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Answer For Uniform Requests

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I see a lot of people talking about different camouflage mods, British, German, French and all that. 
And obviously if we added all of them, there would be 20+ camo mods at the end. 

But i found something that in my opinion could be somewhat a solution:


Killochs Multi National Pack is the answer




  • ~57 Camo Patterns representing over a dozen real and several fictional groups (for example altis rebels)
  • 489 AI units
  • 360 Retextured Gear Items


Camo List (As of V3 Update)


  • United States Marine Corps (MARPAT)
  • United States Marine Corps (MARPAT Desert)
  • United States Marine Corps (T-Pattern) **
  • United States Marine Corps (6-Color Desert) **
  • United States Arctic Warfare (MARPAT Snow)
  • United States Army (ACU)
  • United States Army (Scorpion W2) **
  • United States Army Rangers (Scorpion W2) *
  • United States Army (M81 Woodland) *
  • United States Army (3 Color Desert) *
  • German Bundeswehr (Flecktarn) *
  • German Bundeswehr (Desert Flecktarn) *
  • Canadian Army (CADPAT)
  • Canadian Army (CADPAT Desert)
  • Australian Army (Auscam)
  • Australian Army (AMCU) **
  • Republic of Korea (Granite-cool.png *
  • Republic of Korea Marines (Digital Tiger) **
  • Generic OD Security services (OD)
  • United Kingdom 2 Para (DPM) **
  • United Kingdom 2 Para (DDPM) **
  • Israeli Defence Forces (Drab) **
  • Military "Advisors" (Tiger Stripe) **


  • Chinese PLA (Type 07 Universal) *
  • Chinese PLA (Type 07 Arid) *
  • Chinese PLA Naval Marines (Type 07 Ocean) *
  • Chinese PLA Heavy Infantry *
  • Chinese PLA Heavy Infantry (Arid)
  • Russian VDV (Digital Flora)
  • Russian VDV (Digital Desert)
  • Russian Heavy Infantry
  • Russian Heavy Infantry (Desert)
  • Korean Peoples Army Conscripts (Drab)
  • Korean Peoples Army Regulars (Woodland)
  • CSAT Arctic Warfare (White)
  • Russian Infantry (Flora) *
  • Russian Infantry (TTsKO) *
  • Russian Infantry (Airborne Amoeba) *
  • Russian Infantry (Reed) **
  • Donetsk Peoples Republic (Spekter-S - Summer) **
  • Donetsk Peoples Republic (Spekter-S - Autumn) **
  • Iranian Republican Guard (Digital Desert) **
  • Iranian Republican Guard Basij Militia (Basij Digital) **


  • Local Volunteer Militia, LVM (MIXED Woodland) *
  • Local Volunteer Militia, Desert (MIXED Desert)
  • National Peoples Army, NPA (DPM) *
  • National Peoples Army, NPA (6CO) *
  • Allied States of America, ASA (Mixed) *
  • Altis Revolutionary Council, ARC (OD)
  • Defence Forces Ireland (Irish DPM)
  • Defence Forces Ireland (Irish Desert DPM)
  • New Zealand Defence Forces (MCUPAT)
  • Finish Defence Forces (M05 Woodland Pattern)
  • Finish Defence Forces (M05 Snow Pattern)
  • Norwegian Army ( M/98 Woodland)
  • Norwegian Army ( M/03 Desert)
  • Army of the Czech Republic (Vz.95 Woodland) **


Tell me what you guys think about it.

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Thing is, between RHS and TRYK there's plenty of choice, if you're feeling picky about a uniform just remember at the end of the day it's a game, doesn't matter if you look smart for the ladies, the AI are equal opportunists and will kill everyone. Adding more mods to bloat the arsenals load time even more is not the solution

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Thing is, between RHS and TRYK there's plenty of choice, if you're feeling picky about a uniform just remember at the end of the day it's a game, doesn't matter if you look smart for the ladies, the AI are equal opportunists and will kill everyone. Adding more mods to bloat the arsenals load time even more is not the solution

I would go for this instead of TRYK's. As for now, TRYK armor is broken, and it doesn't look like its coming back. 

Obviously there is a fix for TRYK armor values. 

But it requires 2 more mods for repository. 

If i could choose i would go with TRYK, but we would need them working vests. 




^ Those 2 Mods would fix TRYK's Armor Values, if i would be the one to choose i would just throw them in so we can actually use all of TRYK's Vests and Helmets. But less mods is better i suppose

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As far as i know, isnt the problem that there would be many small mods, more that the repo would be too big then, the guys from TRYK seem to be working on something new, since they misplaced their files, which makes them unable to update and the 2 mods that would fix TRYKs armor values, are you shure they are fully compatible with ACE?

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My understanding is that Teriyaki lost his original files for the TRYK pack, and has not been seen recently... so the sense is that this mod will not be updated.

