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Posts posted by zissou

  1. AW needs you!!!!!

    Have you noticed the billboards next to the vas man on EU1? Have you thought they look amateurish and a bit poop?

    Well here's your chance to pretty up the place!!! How about your image up there for all players to see?

    Here's how you do it.....

    Post an image that you think would look good up there, it might be a bit jokey, it might be information that you think many people could do with knowing, it might be a screenshot of something around Altis you can submit whatever you think would be well suited. (no we won't post questionable material of any kind)

    Information in the image like AW links (forums, ts, youtube or twitch) and advice is encouraged.

    You can add some AW logos or branding to the image if you like and we will sign the winners name on the image for all to see.


    A group of cultured admins will pick the final contestants and the community can vote on which one they'd like to see! 

    the image must be 1024(width) and 512(height) pixels large and in jpg or png format.

    Here's a  few examples I came up with....

    Good Luck 



  2. if there was a spartan on but no admin and the uav op was using them for no good then yeah the spartan was right to block them off. ideally they would have removed them but perhaps the neerdowell was still present. 

  3. "I was caught up doing an errand in my room while i was connected in the lobby, and i wasn't aware there was a idling timer meter activated. I was kicked 3 times, but i reconnected, because i was nearing completing my errand before i could stay on the computer full time."   



    That was your excuse for your last ban (8 hours) which you got 2 weeks ago!

    then today...


     "i just got caught up with my errands in the kitchen after i joined the server." 


    I suggest in future you complete your errands before starting arma.

    This ban will stand after talking to core staff (core staff having decided that you should get a one week ban).

    Given the fact that we have to continually monitor you for lobby idling and you insist on flouting the rules we will be force to take firmer action in future.

    This is an ongoing issue with you and you know well not to do it yet you continue to do it.

  4. Firstly the decision to permaban you was taken by not just me but several admins.

    You have consistently flouted our rules despite numerous warnings, many kicks and a few bans too.

    Teamkilling, hiding the heli you take to calling yours, lobby idling and generally having no regard for other players so much so that you openly admitted that you felt your time is more important than everyone one elses.

    Time after time you have shown you simply don't care.

  5. yeah like muckduck and raz said it's a fine line to thread, but if the gunner, pilot, at guy or mortar men just ask themselves is my gameplay impacting others in a negative manner then you are op in what you are doing. 

    comms is the key if you are open with everyone as to what you're doing and involving them then you can share in the opness and that's better.


    if it's too op it will (and we have done this before) be removed if we feel that any asset is having a negative impact on gameplay for the majority of players eg heavy artillery, CAS jets were all in the mission at some point but were abused by a small number of players so they had to be removed.


    Like most times just keep in mind it's a 60 player server and we want everyone to have the best experience not just the individual. 

  6. It was me who banned you after kicking you a few times for lobby idling, you were not caught up doing an errand as each time you immediately reconnected after being kicked. The kicks should have served as a reminder to follow the rules.

    Your ban will remain for the full hour and we will be keeping an eye on you so please do not lobby idle and please don't insult us with lies that you were busy and didn't notice.

  7. yeah it was a day long ban we had several players on a full server who were afk for extended amounts of time they were all given a 24 hour ban. You're ban is removed but please do not take up space on our server if you don't plan on playing!

  8. Like Archon said teamkilling was a big issue with the scopes with people not identifying targets before shooting. They are also far too OP with AO after AO being completed by swarms of players equipped with thermals just shooting at the high contrast easy to see targets presented when using thermal. Remember that this is an infantry game where engagement up close adds to the fun. Being able to spot enemies immediately with little or no searching takes away from the gameplay and hopefully our changes will result in players playing their role more effectively eg having squad leaders actually lead by calling out the positions of enemy units for the rest of the squad to engage.   

  9. Probably not the best idea to introduce yourself by advertising your site on ours then immediately asking for help setting it up. Just think for a moment how you would like it if someone did it on your site?

  10. If you feel you've been treated unfairly please feel free to send your complaints to dave via pm.

    Be aware however there is video evidence of your actions yesterday so I would strongly recommend that you stick to the truth this time.

  11. Again you're just wrong, plain wrong, I had nothing to do with your previous bans.

    So you're sticking to your story regarding what happened to you in the heli while you were flying and while a passenger?Apart from your insistance on story telling on this thread which wasn't the reason for your ban, you have yet to apologise for your behaviour or your outburst towards me and the rest of the admin team?

  12. firstly you admitted to not wanting to pilot, to do missions instead and just destroy the helis this was when you crashed the hummingbird into the mohawk.


    20:09:10 | (Side) Kesner13: we were just dropping ppl off and we were gonna try and do the mission with them, i died tho tryn to make the helis respawn


    Then you crashed the Mohawk because:


    because there was a new Objective and someone put the LZ in the middle of an area that was dangerous 

    Then in your words you crashed one more time because:


    3.  The second Mohawk crash I killed only myself, I was turning around so that I could loop around to base and I was locked onto by an AT-soldier, and although i flared it was not enough and i was shot down.  NOT AVOIDABLE AND NOT MY FAULT THAT AN AI-BOT SHOT ME.  (ps thats how the game works AI shoots at us we shoot at them)

    Now here we have a few questionable claims

    1. you were not alone in the mohawk there was another player.

    2. you were not turning around you flew straight into the AO, slowed and were shot down. It was more than avoidable. 


    I will ask you to reconsider your account of what happened in this case one last time.


    I asked you to leave the pilot slot to which you responded 


    Line 286: 20:28:11 | (Side) Kesner13: only because i dont wanna get banned because last time this happened u guys banned me for 2 months for no reason
    Line 338: 20:31:19 | (Side) Kesner13: admins abuse their powers on this server as of the past few months last year this server was actually fun

    You have been banned independently twice before been warned multiple times regarding both your behaviour and attitude. So why were you banned twice before you say no reason?


    Then another pilot (torch a well respected pilot) crashed and you lost it. You claim he was trolling and purposefully crashed into the side of a mountain. I know this to be untrue and so do you.



    But why all the talk about helicopters? 

    I asked you to leave the pilot slot, you did then you started shouting abuse at me and the admin team.

    You have yet to apologise for your behaviour and have continued to lie in this thread.


    Please give an honest account of what happened. 

  13. kesner you were purposefully crashing helis

    the hummingbird into the huron then the mohawk several times landing having the chopper destroyed then slowly hovering into the ao to get shot down. you were on thin ice already so i asked you to leave the slot you did and then you started running your mouth off including calling me

    "a fucking asshat"

    tell me to

    "fuck you"

    and that I "don't be a fucking admin"

    This is the third time you've been banned, you show no respect to anyone and have managed to be less than graceful when given a chance. remember you were only asked to leave the pilot slot and only managed to get banned when your attitude took over.

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