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Posts posted by zissou

  1. We will lift the ban on this occasion but a few things to keep in mind. You've been warned about your behaviour on teamspeak regarding hopping channels and speaking Swedish to people who don't understand it. You are most definitely on our radar so watch your behavior.

  2. It's good idea to get as many people filming the same thing so you can get various viewpoints of the same subject. Open Broadcaster Software is a free screen capture program that works really well (https://obsproject.com/) remember to record at the highest bitrate you can to avoid that blocky effect you see on twitch. Also save as a *.mp4 not *.flv to make it easier to edit. Don't try and stream and record at the same time as you'll be limited to twitchs max bit rate.

    To edit use a high quality NLE like adobe premiere pro or Sony Vegas. These are quite expensive but at the moment Blackmagic Designs has a beta version of its upcoming NLE Da Vinci Resolve (https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve) available for download!

    If you can sort out a central repository of footage using cloud storage or something like btsync, it will allow everyone to work on it.

    For aw logos check out http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3365-logos-and-branding/

    And the aw intro can be found here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3kht252zpgn6fl/intro.mp4?dl=0&m=)

    Best of luck, look forward to seeing what you end up with.

    Here's one I made earlier


  3. Given the circumstances and speaking to the mods and admins present at the time and with the agreement of core staff it has been decided to give you a three week ban beginning from the time of the incident.

    You can consider yourself extremely lucky as there were calls to make the ban permanent.

    And make no mistake any misstep on your part and you are gone, no appeal, no recourse, nothing.

    So take the time to think about the actions that got you here familiarise yourself with the rules and stick to them in future because we will be keeping a close eye on you.

  4. On entering the server you agree to abide by the rules the rules are pretty clear.

    You stole his hunter, ran him over and tried to evade the ban.

    Then you posted a ban appeal where you we loath to tell the truth.

    It went from you saying you didn't teamkill to perhaps I did teamkill to so what if I teamkilled it must have been an accident.

    You only have yourself to blame. I gave you every opportunity to come clean.

    The ban remains I'm locking this thread and if you wish we can revisit this issue in a few months time.

  5. So what you are saying is that your original post was incorrect?

    It's gone from 


    Also i didn't teamkill at the time i got banned,



    Unless i ran someone over as i grabbed that vehicle!

    and from..


    I picked up an empty vehicle and drove it for about 100 meters as I realised that I had to leave,
    took a quick look at the chat and saw someone write "Really?" or something like that, thinking that the truck might had been someone else's, i stopped it and proceeded to log off...

    And as you say you saw the chat you would have seen that you had tk'd but instead of admit it and apologise you immediately disconnected when you saw me ask what you were doing?

    Had you been honest in your original post or indeed when I gave you the opportunity to change your account I may have looked on this appeal more favourably but your insistence of innocence just doesn't line up with the evidence available.

  6. Given that you've decided to stick you story despite me giving you every opportunity to come clean the ban will remain in place!

    If you decide to truthfully admit to what you did then we may reconsider the issue at some future date. 

  7. Please be honest in your ban appeal... it will not help you if you don't tell the truth. You can stick to the above story if you wish or you let us know what really happened, the choice is yours...

  8. What actually happened: I was informed that someone was using unacceptable language after being asked to stop by a moderator. I asked what was going on and who had been using this unsavoury language and was informed by you that no one had said anything, the moderator returned and confirmed that he had asked you to stop whereupon you began arguing with him this was the point at which the moderator had sought me out. 

    When i questioned you you immediately began shouting at me at which point I banned you.

    We have a zero tolerance towards racism and given your far from honest account of what happened I am extremely reticent to reconsider the ban.  

  9. Your ban appeal will be examined and we will reply in due course.

    It has come to our attention that the only party laughing was in fact you while you were administering the morphine!

    There is also the matter of the teamkill at spawn which you have failed to mention.

  10.  I banned since 3 days and I think that´s enough punishment. 

    When were you banned?*: Saturday 31th July 10 o´clock pm CEST


    I'm hesitant to believe you mixed up one day with three days, twice? Especially given how specific you were in the OP. Please post the amended (and truthful) ban appeal including all relevant detail in a new post on this thread. 

  11. We don't have a record of a ban for Ron Ludolf on the 31st.

    We do however have a record for a ban from 3rd of August (yesterday).

    I would strongly recommend that you post your ban appeal truthfully.

  12. Okay, please answer these questions in order!

    Copy the following text into your reply and answer the questions:


    Ingame Name*:

    Why do you think you were banned?:

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*:

    Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?:

    When were you banned?*:

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