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Posts posted by zissou

  1. I read about the International humanitarian law online (Wikipedia FTW), and I found out that while it's legal to wear enemy uniforms, it's not legal to fight while wearing them. Doesn't this mean that in the technical sense, you can enter and leave an enemy base, as long as you don't directly confront any troops?


    yeah but then you would be not considered a soldier therefore not protected by Geneva et al. most likely immediately shot upon capture for espionage or sedition and it would be legal in a time of war. 

  2. Yeah if it's used in moderation and sensibly then it would be a great addition but policing it is nigh impossible and history has shown that anything that can be abused will be. Remember that mortars are still available via the hemmt.

    Also remember that artillery has a substantial cost in regards to performance.

    Mine artillery kills frames and the way arma deals with destroyed buildings is not ideal.

    If it could be given as a side mission reward with no reload capability and a limited ammo supply then maybe yes, but I have no idea where one would start with that

  3. If I may ask, why the sudden reversal in choosing to implement this into I&A? A previous post of yours stated that you did not think I&A and Zeus would fit very well together fundamentally.





    Also what's with your signature? Have you been confused for core staff or an admin before?

  4. I'll say the same as everyone else.

    Cheaper mobo- unless there's a reason you're going for this on

    RAM- you'll still have the option for going up to 16gb if you start video editing or anything that's ram heavy

    HDD- 1TB is fairly small these days so maybe save a few extra pennies to go up to 2TB+

    SSD - the easiest thing you can do to dramatically improve performance so yeah go for a 60-120GB SSD, as you said you'll always have the option to add a bigger SSD the smaller one can still be used for some stuff it won't be redundant.

    Case- You don't need the full tower so you may aswell stay with something a bit more compact.

    DVD writer- ask yourself do you really need one how often do you use one? have a look on ebay for an external usb powered one if you think you might need one now and again.


    Also buy from the one shop/supplier you'll save on delivery and hassle 

  5. So as many of you have noticed grid 2 has been a bit of an unsuspected winner with many ahoyians and with this in mind I propose that we have a game night this weekend.

    Much like last weekend it will be informal you can come and go as you please, there are no prizes and best of all, if I'm there you can't possibly lose!!! No seriously I'm so bad at this game it would break a lesser man.

    The event of choice will be Destruction Derby not because we want to see who's skillz (see I'm down with the youths of today) are the best but because it's fun.

    Don't join if you're gonna be all uber competitive or rage quity we will simply gang up on you!!! Also you must bear in mind that the lap bug (adds an extra lap to your race for no reason that we can figure out) can strike at any time so if you're up for a laugh and can play a game just for the fun and not the result then come along. 

    Right now the game is on Steam for £20 but a quick google search will yield much cheaper options and the Destruction Derby is a free DLC. 

    So who's up for it?


    One Request: several of us will be streaming so can we please keep the foul language to a minimum.






    Also here's what to expect!!!

  6. Yeah inclined to agree with dave, whether or not it's a question of legality. The creator of this has asked that we not use it (which we dont). Whatever his reasons or manner of asking it's the courteous thing to do. It's a script in a game that isn't all that popular not something running on a majority of the world's smartphones. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

  7. Yes you claimed that you never fired your gun you said "I swear to fuckin God I didn't shoot". Your outburst calling me a prick was not said in a jokey way from the tone in your voice. Your remarks to me when you said hello were far from complimentary.

    That being said I'm going to unban you.

    But if there's ever even a hint of you tking, fucking about or anything untoward you're gone forever. Reacquaint yourself with the rules and readjust your attitude when you talk to me.

  8. On the night in question you gave me the excuse that you didn't actually shoot, you flat out denied it on ts you said multiple times that you didn't shoot. I kicked you for the teamkill. Then you called me a prick, and no you did not say it in a joking manner, so i banned you.

    You’ve shown zero respect to other players and to me as an admin. You’ve tried to get the ban revoked by going behind my back and talking to other admins. I’m not inclined to revoke this ban.


    Any admins who would like to discuss this can PM me.

  9. 12gb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sheep will have grandkids before he's even half way through that download 

    f**k it i'll burn him a dvd and send it to him it'll be faster oh wait it'll be 2 dvds

    Can we make a sticky at the top of this forum with the title "got a mod you'd like to see on ahoyworld servers post here!" then we can have our boilerplate response of: prerequisite to download then no! not gonna happen never !

    don't wanna sound mean but ask yourself how did you find us? yeah we were an open server that allowed you in had a great community that holds inclusivity as one of it's most important tenents. look at the server list on arma see all those red circles? we're not one of those

  10. hi gurkha,

    thanks for the updated reply as i didn't know what to make of your first post but anyways on to the meat of the post.

    You're right and I agree with everything you've said.

    I noticed myself that i was spending less time on the server and made a concerted effort to spend a bit more time in game this last week. This week....it might have been the sale price on arma 3 on steam or the school holidays but yeah this week has been a nightmare!

    All this week everytime i joined eu1 it was a cluster, spawn in a shit state, side von noisier than a hen night party and loads of tking.

    on thursday i was on for a few hours in the morning/early afternoon and i must have banned at least 15 people.

    on to the issue of admining we're all volunteers and there's no set schedule so we can't guarantee that there'll always be someone on but we try and make ourselves available when we are on ts. 

    I think that at the moment quite a few of us admins (im only speaking for myself but i suspect others are in a similar situation) are suffering from arma fatigue and simply enjoying some other games but that doesn't mean we've disappeared.

    the poking of admins yeah i can understand that it's a bit annoying but rest assured that we do listen and we do react esp. when a request for a restart or admin intervening it will be dealt with as soon as we can. At the moment it's the best we can do when were not on the server so i plead that you do, as volunteers we need as many eyes and ears making sure that people are having fun, we won't get upset it's what we do (within reason, we have had some who've thought as admins we are handholders who can tell player x get out of players y heli cause he baggisied it, yeah you know what i mean)

    Future admin we are always looking for potentials but we need them to come to us, as it were, to get involved; be it on the server, on ts, on gamenights, the forums or dev work. we need to be able to trust and know the person and that does take time. Teamspeak i think is the crux we need to be more proactive in getting people involved and get to know them.

    .......and back to the eu1 situation i foresee it getting much better next week when the kids are back in school, arma goes back to £40 and questions regarding how to deploy the bipod drop off to just one a week!!

  11. quick survey type thing:

    how many of you have DCS?

    what modules do you have?

    what stick do you have?



    so i'll go first:


    Flaming Cliffs 3


    Blackshark 2

    Combined Arms


    Saitek X52


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