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    Geb reacted to Karate Pyjamas in An open letter of the problems within Ahoyworld   
    When a player is reported it is reviewed by staff and discussed, many a time we choose not to sanction because it's such a minor detail that we feel that it will just blow over and everyone will get along the next day. When a player is dragged aside and warned or on the verge of a larger sanction like a ban we always inquire with both the reporting player and the player who is assumed to be in violation. We listen to both sides and are happy to give the benefit of the doubt when proper arguments are in place and things are handled in a mature way. We're quite forgiving when it comes to AWE because the player base is quite close.

    Honestly, we don't want to ban anyone, that would be ideal. Because we all know you guys and you guys all know us. But there are times when things just get taken too far and someone needs to sit in the corner for a week or two to relax and overthink their actions. While everyone has their opinions about others I observe that personal grudges are really not an issue and things are handled very professionally without taking sides prematurely or at all.

    Even though some of you have already made your decision to move on, perhaps such a backlash was needed to really get the ball rolling, so please, give us a chance to improve and handle all your complaints. It shouldn't be needed to have such a backlash to get things going at all, but it happened and I think that all of the staff agrees that we are very sorry it has had to come this far and that we are very willing to improve and take this as a lesson and not have it happen again.

    Lastly I'd like to give my personal opinion:
    All things said and the huge backlash and pitchforks do hurt me. As far as I know, I do my job and I do it well, seeing the forums spammed with memes and hurtful comments hits me too. I understand a lot of the anger, but please take some of your comments into consideration.
  2. Like
    Geb reacted to PiranhA in An open letter of the problems within Ahoyworld   
    This topic is starting to decline in quality, can have several reasons.
    Could be the age, as ive seen kids "talk" like this before but i feel it isnt the case here.
    Some people here dont know how to properly communicate on a mature level and to be honest, only mini so far hasnt been completely talking shit.
    Its very easy to jump the bandwagon against Stan right here and now, nice and from a distance huh? What i think is: 
    For those shouting from the sideline and never done anything productively for this community: you have no reason to talk here.
    For those who have put in time and efford, i do see a reason in comments tho this is too late. What you put here to pay him back at stan or ahoy is something you guys should do waaaay earlier as feedback on the forum instead of in a private channel in TS.
    If you really have some balls you go talk with the one you having a problem with, privately talk with them, instead talking in a group about him/her. Being honest and fair feels vulnerable but requires more balls and brain as being the popular guy but i bet there will be a few left who are capable of being this mature.
    Have a nice day and fun in whatever community you want.
  3. Like
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    The new service script will fix this.  I can't tell you exactly how long the service is going to take now as it's depended on how much fuel/ammo/repairs it needs.
    Telos has been removed.
    Vehicle service for MBTs, IFVs, APCs, armed cars and unarmed cars has been given different times.  Everything depends on how much fuel/ammo/repairs they need.  But an MBT will take roughly 6 times as long to service compared to an unarmed car.
    It's been removed.
    I figured out how to do it and am looking for a bunch of screenshots now  
    I've also changed a bunch of other things.  I still don't know when this version will come out but i'm still working on it and it needs quite some testing so don't expect it live tomorrow.  
  4. Haha
    Geb reacted to hobnob11 in Stiletto Feedback Thread   
    Figured out a temp fix for the jets being stuck, if you shoot them with a pistol they drop.
  5. Haha
    Geb reacted to PiranhA in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    We have tried this before and it dosnt work. People drinking awfull lot of tea, they dont do the dishes after. Sometimes they take a break for over a hour, only eating cookies and drinking tea. So to prevent obesity and encouraging active soldiering we stopped with the cookies and tea.
  6. Like
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    It's not our script so i'm reluctant to mess with it as i can't ask the guy who made it to see what i managed to break if i do break something.
    Usually it's enough to drive over them with a vehicle or have a chopper land on it.  But i'll look into having a scroll wheel option on them to enable people to destroy them that way.
    If i manage to figure out how i'm certainly willing to do that yea
  7. Like
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    All FOBs have been redesigned in the next update, no vehicles will spawn under that shed anymore.
  8. Like
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    Little update on this:
    I've found some time here and there to do some scripting and fixed some of the mentioned issues.

