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Everything posted by Miczils

  1. Nice tutorial for people really wanting to try out JTAC on AWE, or just PlatCo's or even ASL's that want to know how to guide pilots the best way. +1 from me, I always love when command contacts me using air-force phraseology <3
  2. Sounds like the best way, sometimes it's really useful commandeering civ or opfor cars.
  3. In my opinion the F/A-18's Are a must, i love them, well made, the service menu is a bliss, and it has a great all around systems. If it was up for a choice, i think F/A-18's are all around better made than the Harrier, i get it, the uav-targeting pod, but in a bit every jet is gonna have an actual working pod so why bother changing it after the jets update. I really want the rocket launchers to stay tho, MAAWS is thousand times better than SMAW, i mean, it's amazingly polished - Air-burst shells for example, a lot of people know how to use it, and it is, well, bigger and more powerful than SMAW, allowing a lot more ammunition types at the same time. Beards, to be honest, are just a waste of space that could have been used for more mods that enchance game mechanics, like advanced towing or sling loading http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=687231959
  4. Id say an SL is one of the most important slots there are as long as Platoon is not filled, ASL can coordinate the Alpha teams, MAT/HAT and Vortex, while a Platoon Command does that from a spot further away, SL can be following the Squad and keep slightly further away but be a useful rifle if required to, ASL in combat is an everyday thing with less than around 16 people on the server. Even with a low amount of players, it would be pretty hard for a TL to coordinate the assets through radio while ordering his men during a heavy firefight, where ASL [Good ASL, As Colsta said, should never do TL's job] can inform the TL about what needs to be done and relay/coordinate other assets, while, when possible or needed, taking part in the firefight.
  5. I have no idea if there is a way to solve that client side, but, vanilla Radio comm's. My character keeps calling out stuff like "enemy, unknown 200 meters east" or "Im at grid xxxx xxxx". I may just be stupid and there is an option that i missed somewhere, but, i cannot seem to turn those radio callouts off client-side. I remember back in the day i used to disable it by: 0 fadeRadio 0; enableRadio false; enableSentences false; In the init.sqf
  6. I agree with you Ryko, sometimes tho, trenches are the only form of cover that there is - mountains/open ground approach. What about encouraging sandbag covers, i don't think they are that easy to build.
  7. To be honest never happens when the command isn't slacking. I just walk up to the box and scream loudly state that we're going in 3 minutes counted from now and everybody not in the heli stays home. Obviously then there are cases of planning & technical difficulties but that doesn't happen that often.
  8. @MoonFire Oh boy it's happening For real tho, it's an amazing idea, we tried to bring back Russian with moon a while ago, it's actually a very fun gameplay, it add's an amazing amount of gear to the playable field, i think at least half of us here looks at those FMJ 7,62's with that cheeky smirk, "i wonder how that would penetrate a rifleman". I think it would make the gameplay a little less linear, more weapons, different vehicles, and tactics as Russian equipment forces us to approach everything differently. The caliber itself allows a longer range of engagement and a bit more aggressive gameplay, while the armor on the red side is slightly less effective and makes getting shot a little more problematic. Russian's use huge bulky but beautiful armored&well armed transport helicopters opposing to Nato, quick insert, agile Littlebirds & Wildcats etc. Also, Su34's, sexy sexy stuff, double-seated, can carry Kh-29's 320kg warheads. That's a whole new, Russian, world that AWE could explore and enjoy, from me, a huge plus.
  9. Reappeal as Pero is no longer the community referee In-game name when banned: Miczils What message displays when you attempt to connect? Miczils Harrasing and general bad attitude - Sozio Why do you think you were banned? Bad attitude towards Duffy Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted ? At that time i had a slight beef with Duffyman, we would exchange childish insults etc. And that day, after duffy called me a bad pilot, i got everyone in my helicopter to say "fuck you duffy" as i flew over him in the base. I understand why that is an offense, and generally bullying, even i wouldn't say it was one-sided. At the same i believe the ban was fair, and my behavior was very far from what it should be. I also believe that I've learnt from that, and changed quite a lot. As stated before, i ask fro another chance because everything has changed quite a bit in those 9 months, and I've gotten in contact with some old friends who convinced me to try an appeal. Cheers Miczils Which administrator banned you (if known): Sozio (not sure) When were you banned: 6-4-2016
