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Posts posted by Aegis_RVIR

  1. I'll just say this right now, this is my opinion and not sponsored in any way shape or form.


    So, boats are kinda in a pickle right now. They are pretty much useless and pretty much useless for Mass transport thanks to the slow speed of most of em or the low capacity of others.


    How I would fix them would be first off all centralising their location. Second I would add AO's on hard to reach places for ground vehicle's (aka Islands). Maybe something else scripted in that gives me an edge over ground and air transport.

  2. Scar has a point. Slapping the base dead center in the map ain't realistic but do keep in mind we are talking about pubs were 75% couldn't give less of a damn about realism. They just want to play a gamemode which happens to be hosted by AW.


    If we were talking about Enhanced, I would agree but this ain't that.


    I personally have mixed feelings about the current FOB's. In my opinion each is only useful if it is close to the upcoming AO's or if it yields things like gunships and tanks (Looking at you FOB guardian andtheoneatmolosairfieldIdontknow thenameoff). I could go into this more but it hits the logistical nightmare of I&A waaaay too soon for comfort.

  3. On 17-8-2017 at 4:20 PM, Stanhope said:

    I presume people currently don't like it because of the jet glitching through the deck.  We were hoping that BI fixed that bug soon but yea.  

    The carrier on altis isn't used for a lot true, but on malden it holds almost all air assets (helis, blackfish, UAVs, ...) because malden's base isn't on an airfield.

    malden's base isn't on an airfield, isn't on an airfield


    Just gonna put it out there, that makes 0 sense in my opinion.

  4. Hello there!


    feel free to stop by on the TeamSpeak server of AW and ask questions or just talk to people. You can find me 50% of the time in EU#1 or in a custom channel making something.


    Hope to see ya around!

  5. //UPDATE: After some considering I decided to port the mission over to Enhanced to add to the whole experience.///


    Hello everyone,


    Some of you may know I am currently working on a mission, to be exact.: My first non zeus mission which isn't PvP. However, there is a lot which comes into play and a lot has to lign up for it to go according to plan.


    That is why I am putting this up, I am looking for people who want to help me with developing the mission thanks to testing it when I put up the alpha and beta versions.


    This is how it works: When I finish on a build, ill go on TS and make a channel called Escape Tanoa V2.0 Dev Center. If you want to come and test, join the channel and ill provide instructions on how to join. We will be playing it until it is either played till how far it has been developed or a problem is found which is breaking the mission or the balance of the mission. Once it is done, I ask everyone for their feedback so I can continue working.


    That is the first part, I also am looking for people who are able to make a proper mission picture which will be used for when the mission goes live and a trailer for it. Last but not least I am looking for people who are into the coding (in game, not SQF) and are willing to help with the code that will be required for the mission.


    If you have some questions or are willing to help, please let me know below!


    Practical Information:

    APEX required

    Enhanced Modset

  6. Well, having this requirement near the idea of having the need of being whitelisted to be a pilot which always ended in one answer: No, not now not ever. Just look it up the amount of previous threads about this topic.


    As much as it would help communication and response time if things are asked to staff, nobody here can force you to be on TeamSpeak...


    ....Doesnt take away the fact I love to talk about everything on TS and am there more often if you want to ask something :D. End of the day it is just my opinion (with arguments based in reality)

  7. Whilst I have no clue why they removed the UGV's (#MakeUAVSlotgreatagain), I can see why an UAV with AGM missiles is never coming on the server. The UAV operator is a support slot, which means you have to be called in before you can bomb target X and this often work because the ground troops find and laser the target whilst the UAV operator drops a bomb (or two) on the target. AGM Missiles circumvent the need for ground troops, since the UAV operator can just pick a target, lock it, fire a missile and repeat until the UAV has no ammo left or everything is destroyed.


    TL:DR Would love to see UGV's again but UAV's with AGM's would basically be an airborne version of Scar and that would suck the fun of others dry quickly. This is just my opinion here.

  8. So, This is for now the last update ill roll out. I am fairly content with what it turned out. The AA towers were moved so prevent bad pilots from going into them like a wrecking ball (at least I hope).


    The main thing that has been changed is the main area: The bunker was switched out for a larger shed which can contain some in house advertisement (Don't lie, I know you all love your billboards. They are everywhere in the spawn area ATM). It also should prevent people spawning inside each other or in the walls when a lot of people spawn in at once. I added a gate leading to the heli area as well to prevent vehicles getting in and keeping the occasional CSAT or AAF pilot out. There are now a couple of zamak trucks (ammo, fuel and repair) at the helipad so repairs aint too far off always and being a nice substitute for a heli servicing pad.


