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Redesigning the spawn area


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The current spawn Area isn't nice to look at and it is often Quite a traffic jam for pilots and others. I am planning to redesign the spawn Area so it is easier to use and More visually appealing. I am looking for testers of the New map for feedback! If any server mods or admins Read this ill update the post when the New spawn is ready for judging if it is GONNA be used



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10 hours ago, MessedUpSmiley said:

Just so you know, I&A 3 is releasing in somewhere in the near future and there will be a redesigned base.
No matter, thanks for thinking of solutions and working them out, wish more people were like you ;-)

Also, Yes I know that I&A 3 is coming (I saw the post for alpha testing), but I still want to work and feel happy about myself for being useful....

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always keep in mind that "visual appeals" equals to

more objects=more calculation=FPS loss+lag=less performance

I customized my base @Domination edit on my A2 server and while its great to lock at in SP,it performed difficult in MP for clients with weak machines,also the different scripts for base protection were a horror to keep running after the first 12h ...


So yea,visual appeals can be a b*tch to fkk with :P

Also, I+A 3 ...

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18 minutes ago, TheScar said:

always keep in mind that "visual appeals" equals to

more objects=more calculation=FPS loss+lag=less performance

I customized my base @Domination edit on my A2 server and while its great to lock at in SP,it performed difficult in MP for clients with weak machines,also the different scripts for base protection were a horror to keep running after the first 12h ...


So yea,visual appeals can be a b*tch to fkk with :P

Also, I+A 3 ...

That is inderdaad also a factor to keep in the Back of my Head. Thanks for pointing out!

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Okay time for an update,


I have been working during the weekend and asking some people about what they would want to see in a new spawn.

So I have been designing in the EDEN editor and after a couple of attempts that all went into the trash bin, I finally got a design I like.


Ill be posting a screenshot of how it currently looks like below, but for the ones that want to know, the spawn area I designed (I am still working on it, hold your hunters HMG) is to the south west at the end of the runway.


Any questions I would happily answer and feedback is really appreciated!


EDIT: I just realised that this screenshots isn't really that clear so ill record a video this afternoon showing the Area.


Edited by Cryo
Photo unclear
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Looks good, I like the simple design.

Three things I noticed so far, 

Don't put the vehicle spawn in the same area as the player spawn, I can see the carnage already.

It seems that the heli spawn is also where players are supposed to embark, they should be in two different places.

Try to keep the main routes that players will walk on safe from any and all vehicles, I understand this is harder than it sounds but players are stupid and were clearly never taught to look both ways when crossing a road.

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Point one is a good one, but I don't want players to have to Walk a Long way. Ever tried to Walk all the way to the hunters with an AT Soldier filled with AA missiles?


Point two, no. If you look around you can CLEARLY see multiple landing pad for helikopters.


To come Back to verhicles, I Will look into a Safe way to Exit spawn, like a ramp or so, but that quads May get over it

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Okay since the video is way too big to show here, ill have to upload it to YouTube to show it.

Here is the link:



Yea, I already fixed the floating building and there are 3 landing pads next to each other, but I forgot to show them

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Hi Cryo


good effort on the base, but I would point out one thing: players spawning as infantry want to gear up fast and get on helli.

At the moment, distance between infantry spawn & helli boarding area on EU1/2 is about 12m on EU1 and about 8m on EU2.


On your map, I'm seeing +-40m from your screenshots.

It may not seem lot, but every time someone gets killed and respawns, they will have to get to hellipads and this will be a detriment.

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13 hours ago, kman said:

Hi Cryo


good effort on the base, but I would point out one thing: players spawning as infantry want to gear up fast and get on helli.

At the moment, distance between infantry spawn & helli boarding area on EU1/2 is about 12m on EU1 and about 8m on EU2.


On your map, I'm seeing +-40m from your screenshots.

It may not seem lot, but every time someone gets killed and respawns, they will have to get to hellipads and this will be a detriment.

I noticed already that the distance walking to the helicopters is pretty Big. However, this might also work in my favoriet. Rememember that some People go halfway to the landing pad, stand still for a seconds or two, to Just Walk Back because they aren't site of their loadout.


This is eefectively  a way of saying, if you want to leave, Make sure to be properly packed and ready.


Still thanks for pointing it out!

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Near spawn:

2x Hunter

2x Hunter HMG

2x Offroad (Armed)

1x Offroad Repair

1x Fuel Truck (Small)

1x HEMTT Fuel

1x HEMTT Repair

1x HEMTT Transport

1x HEMTT Transport (Covered)

1x HEMTT Medical

6x Quadbike


Armor area:

1x Panther

1x Slammer UP

1x Mora

1x Marshall

1x Bobcat


Near Pilots:

2x Quadbike

1x Ghost Hawk

1x Ghost Hawk (Camo)

1x Hummingbird

1x Huron (Unarmed)

1x Mohawk

1x Blackfish (Vehicle Transport)

1x Buzzard (AA)


Buzzard is sort of slated for removal anyway though, so may as well leave it out. Possibly add some Panthers.




Think that about covers it.

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Thunder and lightning update


Finally, I got around preparing another update for the (possible) spawn.

This is what I have done

  • Removed building for UAV control
  • Added lights for nighttime
  • Moved HEMTT supply
  • Moved vehicle services
  • Moved air vehicle service pad
  • Moved Landing pads and placed lights around the edges
  • and more!

Again, screenshots below and a YT video of me showing the base!

Feedback would be appreciated!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Big and important news!


Lads, tomorrow, the first public version of the spawn goes live! Ill put out a link to the drop box.


How do I use it?

Simply follow the link, download the spawn file. Put it in the MPmission section and open it in the editor.



I am putting this build out for public testing because I want to get as much feedback from as many people as possible!


Any special things to know?

Yes, first of all. Don't copy/modify/distribute without my permission over PM. Also good to know is that the link will be Temporarily avaible!

The link will be valid for 1 week, after that it will not be accessible anymore. You can ask however over PM for a copy, but I cant guarantee that I am busy already at that moment with a new build, in which case the request will be denied, in all other cases you will get a copy


Again, give me as much feedback, tips, questions, hate comments as you can!


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Sorry for the late upload, internet and steam where being annoying.

Anyway, the link is down below and is valid for 7 days! Make sure to use it!


EDIT: I am a derp and inserted the wrong file XD.


How to use:


Simply download the file and copy it to MPmissions in the location you installed arma 3. Open it than in the eden editor and there ya go!


Feedback on the thread or by PM is always welcome!

Edited by Cryo
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