  10. In-game name when banned: Miczils What message displays when you attempt to connect? Miczils-Harrasing and general bad attitude - Sozio Why do you think you were banned? Harrasing Duffy Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Well I've heard from some old friends and they convinced me to try appeal and maybe get back onto Eu3 if that's what it's still called. Also i think i learnt something through those few months and I've changed quite a lot. Im sorry for my behavior & believe my ban was fair that's why i will fully understand if the ban won't get lifted, And its only up to you guys, if i can have a second chance or not. Cheers Miczils Which administrator banned you (if known): Sozio (not sure) When were you banned: 6-4-2016
  11. Well, i guess the armor is made to protect them. Armor values were always a bit sketchy I believe that it's more that when you get hit in the vest, you don't even realise that something hit you and continue pew pew'ing, you do realise when you get oneshotted tho. If you watch out for it you will see that every now and then (probably at least once every mission) your vest/helmet takes one or two bullets. It's pretty realistic tho, body armor will hardly take 7,62 even from 300+ metres. Even a 5,56, hardly but can go through some of the better armor's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMYkEMhPsO8
  12. Im not British but this guy deserves a cookie :>
  13. Ingame Name*: Miczils Why do you think you were banned?:It is said i was harrasing people, my side of the story \/ Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: What i did was, i joined Duffyman's channel and asked him how is it to be banned(he got banned after teamkilling me twice yesterday. I don't remember who was in the channel with him but i heard that if i wont get out of the channel they will report me for harrasing them, so i did went out of the channel. Few minutes later while talking in Ts3 channel with moonfire i got dragged to a channel by the admin and was told that i am harrasing banned duffyman and moonfire *i don't think i was harrasing moonfire at any point, maybe S0zio just read the wrong nickname but it may have sense to write it here* and i will be out for a day for doing that. I agreed, even i believe it wasn't that much of harrasing. I got the ban, today i tried to join again, and i see that i am permanently banned now. I was told that it is because something else was unveiled in my case, I don't know what can that be. I believe it could be me "harrasing" duffy before, true, i have said few stupid things, but we did shittalk eachother for some time, and i wouldn't call that harrasing as he was also throwing some meat at me, i just took is as casual "banter" shittalk as i believe he also did (Im sorry if i hurt your feelings duffy, you called me a shit pilot tho, thats something man can never forget ;_; Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Soziopath When were you banned?*: 26 hours until now Thank you for reading my poem, Cheers Miczils
  14. I believe everyone knows the ''Threw wrong grenade, nuked 20 people at the arsenal box'' history. Im sure 60% or more of our community on Eu3 did something like that at least once, i myself have seen few ''Veterans'' do that by a mistake. I see a lot of people being banned for that, and as i understand it is a teamkill, im sure its not intentional. What i would propose is putting in a script, if possible. That deletes all grenades thrown in base, i know Xeno's Domination Gamemode in Arma2 ( im really sorry if anyone finds this as advertising, admins, remove the post if it is so) Back to topic, Arma 2 Domi gamemode had a script that would remove any grenades thrown in the base. To anyone coming up with chemlights in night, i don't think it is really necessary to have colored lights thrown to find arsenal box, as we spawn with nvg's. I have no problem with using them in the AO, sometimes it's a good way to mark stuff with a chemlight, but in base, unnecessary.
  15. I remember voting people admin to give them side chat, it worked. Are you sure there is no option to give high ranked slots, let's say sergeants and higher, acces to side chat? I myself think it would be far easier for most of people, I also love the autokick (1 Warn then Kick) option for anyone writing in side. All in for the sidechat to come back, it is far easier, just enforce the no casual chatting on sidechat rule.
  16. Miczils

