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Everything posted by MidnightRunner

  1. SAM side mission only spawned the radar not the launchers, is this as designed? Donating points is working again Paradrop and purchasing items all worked fine for me. FPS seemed to be better than in previous weeks. In a slightly unrelated note there was a request to rename Reward points to TacoBurger Bucks
  2. Welcome, Always good to see new people around, we are a friendly bunch, for the most part ?, so if you have any questions, let us know here or in game.
  3. Notes from todays' test: Inventory still closing randomly while in base Achilles modules still disabled Dragging bodies bugged, people get stuck in the animation Request to add I&A 3 Admin tools to scroll wheel Can you add the aiming reticule back Paradrop function returned the following error No FF warning in chat Carrier rig(green) no flag not available in some load-outs
  4. Oh yea I figured that was just making sure someone had raised the issue
  5. I had manually added the public repo version to my arma launcher so I'm currently using that and my other mods are fine.
  6. The workshop version of CBA was updated today(Jan 10). As a result the latest version doesn't work on the server(EU1).
  7. Welcome, Hope to see you in game soon. If you have any questions let us know.
  8. McMilan, nice to see you on here. It's always fun to share a battlefield with you.
  9. Chuck, It's been a pleasure dude. Best of luck with your endeavours. See you around.
  10. Some of the Helis have started to explode on respawn Exploding Heli Respawn.mp4 .
  11. Got two strange occurances in the last few minutes on I&A4. First, player who had been on for a while got the following message. Then, @Patrik_swe got kicked and a random player became Zeus
  12. @Stanhope enemy can shoot you in the spawn zone, you can't shoot back haha. Vehicular manslaughter is the name of the game.
  13. Listening to Midnight is a dangerous road to go down. I'd think about that for a second.
  14. EU1 and TS appear to be down at the moment, went down at the normal restart time but didn't come back up.
  15. AW MVP 2018: @Ryko AW most friendly admin/staff member 2018: @Lindi AW most helpful admin/staff member 2018: @Norris AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2018: @Stanhope AW strictest admin/staff member 2018: @Norris AW most active staff member 2018: @Lindi AW friendliest user 2018: @Patrik_swe AW most incoherent ARMA player 2018: Drunk @RiverWolf AW worst ARMA pilot 2018: Daniel (Lake Unit) AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2018: @Norris AW best drunk member 2018: @RiverWolf AW best moment 2018 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Hunting CSAT in a Hummingbird with Geb (Sniper) on the bench AW worst driver 2018: @Patrik_swe AW best fail 2018: The guy who wrote in side chat to ask how to start the engine in his helicopter. AW best banned member 2018: @TheScar AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2018: AFK AW best game of 2018: ARMA3 AW best official server of 2018: EU1 
  16. Cheers for the effort today guys. It is appreciated.
  17. I also noticed that when purchasing the paradrop reward there was no option to use it.
  18. Your Flux Capacitor was turned off mate. You have to activate it before you can engage the second gear ?
  19. Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words. I'm just enjoying being part of this community.
  20. I&A 4 is looking really good, enjoyed a lot of the features in it. Couple things I noticed, 1. As Auto rifleman, I could see certain face wear items in the arsenal but could not apply them. 2. When I purchased the Mk200 I could not access the relevant ammo for it. 3. I also lost connection to the server a couple times with the error being A3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_01\heli_transport_01_int_base_as.paa. I don't know if this was on my end or not but I thought I'd stick it in here anyway.
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