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    P057code reacted to Josh in Stepping stone server   
    So i've read a few more posts, the less toxic and more useful ones, and I really began to see that so far the mods suggested pretty much are the mods on EU3 minus the map packs....
    I smell something coming up here.... 
    Maybe that's just me.
    Now before anyone says where did you get this info from Josh, I shall include it below.
    John suggested: 
    ACE (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=28557)
    ACRE (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=11339)
    TFAR (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=23615)
    AH-64D  (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=28085)
    British Ridgeback PPV (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=27955)
    F-18 (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=22594)
    AK Pack (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=22862)
    Shax Suggested:
    RHS:USAF (2.5GB on its own....)
    RHS are already on there
    Now to break down some of the other suggested mods.
    AH64D Is included in the CUP Packs which EU3 uses
    F18 Hasn't been updated since 1.38 we're now on 1.56... Which makes things VERY unstable a liable to dangerous things.
    Basically what i'm getting at here is that if you're going to do this new modded server make it SIMPLE forget all the uniforms, extra vehicles and shit. 
    Just use VANILLA arma with some extra stuff like JUST ACE and ACRE.TFAR if not go play EU#3 because TRUST me it really is not that strict there is no milsim bull shit. It is merely a structured TEAMPLAY style. No yes sir no sir bull.
    Now as said before I support this idea. But I do NOT support it if you're gonna start adding loads of mods: Clothing, Vehicles and weapons because you do not need them for what you're saying.
    Good luck, Josh.
  2. Like
    P057code got a reaction from xSniper1982 in Stepping stone server   
    We had a buzz round last night on an I & A server running nothing else but ACE and CBA on it, and everyone was favourable towards ACE once they got used to it (for some reason, I managed to seemingly fly a bit better, despite managing to land a MD-500 on a flagpole above spawn ) I don't know what else they're looking to test, but I'm sure there'll be a lot of feedback coming, either in this thread, or in other areas.
  3. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Reidy in Stepping stone server   
    I agree here. I've made the trip down to EU3  a couple of times, and although I like the mods and stuff like that, I can't get comfortable on there. I'd like a night or two where we can have a light mods sort of game night where we can have a bit of ACRE2 or something that won't be massive in terms of download.
  4. Like
    P057code reacted to Dingo in Stepping stone server   
    Wow just wow, this topic got way off track, you should all take a second and sit back and have a rethink 
    Giddy came into TS the other day with a suggestion of having a smaller mod based server as a step between EU1 & EU3 that wasn't heavy on the mods, that might attract a few more into our "friendly" community, 
    some folks who may not like the "Structured Fun" that is EU3
    and some who are bored of EU1 & 2 and want a more lets let everyone have a bit of fun with all the "ye olde worlde" Arma mods and stuff that's available to spice up the mundane Altis / Stratis a bit.
    Giddy was asked to put up this post to get a community feel to see how much interest, he didn't want to but we forced him as a discussion between 12 people on TS wasn't going to go anywhere, so he put up this post and so far nothing constructive has come from it, and only a 2 sided "our server is better than your server" argument reared it's head
    there is no divide, we are one community, yes some play on one server over the other but it's AW that holds the lot together,
    he shouldn't be getting called out by the mobs with pitch forks to be burned as a heretic by the EU3 mob or the EU1/2 mob for that matter
    so if you could all pull your heads in and have a proper think as to what would make this, Great Idea by the way, of a semi mod server work or not work that would be a lot more welcome than a 2 sided heated debate 
  5. Like
    P057code reacted to BACONMOP in Stepping stone server   
    OK so first of all if players feel that others are causing a certain server to become toxic, please for the love of god send a pm on the forums to a member of staff. This should not be the first that I am hearing about this. Secondly I believe that this topic was to suggest an I&A server with a weapon and clothing/vehicle pack. In that regard you are all off topic and have hijacked this thread to push through your own desires. Thirdly, I am not sure as to which mods you want and why. Some of you claim that acre/ace are to complex while others claim that you want acre/ace because it is not a lot to download without weapon packs. And others don't want to join eu3 because of acre/ace but then want it on a separate server.
    Finally I do plan to run eu5 row a week of two to test out the response. However I do not have the time or energy to make the mission and sort out the mods. Also this cannot only be just the one group from eu2 that plays a lot on the server. If I do not see it expanding the player base I will kill the server at the end of the trial run.
  6. Like
    P057code got a reaction from stiansn in Teamlead Communications [Eu1 & Eu2]   
    Whisper works pretty well.
  7. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Shax in Stepping stone server   
    If anything, this could lead to more players making their way over to EU3. I'd do more on there if I could get used to some of the mods used on there prior to playing.
  8. Like
    P057code got a reaction from slick in Stepping stone server   
    If anything, this could lead to more players making their way over to EU3. I'd do more on there if I could get used to some of the mods used on there prior to playing.
  9. Like
    P057code reacted to John McClane in Stepping stone server   
    Arkod there have been plenty of people that try EU 3 and find out they dont like it. Creating another server wont divide the community, did the creation of EU 3 divide the community. It did not it built it up, i believe the same for this new server.
    Arkod you have stated your opinion now please drop it and let others speak. As i said in my post i dont understand why its only the EU 3 frequent players that dont want this to happen. This server will have no effect on EU 3.
    And no this is not going to be EU 3 without the map packs. Its going to be a more free type of gameplay. a lot like EU 1/2 none of the strict MilSim like rules that EU 3 has. It will be treated like a Public server except with the only requirement is being on teamspeak.
  10. Like
    P057code reacted to Arkod in Stepping stone server   
    I don't think that making another -lighter- modset will help. Other than some technical stuff (actual server, mission/s, more admins?) it probably will divide the community even more. Right now AW has 2 player bases: those who play on EU1/2 and those who play on EU3. Ocasionally players jump between the two, but generally speaking there are "core" players for each modset.