    Changes to EU3

    Really? Ehhhhh You failed us Ahoy, you failed us again.
  17. Miczils

    Changes to EU3

    Finally, waited around five months for that, could be faster ahoy...
  18. Im so hard right now
  19. I just realised that its not only RHS that has the sea stallion, actually. The seastallion in RHS is the same as CUP's.
  20. I don't know if you realized, but he wants to take the broken Vests and Helmets out. Leaving uniforms, backpacks and headgear. So hitpoints do not matter. I am full on for that, uniforms and backpacks were amazing with tryk, not even talking about the face wear, balaclavas and all. Go zak!
  21. Jesus Christ please don't even mention the Texan ;____; [A joke, texan would be nice but with Jets still avilable, Texan would be lighter CAS while an A10 or F/A-18 would be a heavy groundpounder, actually i like the idea making texan's littlebirds of plane assets, a light CAS that is easier to fly, but lighter, slower and easier to shoot down by ground than lets say a super hornet] By the way, i don't know where did you see CAS ruining aspect for infantry, if command element is there, CAS pilot who is ruining game by engaging whenever he pleases should be taken off CAS. Its up to cmd to choose if they want it in, its not CAS that ruins it, its command abusing it. (Not talking about realism, in real life they just level everything down with CAS if there is a possibility...) It feels a bit too "unrealistic" as i heard the Black Wasp is not coming in but maybe the F/A18 because Black Wasp's are to futuristic, then what can we say about that UCAV capable of carrying so much destruction. It would also make it even safer than it is now [That we don't want, fun and hard gameplay right? ] Engaging AO without risking anything is worse than sending a Jet that can be taken down and actually means something. A pilot rescue instad of, well just waiting for the drone to respawn. Awwww yes, im full in on that one. Finally hammer doesn't require 20 minutes drive to AO, i would see myself having a lot of fun dropping tanks :> Sincerely, i would go for that http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27766'>http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27766 - so many verisions. Just because thats what i learn to fly in real life and F16's are love and life.
  22. It was your idea sneaky skrubzord Im really happy about the positive answers. Thank's to everyone for opinions, and usefull ideas. Il try to get the idea in life, il sort the map stuff out. And well, see how it goes.
  23. I disagree on a point of removing jets. I like that there's a vehicle that can provide sufficient destruction for a CAS Air Asset, without Pilot - CooPilot. Instead it requires way better cooperation of pilot with ground forces(JTAC mostly) / other pilot team than an Attack Helicopter. I recon one time on Sahrani where i flown an A-10A for few hours. What we did was making me (Talon) cooperate with other pilot team (Vortex) I believe it was Amentes and H0K, Vortex was flying scout flights around AO, and after a permission, lasing targets for fire missions, where i was holding on around 2-3km above the ground and only went down when fire mission was requested and designated. I really like the realism we got doing that. As of what i have seen very often, CAS pilots were breaking off the leash going under 200m, often loosing the vehicle after a few strikes. I love flying CAS, probably because that's what i am actually learning to operate as in real life, and know how to do it. But there are few people who just turn full retard while getting one, It hurts me when i see people who can barely fly straight get into a CAS bird spamming rockets all around the place, it doesn't happen too often, but still, it does. Also that's nice commanding and being aware that there is a guardian angel that can be called in for when everything goes to peaces ((Totally offtopic, i think a good idea would be bigger penalties for loosing a vehicle, i see people leaving damaged (sometimes even perfectly fine) humvees, tanks, and helicopters because of the thing respawning after a few minutes, it would actually be some more fun to break off AO and go for a mission of returning damaged or abandoned vehicles, maybe some fun for the upcoming FSG engineer team))
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