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Posts posted by zissou

  1. Well as i said I had two options, teamkill him in return or report on the forums. If coming to the forums is pointless then we may as well just tk them back.  


    Don't worry we will keep an eye on the player in question. Secondly do not tk him in return, ever. If an admin hears of tking on the server and joins and sees a tk in the kill feed we are well within our rights to kick that player even if that player thinks he's only defending him self or handing out his own justice. Try to contact an admin by either using in game chat or by hopping on teamspeak and seeing if you can catch one there. We can't act on a report after the fact but we can take a note of the players involved and monitor their behavior. 

  2. As you know some of our members have access to the zeus features we ask them to follow these guidelines and use their zeus powers responsibly.

    1. The most important thing to consider when using zeus is, not to have a negative impact on the server and that should be your overriding concern while playing as zeus.
    2. If you know you’re going to be playing as zeus pick a spot that isn’t sought after you will after all be not active as a blufor player. Anything with restricted weapons or roles, pilots, AT or sniper.
    3. While your creation may not cause a drop in performance at the time it will cost the server performance in the long run. Your aim is to add to the enjoyment of the server as a whole while keeping your spawn creations at an absolute minimum to achieve that.
    4. Objectives don’t work don’t use them.
    5. A pop up saying there’s a Zeus mission doesn’t add to the mission just type in chat, players who don’t read chat probably won’t get involved in you mission anyway.
    6. Go easy on the fluff and focus on the core of what you’re trying to do altis is pretty enough already without any help from zeus.
    7. Your position as Spartan is not permanent and will be revoked if you cause server issues whether mentioned here or not. A good tip is to use the precautionary principle if you don’t know if it’s going to do harm or good don’t do it.
    8. Try and think where all the sand bags are around spawn? You don’t know where all the vics are parked? No that’s because nobody will notice! You don’t need to build elaborate structures.
    10. CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!! Dont’ leave the remains of a mission or random zeus objects lying about if they’re not in use delete them.
    11. Remember most players don’t expect a zeus mission so if they don’t want to do it that’s okay let them play how they want to play. And try not to exclude players either don’t say you need to be on ts if you want to play EU1 is about everyone joining in.
    12. Don’t give gifts. Just because your friend wants a tank don’t give him one. But by the same token help a player out e.g. driven from one end of the map to another in a marshal and arma decides to break it you can give him a replacement.
    13. Go easy on lightning.
    14. Don’t mess with time acceleration or weather.
    15. Try and use existing units rather than spawning in your own e.g. make the ao more exciting by changing up how the AI reacts maybe take control a guy wait for bluefor to move past then engage.
    16. If you are planning on building a big zeus mission see if there’s an admin around because it quite possible that you’ll have server issues. Be aware of what they’re up to if they’re engrossed in a gamenight on EU3 they will not appreciate being poked because you broke the server.
    17. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to accept this mission!
    18. You need to be on TS while using Zeus.
  3. Mattadee, finding the right balance between difficult and op is unbelievably difficult and it's only with constructive posts like this we can refine it. It's an organic development that takes a fine hand to hit it. Being completely at a loss when it comes to mission building i have no idea what the possibility is of having the jet anchored to the AO.

    Remember that the friendly jet's role is AA so their priority should be taking out the enemy air assets. We have 5 pilots slots and five helis and the aa bird (the cas jet should not be in there and will be removed at some point) the idea being if enemy air is up one of the heli pilots hops into the aa jet takes care of it then rtb to resume transport.

    Many of the issues you raise are the result of the enemy air having an easy time with little or no opposition so goes hunting easy targets.


    Smiley the CAS bird should not be in there and will be removed it had to be removed from an earlier mission as it was being abused and the same with the pawnee we used to have it but it caused more trouble than it was worth. 

  4. ..actively played and have taken their time to register om the forums. I've seen players stash the Hummingbird on an island and wait for a pilot to DC there or people sitting lobby for 20 min. and then afk'ing next to the Hummingbird spawn. And thrn still being there when I get shot down on my 3rd run to AO sincw they've been on. Putting on a backpack which makes getting into the chopper before the afk'er does even harder as you open that backpack quite a lot and when you still manage to take it whist they shout in direct or squad channel that they've been waiting longest, they will lift off the orca an do what half the servers pilots do with it. Crash it into something (broken) in base. This time the "something" not being broken, but the person that got the MH9's loaded chopper.

    With the "you can just take one" you can fix this problem. Because some people dont even want to fly the Ghost or AA

    Who have you seen do these things? These are all against the following rules; excessive lobby idling, pilots not flying, ramming and destruction of helis. Those kinds of players are not what we want on our servers and placating them is beside the point.

