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Everything posted by Miczils

  1. I think you misunderstood the banter for actual hate, you see people make those but I can assure you none here is stupid enough to prefer alpha over bravo because of their names, maybe because of players in those teams, but not just names.
  2. What about a special Gauntlet - Carrier verision in the map pool, giving a choice to have a carrier spawn. And then have missions adjusted accordingly - remove the truck transport etc. I think it may introduce something new to EU3, a whole new way of operation from an aircraft-carrier.
  3. Good night sweet prince
  4. I think maybe @Ryko may want to look at those, no idea how that would affect the stability tho.
  5. I have to disagree with that, SL's are doing a bad job but that's your opinion. I think what we need to realize here is that everyone has different goals and understanding of "Victory" or "Accomplishment of the mission" , some people prefer to make sure that Vortex and Heavy Assets are on a very short leash, making it more fun for infantry - often ends up with a million reinserts and Not the most realistic approach, but for sure very fun - i believe that's closest to what You like and for those people the "Mission Accomplished" means that everybody shot a lot, we had some screaming and some Arma fun. I on the other side, like realism, played a lot of Mil-sim, went through Danish Basic and Adv officer training, and what i do is i take ASL and for me a proper "Victory" is a the full platoon coming back home with no-one killed, im that guy ordering MAT/Vortex to take out tanks before they even spot us, and, i believe that's an example of me - I do that very often, i love long-range engagements, because that's when i come back with alpha in-tact, and even you may believe it is boring, and as you once told me after i lead Alpha on a hill firing 450-600m down at the target, you believe it's what "AWE" is and shouldn't be done. While for me, that is the more realistic part of AWE and that's what it is for me. When i can sit on a hill further away shooting enemies, i will, obviously i don't always do that, i don't want it to be too boring for infantry. And us two, is a very good example of what @Eagle-Eye spoke about, the two totally different approaches. But i really like that difference, what is the problem for me is when people of those two different approaches start criticizing the other side. I do not agree that the audience that AWE aims for is too wide, it is the greatest part of AWE, that everyday there is a different leader, different command structure, different people doing completely different things, me as the best example, am a very aggressive pilot, i don't break off the LZ when my rotor is having a lead overdose, and i fly into AAA's "red zone". Sometimes ending up in a nice firework show, sometime in heroic extractions. But whenever i take an ASL, everything somehow changes, i make sure that there isn't anything bigger than a group of enemies when entering a town, and i call in a million airstrikes as soon as somebody spots a tank. A totally different behavior of totally different and diverse players while keeping a good level of teamwork, and assuring that everybody is having fun - that is the purpose of AWE for me, and i think it is serving that purpose as best as possible. The problem is the clash of different beliefs and mentalities - and i think that should be adressed, instead of saying that "SLS are bad" or "Those people are bad at it". And at the same time, a little advice from the realism side of the wall, sometimes its a very good idea to listen to people on the other side of that conflict, and find a common ground, that's when everybody has the most fun, and that's what AWE stands for. But hey, that is just my opinion.
  6. As much as I like your idea, I don't think that's where AWE wants to go. I think people don't like going CO/ASL because they're afraid of the role, in my opinion, showing them how it isn't as scary as it looks like is the way, instead of making it seem even more dangerous for them. That's why I'm looking forward to Copey's training, hopefully we will see more people trying out ASL, as, in my opinion it really isn't anything to be afraid of Also those snipers would affect ASL but not really do anything to PlatCO, sitting 2km away, and putting a few snipers more that spawn designated only to kill PlatCO will just make the commander focus on hiding away or counter-sniping than actually leading to his best abilities.
  7. Miczils

    SWAT 4

    Il look for it when I'm back home, could swear it was there yesterday. Gig's of gameplay on the first dev post. Maybe it was on Twitter
  8. War Crimes, coming to your Arma in Q2 of 2017.
  9. Miczils

    oh yes ...

    We need this on AWE
  10. Miczils

    SWAT 4

    Count me in. Also, As i can see you guys saw the Ready or Not too. Im riding it's hype train since the trailer. Also, there is some gameplay footage on the developers blog, looks pretty well made.
  11. Bbbbut we promised Copey we won't tell people about his girly screaming ; _ ;
  12. I want to know your Video settings, are you using ReShade/SweetFX or something for that vibrance?
  13. Funny how we actually managed to attach it, for like 2,5 second after which the tank was full and the it automatically de-attached.
  14. You didn't get me there, i mean some people cry not liking the 1st person. Im full up for it. So if there is an option, lets lock it to 1st person.
  15. 1. Some, unknown, people always cry about the first person. 2. If you consider the scale of Russian Advance, and the no-respawn, it is just enough. To be honest i expect that at least two of the Apache's are gonna be lost in the first 30 min of the game-night.
  16. Leo and his little mine-laying group of psycho's. Yes please <3
  17. I love this map, finally, thanks Ryko. I hope that we will be able to choose people as co-pilots or tank crew, - therefore making the possibly best pilot & co-pilot teams and best coordinated tank crews. Also, a little better overview - terrain map.
  18. Miczils

    MoonFire Parachuting

    What happens when moonfire touches a parachute...
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