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Posts posted by Aegis_RVIR

  1. After evaluating all of the possibility let maps, I decided to bring Malden to the table which seemed to fit. I'll combine something old with something new :D.


    Now don't get all hyped up, it is still somewhere between development and testing in, with Arma being Arma and the AWE vehicles not wanting to work with me all of the time it is gonna take a while. To add to that, I'll also be away for 2 weeks (10th to 24th)

  2. Mckillen, thanks for playing first off and thanks to anyone who played my mission.


    So far as I understand, alot of the problems come from the fact I am not used to AWE vehicle and not at all to the air assets. It is VERY difficult to estimate their power for me, thus the attack bird problem was something that was going to happen. One could argue I simply should have tested it more, but I cannot (even with my connections) cough up people to test something for AWE.


    Second, the ammo was a problem? Yes, I bvsaw that one coming. That is why I wanted to Zeus it, since the plan was that I would drop requested supplies every 10 minutes (see creators notes).


    I'll definitely looking into BLUFOR having their assets being whiped, but this stems from the 2 above listed things.


    I'll be sure to take all of this into consideration when I start work on the next mission, but for that I'll wait to see if which new maps are coming into the mix.





  3. Creators notes:


    - Every team has the same kind of setup: 2 assault teams, an AT and AA team and a Logistics team with the sides commander in it. All start with default equipment but keep on reading.


    - Respawns are unlimited (but do let the medics do their job). Both for personell and base assets. HOWEVER, every airfield may have some assets that WILL NOT respawn. 


    - Like said before, vehicles respawn. However, abandoned assets will remain there!


    - Factions listed were before conversion to AWE. They are USA (blufor) and Russia (OPFOR).


    - I'll be zeusing. Each commander may make requests to me for supplies every 10 minutes for supplies.


    - No ninja's please. You are allowed to hijack enemy radio's to listen in :D


  4. On ‎3‎-‎6‎-‎2017 at 3:23 PM, MurkyOwl said:

    @Cryo i was hoping i would get good from osmosis, but yea your idea's probably best

    No, That isn't learning. That is being carried to a rank and realize you barely picked up any skills

  5. Pro tip, don't steal a hunter near a soldier with a Titan (rocket launcher) *cough* Scar *cough* and don't spam anything. Especially not the button that plays a tone after you press it. Accidents tend to happen than :rolleyes:


    Happy hunting ^_^

  6. So, I have been playing AWE for a couple days now and I am enjoying myself (yet I miss the craziness of EU#1). Unfortunately, I ran into some problems with TFAR. One is that I cant speak to people directly around me without minimizing the game. Second is that when I talk over the radio, it sometimes stays open until I minimize the game again.


    Anyone any clue how to fix?

  7. @MurkyOwl, as I veteran I must advise against rushing into ranked. You will get paired up and against previous season platinums, diamonds and golds who want their rank back. You will either get carried into a rank which you cannot maintain yourself or you will be dropped near bronze where you might pickup alot of bad habits.



    My advice is just to play casual until you hit 70-75, at which point you should be able to get through ranked without any real problems.



  8. 6 hours ago, TheScar said:




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    just some friendly advice,but i found alot of your topics kinda ... ya know,right ;)

    ... dont make me say it !

    *pokes with a stick*


    aaaaand we´r not Marines here in good,old Europe you colonial peasant ... we r better than - wait,FULL STOP :D

    i just leave THIS here




    *pokes with stick again*


    I wonder from who he got it from....

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