  5. I dont know if you are specifically talking about me. But I'll just sum up some counterarguments anyways against your half-personal / half-anti-topic offensive.

    If you had taken the time to read my post you would have seen I used the plural, not sure if it's your reticence to listen or believe me but it's not all about you, off hand I can think of several people who fit the description.


    - "My hummingbird" I used to say that a lot when I was trying to understand how she worked and spend whole sundays just failing at getting her to work they way I wanted. Failing is a great way to learn, I have to admit this might've caused me to get a reckless reputation, but in my opinion, in the end it was all worth. Especially if you've been using it for so long feels like walking on heels.

    You and others have said it quite often recently.




    -This will also be less of a problem with multiple MH9s, because you can just take one and most of the time there will be plenty.

    There's a very quick respawn time on choppers, a paucity of helis has never been an issue.





    -It's still a video game ment to bring people happiness rather than stress etc. Flying the Hummingbird usually gives me a good mood especially if you get some compliments like "Nice flying" or "Awesome, I should've brought my fishing rod". When I'm not in a good mood I put on some rock or house and start taking risks which get my adrenaline going. I have some pretty deep shit when it comes to this. My parents have just divorced around a month ago and stuff likes that gets me through a bad day. Please don't remove it.

    Again if you had taken the time to read my post you would have seen that we are not getting rid of the hummingbird.

  6. Two hummingbirds? Noooooooooooooooo

    If i had my way there would be no hummingbird in the mission that thing does something to pilots. They get behind the controls and all of a sudden they think they're the greatest pilots in arma history. Spoiler alert: they're not! Usually you'll see them crashing every few minutes and begin to call it 'my hummingbird'.

    Best thing we could do is get rid of them entirely! But that won't happen. Instead we'll have idiots flying between powerlines blaming fps for their lack of skill. 

  7. A few incidents lately have spurred me to write this little post wherein we can look at a few rules and how they're being followed/flouted.


    It's not acceptable.

    On entering EU1 you accept the rules of the server which include clear policy on team killing, it's not on, not in ignorance, not in self defense, not in policing and not in revenge. JUST DON'T DO IT

    General attitude towards other players:

    No one is born with the bipod to their knife unlocked, everyone starts somewhere, and if they start on ahoyworld then we make sure they play in a pleasant and fun atmosphere.

    Don't trash talk, call people idiots or generally be an ass hat towards other players, it's a game it's supposed to be fun, so help people have fun and don't tear them apart for messing up the side mission, asking questions or trying to find a key binding. Just play nice.

    Testing the admin team for a reaction:

    A few incidents occurred yesterday where established players went out of their way to test the admins with what they could get away with, bans of various lengths were handed out. Just because you've been here for however long does not put you above the law. If you test us chances are the reaction you will get is not what you're hoping for.

    So please reacquaint yourself with the rules and follow them. If you can't remember them just ask is whatever I'm thinking of doing a dick move? If you're asking it probably is so don't be a dick!

  8. Hi enex,

    A few things here that you bring up, firstly and most importantly tking is not acceptable in any case, any case.

    Secondly while we encourage good team play one of the aspects of AW is that we don't mandate how people should play as long it's not to the detriment of the rest of the server. So who was in the wrong in this situation? Well I would have not been happy with the behaviour from either of you two. If the guy in the tank wants to stay on his own he can and you need to respect that decision and stay away from him, let him do his own thing. Had I been on the server and heard a complaint that someone who wanted to be in a tank on his own was being constantly being followed by someone trying to get in his tank, yeah I'd kick them after warning. The behavior you describe by yourself could easily be seen as trolling and by that token is against the rules. Saying that tking isn't right either. But in future if your services are not welcome just let them play as they want. Suoerkami is an established player and I've never seen him behave in anything but a exemplary manner. So I'm thinking you were making quite the nuisance of yourself to make him tk you three times. You by your own admission went out of your way to get a reaction from him and you did.

    So lessons to be learned from this play your role but don't think other people have an obligation to play in the manner that you'd like them to. If someone isn't team playing so what? It's a 60 player sever.

    Don't antagonise other players, this is what happened in the situation you describe. You went out of your way to interact with him to the point that an otherwise fair player was pushed to tk you on multiple times. Behavior like that will get kick/ban if witnessed by an admin. Remember what were you doing while this was happening? You were focused on superkami and most likely not actively engaged in repairing and helping with the mission at hand.

    Remember if you have an issue on the server just ask an admin don't take it upon yourself to try and take the law into your own.

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