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Posts posted by zissou

  1. AW most friendly admin 2014: laforte

    AW most helpful admin 2014: dave (eu3 updating skills over 9000)

    AW most tactical ARMA player 2014: dyslexi

    AW best ARMA pilot 2014: hoax

    AW best Teamspeak singer 2014: me

    AW most funny person on Teamspeak 2014: dunno you lot are really miserable most of the time

    AW best moment 2014 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum):

    AW best forum post 2014 (please put url in):

  2. It was early morning and I had to do some work, but instead I was procrastinating

    Well you know what they say about procrastination?


    It's much like masturbation in that at the time it seems like a good idea but at the end of the day you're only f***ing yourself.


    And look on the bright side you probably got some work done after the ban!!

  3. Hot fix incoming I've informed all core staff on the emergency channel and we are currently working as fast as possible to update the mission. We realise that this issue is causing so much interference with game play that we have shelved all other updates until we fix this. While the weekend was going to be spent downloading more ram, implementing the no-lag mod and installing a new and exciting feature to the server, the "performance enhancing thing".

    Again we apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

  4. Thermals are completely OP, but real world explanation:

    1. Intensifier tube too cold and tube cooling results in less of a ΔT thereby reducing its efficacy.

    2. NATO bought them from this guy http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22267468

    3. Sick of being shot at altis itself has become self aware and taken measures to protect itself.

    4. BIS

    now that may not be particularly helpful but they can still be useful for indicating potential targets then switch mode and confirm valid target. The added benefit of this is it also obfuscates the 'sorry thermal' tk excuse.

    There seems to be a general trend in our community to always want to make it easier, too many ai and zeus is immediately blamed, when the opness of certain items becomes apparent and they're removed we're accused of taking toys away.

    I&A should not be easy, a main ao should not be completed by a mohawk full of people in ten minutes and dynamic changes should be tackled rather than moaned about. Every time there are any changes unless they make the mission easier we just get complaints.

  5. I agree with dave on this. I've got a reputation that means that if there's any coming together I'm immediately at fault whether or not it actually my fault. so much so that i've more or less stopped racing with other ahoyworld members otherwise i need to hang back on the line so that i don't get into any sort of tangle. 

    Also it seems to be a case of not what actually happens but who immediately shouts the loudest saying they've been wronged.

  6. My patience is beginning to wane. 

    1. The vehicle you were in suddenly disappeared? Maybe that might be an indicator that what you were doing wasn't acceptable?

    2. You purposefully drove over the admin in question. What servers do you play on where that sort of behaviour is acceptable? 

    3. You have continually used abusive language on our servers and on our forums,

    4. You claim you were hacked but you have no evidence added to the fact you seem to have issues plugging in a mouse I can take for granted that you are not the most technically gifted.

    5. I tried to engage with you in chat in the game but all you did was get abusive.

    6. What script that was supposedly used to hack your mouse?

    7. What is this magical script you speak of you keep mentioning it yet you can't provide any details?

    8. You claim that you have spent 250 hours on our servers yet none of the admins I spoke to had any recollection of you.

    9. Your mouse issues have nothing to do with us so you can try and fix it, come back and apologise to everyone involved or you can go on being angry at your imaginary script, but either way you'll still need to go through the ban appeal process if you every want to be considered to be allowed to play on our servers.

  7. So you came on the server (weeks ago) tk'd an admin after you were roaming around the helipad in a tank given several warnings to stop. Then you claim that a respected admin somehow hacked your game and your mouse? You didn't bring it up on the forums but decided to wait a while.

    Then today you come on the server under a different name and get quite abusive with danne.

    After trying in vain to talk with you i banned you.


    Below you will find some of what you said.
    Firstly Tking is not permitted on our servers, secondly danne did not hack your game and mouse.
    Lastly you do not come on and accuse us of hacking and talking to admins in the manner in which you did.
    If you have any proof of anything please share it. 
    [2014-06-23 | 22:26:32]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: danne
    [2014-06-23 | 22:26:43]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: you fucked my game, you fucked my computer
    [2014-06-23 | 22:26:48]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: you are a hacker
    [2014-06-23 | 22:27:08]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: repair it or i start legal actions against you and ahoy world
    [2014-06-23 | 22:27:51]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: reading my name you will think im a troll
    [2014-06-23 | 22:28:01]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: but im talking seriusly
    [2014-06-23 | 22:28:10]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: what you did is ilegal
    [2014-06-23 | 22:28:26]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: repair it or i star legal actions
    [2014-06-23 | 22:29:23]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: give em the contact of ahoy world, couse i cant start a forum and there is no contact website
    [2014-06-23 | 22:29:35]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: and answer fucking cobar
    [2014-06-23 | 22:30:05]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: im not a silly boy who u can troll
    [2014-06-23 | 22:30:35]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: DANNE
    [2014-06-23 | 22:33:07]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: ive played here more than 250 hours
    [2014-06-23 | 22:33:50]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: danne hacked my game
    [2014-06-23 | 22:34:51]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: he  freeze me on the game and my mouse stop runing
    [2014-06-23 | 22:40:35]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: im not liying
    [2014-06-23 | 22:41:27]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: you freeze my game and hacked my mouse, since the second you freeze me stop running in thi sgame
    [2014-06-23 | 22:41:43]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: just give me a contact 
    [2014-06-23 | 22:41:46]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: and i leave
    [2014-06-23 | 22:42:00]  RCon admin #4: (Global) [Zisso] www.ahoyworld.co.uk
    [2014-06-23 | 22:42:13]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: there is no suport email contact?
    [2014-06-23 | 22:42:56]  Banned VPutin is over 9000 from the server! (GUID)
    [2014-06-23 | 22:43:34]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: nah, i get a ban for saying that your andmin hacked my game
    [2014-06-23 | 22:43:36]  (Group) VPutin is over 9000: nice
    Also your post is not in the correct section or in the correct format so you will still have to fill in a ban appeal in the appropriate section.
  8. Yeah Sorry haven't seen this till just now. 

    Yes it was me who mistakenly banned you and as soon as it was noticed (within 30 seconds by another admin) we went about lifting the ban immediately. I do apologise for my mistake and hope you can continue to play on the servers.

    Yes it was indeed the player mentioned above who was the focus hence the reason that we give the names (admin and bannee) as well as the reason, while it's still a ball ache you were able to see that it wasn't you we were after and you knew who to mention had banned you.

    Either way I apoplgise again and look forward to seeing you on our servers!


  9. I'll bite,

    If we could, would love to have a server with 60 slots (or even 100) but for a number of reasons this isn't possible. 

    Our Server runs usually with approx 5 to 45 players the mission has organically developed to give the greatest number of people the greatest amount of enjoyment and the mission can be fun with only a few people to a full server. 

    With 60 people it would be just too many people and the AO would be over almost as soon as it starts.

    Before you say just have more missions read on....

    While it's possible to up the number of slots to 60 all of those 60 players would have terrible frames so that would be no fun for anyone. so that's a no go

    Okay so just get a spanking new 4 or 8 socket beast of a xeon box to run it! Yeah great idea but we'd need wayyyy more of the moneys to do that!!

    Sorry we would if we could but we can't 


    If you wanna get us something for xmas one of these and 8 of these


    also som ram (a few tb should be enough)

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