The Killoch pack is actually about 200MB smaller than the TRYK pack, so if it's about bloat in the repo, switching mods actually reduces the size of the repo, offers vests that have actual armor value, and gives a ton of choice as well.

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however there are many things in tryk that this mod just doesn't even cover. 

for example the items that use the glasses or nvg slot. these items that are added in tryk are useful to the point where the nvg slot versions actually are nvgs without the border and they can add to your character such as the equipment that can be attached [chemlights and gloves secured to the vest ...]. 

overall i thing that tryk should stay and that the mod shown may not be a very good replacement. 

[use vanilla or rhs instead of wearing the tryk chestrigs if the armor problems are too bad for your liking]


finally the main point i would like to say is that moving to another mod for uniforms is going to annoy quite a few people as new loadouts might be needed to replace removed modded items.

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I find the TRYK nvg sets are very inauthentic to the point of cheating - in fact I don't believe any of those items are whitelisted in the current arsenal, possibly for that very reason.

I think the lack of armor values in the TRYK vests is a major flaw which negates their usefulness. I will personally miss the taki uniforms for opfor but I am sure there is a solution for that - if it isn't already in Killoch's mod.

Re saving loadout, people should never get attached to their saved loadouts as the Arsenal is a constantly moving target.


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I find the TRYK nvg sets are very inauthentic to the point of cheating - in fact I don't believe any of those items are whitelisted in the current arsenal, possibly for that very reason.

I'm not sure if i understand the cheating part right, do you mean its cheating because they have nvg? I mean yes they have nvgs but really blurry ones, unlike the gen4 from RHS

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I'm not usually one to agree to new uniform packs but I do genuinely think this would make a 10x better mod than TRYK, i'm surprised we still have it tbh, personally i'm fine with just RHS but seeing as we have TRYK clutter the arsenal and is just completely awful I really think this would be good, more realistic loadouts as well, would love to play as Bundeswehr!

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I myself would definetly go with TRYK + Killochs. We could use TRYK's for Uniforms, and obviously something i love, shemaghs, googles and stuff like that. While we would use Killoch's for the armor.  I tried a few combinations in arsenal and it actually makes a great thing. If i was to choose i would preefer fixed TRYK's but if it is not to happen. Then either both of them or only Killoch's pack. 

The little problem about killoch is that those are only reskins of 1 uniform, TRYK's uniforms are done a little bit better, with more detail to them.

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I myself would definetly go with TRYK + Killochs. We could use TRYK's for Uniforms, and obviously something i love, shemaghs, googles and stuff like that. While we would use Killoch's for the armor.  I tried a few combinations in arsenal and it actually makes a great thing. If i was to choose i would preefer fixed TRYK's but if it is not to happen. Then either both of them or only Killoch's pack. 

The little problem about killoch is that those are only reskins of 1 uniform, TRYK's uniforms are done a little bit better, with more detail to them.


No we need rid of tryk, it is not being supported now and this will mean that it will just bring up more and more issues as time goes on. 

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I honestly think we are on the upper boundary of the amount of mods on the Repo. Therefore I firmly believe either this or TRYK. When we already got the mods downloaded its fine however for new people joining, such as my friend who I got to download the mods, it was a 20GB download which is just massive and most likely a deterrent for some people to join the server.

However I am for the replacement of TRYK, I like most aspects of the mod with exception to the NV items of clothing and such. However the broken armour levels has led me to remove any TRYK items from my loadouts. So I am for the replacement of the mod even more so if the mods smaller than TRYK.

Thanks, Kieran

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Give it three weeks (maybe three months) and BIS will have released Tanoa which means MARPAT (pure speculation) galore and (another guess) Chinese uniforms along with some kind of third way group. The arsenal will be brimming... 


Also I believe Gauntlet is no longer being developed as Valiant is being built - though perhaps all the minor tinkers are small beta tests for Valiant...

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I have been thinking about the repo and the size of it lately - I figure it is not gonna come down in size any time soon, given that we are currently riding 18.2GB, of which  CUP Terrains is 9.36GB and RHS is 5.08GB (around 14 GB in and of themselves).  We're not going to remove CUP or RHS, so that's a minimum of 14 GB.  My feeling is that if someone is okay with downloading 14 GB of mods to play on EU3, they will be ok with downloading another 200MB for Killoch's mod, or another mod, or whatever.

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Talk around the campfire is to repackage our current modset into one massive PBO, rather than two dozen individual PBOs.  That would take coordination and permission from various mod creators and is not likely to happen in the short term.

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Talk around the campfire is to repackage our current modset into one massive PBO, rather than two dozen individual PBOs.  That would take coordination and permission from various mod creators and is not likely to happen in the short term.


Issue with this is that we will also have to download the entire PBO every time one mod updates meaning it will take longer to get everyone back up and running when there is an update because it will be a 20GB ish download EVERY update

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