    If you open another server with a middle-ground modset, it may create another sub-community, and from general experience, dividing a community like that is never a good idea. It potentially could create more problems than solve. 
    On top of all of that, openining another server may bleed players from EU3, which already is suffering from low amount of players on average compared to 1/2. I would prefer if AW focused on promoting EU3 instead of opening new servers. 
    I have a feeling that players are "intimidated" by EU3 and they can't just hop and play to try it because they have to download 20+GB of mods.
    A gamenight with just ACE and ACRE is a really good idea that would show players the basics of EU3 without downloading much. 
  11. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Tylermaniac in Stepping stone server   
    I agree here. I've made the trip down to EU3  a couple of times, and although I like the mods and stuff like that, I can't get comfortable on there. I'd like a night or two where we can have a light mods sort of game night where we can have a bit of ACRE2 or something that won't be massive in terms of download.
  12. Like
    P057code got a reaction from stiansn in Stepping stone server   
    I agree here. I've made the trip down to EU3  a couple of times, and although I like the mods and stuff like that, I can't get comfortable on there. I'd like a night or two where we can have a light mods sort of game night where we can have a bit of ACRE2 or something that won't be massive in terms of download.
  13. Like
    P057code reacted to Giddy in Stepping stone server   
    Hello everyone me and a few of the community members were thinking of how we could bridge the gap between the vanilla servers ie EU 1/2 to the vastly modded EU 3. Because the servers are so different we feel that a semi modded EU 1/2 server would fill the gap, Possibly EU 5. This would give a bit more variety to the game play by using minimal mods on EU 1/2 maps and missions. This server would still give people the experience of team work but not be as hardcore. The mods we were thinking of using would be a Weapon's pack, Weapon Attachment pack, Uniform pack, Some form of a vehicle pack and less intrusive form of acre 2. Please tell me your thoughts if you think this is a good idea or not, Would love to get your feedback.
    As of the recent issues in the comments below with some of the contradicting opinions of the community members i feel it would be in everyone's best interest to come up with a simple answer ie yes i would like this to happen or no it's not for me, I understand the reasons why some of the community don't want this to happen but this topic was never created for those individuals that had no intention of playing this server or game night. My original post wasn't meant to upset anyone it was a simple idea to see if people felt the same way but some individuals have taken it the wrong way. Thanks to the people who have expressed their opinion in a detailed way but lets keep it simple from now on. 
  14. Like
    P057code got a reaction from ryangreen1 in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    Unless an 'Offroad Repair Vehicle' or something like that is provided, or a Pilot gets to carry a toolkit (although, they are in the helicopters most of the time anyway) so that he can effect his own repairs, then there may be a problem, unless the guys running as Repair Specialists are top notch.
  15. Like
    P057code got a reaction from TheDirtyHO in Big thanks to John for the Mission   
    Ridiculously good fun at times as well, especially the amount of times we heard "I wasn't expecting you to come from that direction"... 
  16. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Gripe in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    Just a quick move to get eyes on a Tigris..

  17. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Cebi in helicopter stuff   
    I believe (given that I'm useless at flying) that you can drop an ammobox from the Ghosthawk, and that you can request a crate from the VAS at the Hangars if you want to do that.
  18. Like
    P057code got a reaction from slick in Big thanks to John for the Mission   
    Ridiculously good fun at times as well, especially the amount of times we heard "I wasn't expecting you to come from that direction"... 
  19. Like
    P057code got a reaction from stiansn in Big thanks to John for the Mission   
    Ridiculously good fun at times as well, especially the amount of times we heard "I wasn't expecting you to come from that direction"... 
  20. Like
    P057code got a reaction from xSniper1982 in Big thanks to John for the Mission   
    Ridiculously good fun at times as well, especially the amount of times we heard "I wasn't expecting you to come from that direction"... 
  21. Like
    P057code reacted to kman in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    As just a passenger I certainly like when pilots are more careful when approaching AO. Logging on and dying 3x in crash before I reach AO for the first time is total turn-off.
    But the idea with pilot siting by the damaged heli and waiting for refuel, I don't see that working.
    Yesterday I was on repair specialist class and Huron I was in took some beating and landed, I repaired it immediately and pilot thanked me, but then reported that it has no fuel. So we blew it up. Air-lifting fuel cistern to the damaged heli is - in my humble opinion - nonsense:
    * You are risking second chopper. (The Buzzard will not care you are on mission of mercy)
    * You are risking another pilot.
    * You now have TWO helis out-of-rotation, prolonging waiting times for everyone on server.
    1) Partial solution would be - if it can be programmed in - to remove fuel-leakage from the game.
    2) Even better would be: allow pilot class to carry Toolbox. If they know they can repair, they would try hard to make safe emergency landing.
    You might say it makes repair specialist obsolete, but I think that class only makes sense if you log-in to become part of vehicle/boat crew anyway.
  22. Like
    P057code got a reaction from Gripe in Anthems of Battle   
    I'll listen to anything, had some Elvis - American Trilogy on last night.
  23. Like
    P057code got a reaction from lexota in Maybe we could get a scalpel UAV?   
    Give us a shout next time I'm on and you're in the UAV seat. I'll get a vehicle, a shedload of Designator batteries, and start laying stuff down for you.
  24. Like
    P057code got a reaction from stiansn in Zeus Mission's!!!   
    If its on EU4 as LT said yesterday, then I may attempt a stream too.
  25. Like
    P057code got a reaction from ChronoZoggt in Maybe we could get a scalpel UAV?   
    Give us a shout next time I'm on and you're in the UAV seat. I'll get a vehicle, a shedload of Designator batteries, and start laying stuff down for you.
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