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Posts posted by zissou

  1. yeah ill mirror what's been said here already you really want to try your hardest to find the cash to go 6xx series it's a step up in architecture (600/700=kepler , 500=fermi)

    theres a h.264 encoder on board so you can make use of shadowplay to record after the fact and soon stream to twitch with very little impact to your gaming.

    keep in mind that maxwell (800 series) is roumoured to hit in march/april so expect a big price drop then.


    the pcie 3 vs 2 is a non issue you'll not need to worry you'll come nowhere near the bandwidth cap on it


    btw what are your other system specs?

  2. So there's this game streaming service called the twitch! Tis like the you tubes but fewer cats and live footage of games and schizzle!!

    If you've noticed on the AhoyWorld homepage sometime some of our members stream their gaming but we need more!!!

    hit us up with your twitch details so we can enjoy your shooting, flying, rocketry, truck driving, surgeon simulating, grand theft autoing etcetera etcetera...


    Also there is a site called multitwitch which allows you to stream multiple streams simultaneously might be one to watch during game nights or whateva...





    just add the twitch username to the end separated but a forward slash (oh you kids only call it a slash but you dont remeber the backslash all important in DOS!!!)


    so anyway copy this and add your username to the end lets see home many streams we can get 




    also if you came here to see some twerking here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZrHTUD7AVM


    Hi guys i hope you are ok


    The servers invade&annex are great , admins are really good because they don't apply dumbly rules and they are very present and polite

    yes thank you i am okay,

    i agree we are awesome! 


    Maybe lock out all the large trani helo's to pilots 


    Dingo I'm shocked and chagrined, mortified and stupefied!! this goes well beyond the bounds of what we are expected to deal with as admins no amount of training could ever hope to prepare us for this.

    rest assured that meetings at the highest levels will take place to examine, investigate, tackle this issue f*** it no we're going to laugh our socks off at this!!

    I don't really know who should be offended here the pilots, the helicopters or the folks who like to dress "exotically" or maybe all three?

    So to clear things up i have a few questions...

    1) what exactly is a trani helo? we are well aware of the fact that the mohawk is an independent vehicle  (as in opfor, bluefor independent, nothing untoward) so is wearing colours that might seem strange to you but the shade of green isn't all that different?

    2) large? are you saying pilots only enjoy the more curvaceous of cross dressers?? I would like to get a pilots input on this (again not a euphemism) Hoax, do you prefer large or slim men who wear ladies clothing?

    3) why restrict the big girls to only pilots, manys a time I've seen a repair spec drive his bobcat into a mohawk to fix her up. Surely we aren't going to deny the mechanics a bit of helo lovin'?


    on a personal level im very disappointed in Dingo and his flagrant disregard for decorum.

    Disciplinary action will be swift and harsh much like █████████ ██████ █████ ███████ ██ █ ███ ███████ █████ ███ ████ █████ ███████ ███ █████ █████ ██████ ████ ███  [ed: we've had to redact this sentence as never before have such vile words been used on this forum and we're not going to start now! FSM knows standards have dropped in the last few days with this helicopter dressing up business!!!]


    Trani helos?!




    This guy took down Swayze, the devil, sorted out the matrix and was a time traveller but has never heard such a thing as trani helos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. cpu: intel 4670K £170

    cooler: noctua NH-U9B £44

    mobo: MSI Z87-G41 PC Mate £75

    gpu: MSI GTX 760 2GB £190

    hdd: well you haven't mentioned any so this leaves you with £120 to play around with (use the existing hdd you have and get an ssd if you don't have one) otherwise get a better mobo, cpu (4770K) or gpu(GTX 770)


    I forgot about ram ooopppsss!!!!!

    use the £120 to get some ram yeah! hehe

  5. Okay here's what actually happened:

    I was with hoax laforte cain archangel sheep danny and a few others in the pvp server, looked at my second monitor and saw that i'd been poked by rotten.

    This was his message "you need to ban player x on eu2 he's teamkilling"

    So firstly i go up to the eu2 ts channel and there is no one there so I go over to the server to check it out. 

    Rotten is playing the game as normal 

    The player in question is playing the game as normal 

    I asked in side (text and voice) was there teamkilling going on? No response, so that's a no

    The player in question was kicked by battleye for high ping and I went to rotten (in game, direct as he wasn’t answering I had to teleport in front of him several times) to explain the situation.

    He then joined teamspeak saying he’d been there all along

    I never warned rotten to stay off teamspeak rather i asked him why he hadn't bothered to use the speak function of teamspeak to talk to an admin?

    Demanding that an admin immediately ban another player without making any effort to explain the situation in the manner that rotten did, made me think that a mountain was being made of a molehill (as was the case).

    This is the issue that irked me the fact that rotten didn't talk to an admin (as is advised in game every few minutes) in teamspeak he simply demanded that a player who "didn't follow his advice" be banned, not kicked, banned!  

    As to telling someone not to join teamspeak everyone who knows me will know I’ll talk the hind legs off a dead horse and have time for anyone who plays with us.

    The warning I gave was for crying wolf, not even making a token effort to qualify the issue and the manner in which he reported the issue and then made it exceptionally difficult to get to the bottom of the situation which turns out that he simply wanted the other player off the server for not listening to his advice.

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