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Posts posted by BACONMOP

  1. So I downloaded the 2 mods and I just don't see the osprey from that mod being practical, especially after flying it. With the Huey's I was impressed by the wide range of helicopters and the many many different armaments and that he fixed the animations for the gunners that all other Huey mods have, but he has the whoopdey doop flight model which is soo bad that it out weighs everything that it does well.

  2. Greetings to the EU 3 members.




    Today we have a special update for you all. 

    We will be adding the winter version of Chernarus with a version of Gauntlet complete with a snowstorm. This will be available to play on from now until January 4th. 


    Secondly, we are switching from TFAR to ACRE. ACRE works very similarly to TFAR, however, there are some big changes. Changes such as things like duplex, different hotkeys (Caps is still radio PTT), and set radio channels.

  3. I just had a look at the ACE medical functions. Try addAdmageToUnit.


     * Author: PabstMirror
     * Manually Apply Damage to a unit (can cause lethal damage)
     * NOTE: because of caching, this will not have instant effects (~3 frame delay)
     * Arguments:
     * 0: The Unit <OBJECT>
     * 1: Damage to Add <NUMBER>
     * 2: Selection ("head", "body", "hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r") <STRING>
     * 3: Projectile Type <STRING>
     * Return Value:
     * HandleDamage's return <NUMBER>
     * Example:
     * [player, 0.8, "leg_r", "bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit
     * [cursorTarget, 1, "body", "stab"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit
     * Public: Yes
  4. Hello and welcome to this weeks game-night



    We will be playing Hostile Negotiations


    On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. 

    The map is AL-Rayak


    The meet up time will be as follows:


    Sunday - 3 PM GMT Mission start



    Brief: This is a PVP Hostage rescue mission. A rebel faction has taken some hostages and is negotiating for a truck filled with weapons and AMMO. BLUFOR must try to negotiate for the safe release of the hostages. If all else fails then it will become a bloody battlefield.

    Note: I will only start filling more than the first 3 hostages only after the majority of the regular slots have been filled.



    You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over..


    Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot.


    I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply


    Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield


    For info on how to get the mods click here.night 


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