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Everything posted by Miczils

  1. To specify, it is the advertisement of AWE on AW I&A servers.
  2. Hello, as some probably already know, with a few other players we have gotten an idea of placing billboards that promote AWE on Eu 1 and 2. Quite often i see players on those servers that really want more tactical realism/try to do that there. And quite often, when asked about AWE, i find out, they had no idea that it even exists or many answer something along the lines of "yea i heard about it, what is it tho?, like, I&A with 18gb of mods?". Therefore, my idea is to make some "tacticool" billboards around the base on Eu1&2 from the great pictures that we have on the forums, promoting, and informing players of the environment AWE offers. I have spoken with a few staff members, and they seem to like the idea, next step is asking @Ryko and the rest of core staff what they think about it, but to do that, having a few billboard projects made, would be useful. I would love it if you posted your favorite pictures from AWE and your ideas of slogans that could make players consider joining, or at least, checking out the "Enhanced" community, in this topic, also, it would be great to hear everybody's ideas and opinions. Cheers Miczils Ps. if you want to take it a step further and make some billboard projects, that would be damn amazing : D .
  3. Miczils


  4. Miczils


    It doesn't get more operator than that.
  5. Those times you need to unwind and think about stuff. Like nuclear warheads, or mass genocide.
  6. There are people saying there should be more restriction and that arsenal should be locked after x time etc. I really don't think it fixes anything, and it creates more problems than actual solutions (locked arsenal). What i do, and i think it should bo encouraged is literally just say, Were going out in 30 seconds, if you aren't here, you aren't coming. Done. I really can't see why so many people think having an open arsenal is such a problem, just leave people that sit at the arsenal, let them figure out why they shouldn't spend hours on their gear waiting for us to come back from an AO. I really can't see the problem, also i don't often see people sitting at an arsenal for longer than 3-5 minutes anymore.
  7. This thread is going off the rails, and here we are calling each other out on everything they ever did. Id recommend closing it. I could say i saw quite a few of members/vet's/spartans/ambassadors/admins/ etc. say, do, stupid stuff/disregard the rules etc., often with a reason, often not, yep, we all do it every now and then (recalling my stay in the community some year ago), and i have done quite a lot of that myself, I've learnt a little. In the end, it's a game, and yes i understand caring, discussing and enforcing the rules, but lets leave it a discussion please, because what this thread is becoming now is a war of "who has done more stupid shit" and how obviously everybody dislikes that. I may not agree with all the rules and their enforcement, but at the same time, i understand them & the thinking behind them, and well, if i can't change them, i try not to break them more than twice a day. Also, im sure that the ahoy-world staff knows about what happened/happens and deals with it, we don't need to all be judges of that and express our dislike/hatred/spite in a forum thread, yes he broke the rules, yes there is a longer story behind it, and yes Ahoy dealt with it, really, it's that simple. But, as we all know, we aren't going anywhere with what is happening now, and id just like to ask everybody, to, please not hate each-other too hard, and if you really wan't to, at least do it in a fight-ring team-speak channel, in the end, it's just a game. Next time file a report and get on. Cheers Miczils I should probably start counting dislikes^^
  8. Miczils

    Air Defense Edit

    Butiful Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  9. Could we have more vehicles in spawn menu, like Bradley, Warrior , Strykers,, Abrams' etc.? Or is it supposed to be only spawning default Arma vehicles? Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  10. Lythium, urban environment in the town in the top right corner of the map, trust me on that. Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  11. This time a team of special operatives during a major breakthrough in a top secret weapons program.
  12. Miczils

    SOCOM Sekrit Experiments

    @IOnceWasATeddy conducting a top secret experiment, means of transport, of the future.
  13. @Copey, @Karate Pyjamas and Sack. Team 1 Beaching the RHIB after moving it through the ravine. Begging of the first ahoy (Very special) military operation on Kerama Islands.
  14. Oh yea, after which we got massacrated and have not committed any war crimes.
  15. Wallpaper material right there.
  16. More like a jungle-roaming Stanhope with his lightning bolts. Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  17. Patrol OPS? Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  18. What about pilots, are they not there or are they just unlisted? Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  19. Damn, a good looking PvP game night. Count my in! Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  20. Problems like that get fixed in hours after they appear. No worries Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  21. Even i love it, i think the most necessary, Remove planes. *cough* MEDEVAC down *cough*
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