discussed before, but as a new-ish player for the past 2months it is a regular topic of conversation.  As always thanks for the all the work and effort that goes into the servers and configurations, it's been great fun playing so far and long may it continue.


Regards, Alex.

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On maps such as Zargabad or Fallujah, where you're fighting low armored Taki's; 7.62 is really not necessary (apart from the Marksman maybe).

If everyone would just get over the motto; the bigger the better - We'd be done with dressing up and ammo problems a lot quicker.
A 300 meter 5.56 round to the torso should do enough damage to put a raghead out of the fight be it dead or unconscious.


On maps such as Panthera or Chernarus, you can do fine with 5.56; I can see the point in some more people taking somewhat more heavy caliber, but exchanging ammo should still not be that big of a problem.


On the topic of standardisation or rationalisation; we've had these kinds of discussions in the past; fixed loadout vs. the freedom to pick your own gear or give them a weapon and make only the attachements customizable etc.

Every time it just ends up with the community very divided between more realistic gameplay or more freedom - one side you'll have people like the Whey-squad and on the other side you have the 'Lets go seal team 6 backwards caps and full black-out fit <yo>' guys.

I'm totally pro-standardisation and fixed everything apart from attachments, facewear and a choice between any 5.56 gun that fits STANAGs.

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crack open the PBO, make some changes, see if you like them see if the majority of the community likes them, we'll see if we like them and then if all is we'll throw your version up. To reiterate if we approve of the changes we'll add your edited version.

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If you want to see how we have to do the VA limiting atm cause of BIS logic :


| Author: 
|	Pfc.Christiansen
|   Description: Adds VA to boxes in spawn when Gamenight Mode is turned OFF
|	Created: 1.December 2014
|	Last modified: 8/15/2015
|	Made for AhoyWorld.
["AmmoboxInit",[kBox,true,{true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
[kBox,[true],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo;


//Items and Optics










//Vanilla Helmets


//TRYK Helmets




//RHS + BIS Vests



"TRYK_V_tacSVD_OD"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;

["AmmoboxInit",[kBox_1,true,{true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
[kBox_1,[true],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo;


//Items and Optics










//Vanilla Helmets


//TRYK Helmets




//RHS + BIS Vests



"TRYK_V_tacSVD_OD"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo; 


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Tbh, limiting it on the server doesn't seem like it would help. It's still possible to generate a loadout client side and loading that in on server, so it's somewhat meaningless in the end anyway.


Only way that would work as far as I can tell is removing the ammo from the modpacks, which I'm sure isn't possible at all outside of a complete mod repack, which again is a no-go.


So men can dream, but it's never really gonna happen :P

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  • 3 weeks later...



That's what i would recommend. There is a lot of uniforms, though everything kept in a fair, and user friendly order . 
Armor works with the new damage system. And there is not that much of the "My vest is better than yours" play. As there are the same types of vests,backpacks, helmets, uniforms for every camouflage (as those are mostly reskins of armas default equipment with a little of change (all uniforms look (almost) the same, and have the same stats, obviously heavy vest has more than a light one but you know what i mean. its just different camos), making it very easy to get one fitting your gear and not being "less buletproof" than the guy next to you, making him tell you that you should change it because the one he has is fitted with better/working armor.  

Lets hope Tryk's gets a fix, or that we get killochs pack. 


Cheers Everyone

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I just noticed that some vests have so many mag pouches on them, especially the SquadLead vests, they have 3 double stack pouches and two single mag taco pouches on the sides. That's a whopping 8+1 mags, I never carry more than 7... Just wondering if that is normal as squadlead tends to stay back behidn the fireteams and may carry some extra ammo when needed?

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On this topic; I'd +1 the suggestion on paring down the variety of STANAGs.  Specifically, that we remove the RHS and SMA variants and just use the vanilla clips.  Rationale being that RHS clips don't work in SMA weapons and vice versa, but vanilla clips work in both.

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