    Last thing that is worth noting is the slingload area. It is next to the motor pool and has a separate Arsenal and supply crates at hand. A couple lights have also been added/changed around to make sure that even without NV you should be able to walk around normally at the base.




    So, what do you guys think? Is it a worth contendor for when a new base is selected, do you think it needs more polish? Let me know down below :D

  9. Maybe bonus objectives that reward certain types of blacklisted or unused gear like Clear the AO under X amount of minutes, Clear the AO without entering the AO, kill the engineer and the factory within 10 seconds from eachother. Small things that reward things like VIPER helmets (those are pretty neat), a sabotage (reduced amount of troops in next AO), etc.


    the nice thing about it is that you can add pretty much anything as a mission and anything as a reward. Maybe a tier system (harder mission, better reward?)

  10. So, after some hard work and much needed advice I am back again with an updated version. Its main improvement is that everything is more spaced out than before, so it doesn't feel like Singapore but like a proper base20170819204910_1.thumb.jpg.fdf327e3f06c297a432ac37f72088875.jpg20170819204916_1.thumb.jpg.2aece27288b93a0e81d9a93053ccf74d.jpg20170819204924_1.thumb.jpg.426ca9eceabecec03a6d0919d8472c42.jpg20170819204930_1.thumb.jpg.f007cae7ca3615ea547029aeb1fe996e.jpg20170819204934_1.thumb.jpg.9344f11c66fc18b00f45e26a292a4d14.jpg20170819204942_1.thumb.jpg.3ad1e7f68a64ac1b2b04ef3a25bd72f4.jpg20170819204951_1.thumb.jpg.b5ea80e03ebba621366cca57a37df0f2.jpg20170819204957_1.thumb.jpg.ca381aa79b6704c04ec28cd53fc423a2.jpg20170819205018_1.thumb.jpg.830311af03fe147785b554ef1a4f21c7.jpg20170819205111_1.thumb.jpg.bbdb24b8620d8c9fa8355a2ddd3701c1.jpg20170819204856_1.thumb.jpg.cf7ab6517b50a489a9924921946a6826.jpg20170819204901_1.thumb.jpg.bd826fa1808f09763c93e1e73fef650a.jpg


    As you can see, the base is way more spacious now than before with the motor pool being moved outside the perimeter. This allowed the landing pads to be more spacious with hopefully less crashing on/near the pads than before. The bunker overlooking the helipads is meant to be the respawn, so people can look behind them to see if it is worth staying at the base for a pilot or going to an FOB (if avaible). The tent is the Arsenal and the 2 laptops for Tp'ing to the FOB's and purchasing arty strikes (underneath the concrete archway). The blackfoot also has been added, but I am not sure about its location so far. The helicopters have been moved to the terminal with a pilot respawn, hopefully no more wrecks that way at infantry spawn.


    At last, I setup 3 towers with Air defenses for keeping shikra's, gryphons and CAS jets at bay. As long as its hostile and airborne, it wont survive for long in the airspace around the base.


    I am trying to make the best out of it, so if you have any more feedback let me please know.


  11. @Xwatt I am still planning to move everything around. Want the AA somewhere high with a clear view of the surroundings. The bar gate is setup in such a way that they are indestructible, I tried believe me. I went for a head on colission with a hunter at full speed. Pretty sure if it can survive that, it can survive alot more.


    @ansin11 pilots should always be careful, but I am gonna space it out some more. 


    I'll be on this afternoon/evening, so if you want to say anything feel free to stop by.

  12. So, I hate sitting on my ass and doing nothing. Deciding I would give the new base idea a whirl again after the disaster of the South-West Base. I made a quick draft and these were the results.20170819124012_1.thumb.jpg.e303778bc990bca23e3560eb48083715.jpg20170819124004_1.thumb.jpg.d1c12b11d34d28cf585a0954de45b4c6.jpg20170819123957_1.thumb.jpg.4eaba30e001bce82f6dd3ea4c34f96cd.jpg20170819123953_1.thumb.jpg.2f3b0b666d6bb988d4f27d408ee3ff6b.jpg


    The large white building will contain the spawn and Arsenal. The helipads are lit up using the small green lamps and a large airport lamp. A vehicle/UGV repair is avaible, however I forgot the service pads for helicopters, planes and UAV. For if you don't recognize it, the proposed base is at the southern part of the main airfield. The HQ at the base is used as an AA platform. Certain objective like the gate barriers are made indestructible so nobody just goes straight through them. The middel area can be used for slingloading but that is most likely gonna be near the blackfish when I add the Blackfish.


    What do you all think?




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