    Side missions will now spawn at at least 2 km from any FOB and base instead of the previous 1 km.
    I've looked at the AOs and removed those i thought were rather close to FOBs or significantly overlap.  If anyone has a main AO name that he thinks is too close to a FOB or overlaps with other AOs significantly let me know and i'll have a look into it.

    I've also (hopefully) fixed the service pad not repairing wheels.  (And made it look a bit prettier.)
    I've also done some minor tweaks to several things that'll just make I&A look a bit prettier.  Like giving the spawn points at FOBs the names of the FOBs.  And replacing some hints with better looking title thingies.  

    Oh and i've written some code that'll allow pilots to despawn damaged helis in base and FOBs.

    And i'm still not making any promises and i cannot say when the next version of I&A is coming out .

  9. Like
    Geb reacted to TheScar in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    its way to late into the nigh .. daaaayyyy ... early morning 20..sevenzeroninefourthreetwonxtmonth so i just drop some early sketches i found on that other not pr0nside i got in my favourites ...

    and as for the emotions ...
    now back to the codec barracks you  ... worthfull and competent min .. student genius i ment.
    Exaclty !
  10. Thanks
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    Right, little update: i'm still planning on doing/fixing most of the things that were mentioned/suggested here.  But real life has caught up and will be keeping me rather busy until the end of next week.  After that i'll have a few days with nothing planned and will try, again no promises, to get most of this fixed/implemented/...
  11. Like
    Geb reacted to GrandBravo in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    distanceValue = 5;
    timeValue = 120;
    [_reward] spawn {
    _delVeh = this select 0;
    if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;};
    while{!((_u distance _delVeh) => distanceValue) && ((_delVeh distance "respawn_west") < distanceValue)}do{
                sleep timeValue;
                if(((_u distance _delVeh) => distanceValue) && ((_delVeh distance "respawn_west") > distanceValue))then{
                    deleteVehicle _x;
        }foreach _delVeh;
    Here you go, courtesy and kind regards of BACONMOP
  12. Like
    Geb reacted to Stanhope in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    yea i'm looking into making a script to enable probably only pilots, or maybe pilots and engineers/repair specialists to either move the heli to the nearest safe location or simply remove the heli so it can respawn.
  13. Thanks
    Geb reacted to fir_nev in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    Yes, U need (to be) a pilot to trigger the repair or rearm (HEMTT Ammo).
  14. Like
    Geb reacted to PiranhA in What are the little things that annoy you?   
    There is a way to recover (its a operation itself, you gonna take the challenge?):
    1- Analysis: Rotors get stuck again after repairs, it gives 2 options for solution: A-Moving the helicopter or B-removing the object preventing rotors to get back.
    2A- Driving gently (!true love, affection, passion!) with (prefer a small) vehicle against the helicopter to move it away. If there's a object preventing you from doing so, go point 2B.
    2B- Blow up what is preventing the helicopter to take off or object as mentioned in 2A. Destruction of the helicopter in the proces is not a option!
    3- Get it repaired and fly away.
  15. Like
    Geb got a reaction from Xwatt in Geb   
    I will hang in there PiranhA

    And yes, the other two cables snapped off as well and yes we survived!
  16. Haha
    Geb got a reaction from PiranhA in Geb   
    I will hang in there PiranhA

    And yes, the other two cables snapped off as well and yes we survived!
  17. Like
    Geb got a reaction from Lindi in Geb   
    I will hang in there PiranhA

    And yes, the other two cables snapped off as well and yes we survived!
  18. Like
    Geb got a reaction from OlimRa in Geb   
    Hello Everyone

    While self-educating me about ARMA3 I came across some Lutens Video and he mentioned AW a few time so when I start MP I would give it a go. Concerned about how I would fit in large groups without any experience I choose a sniper and joined EU1. Half an hour later, a friendly voice was approaching introducing him salve as my spotter for tonight. I was able to learn a lot from him and saved my live by carried me over a long distance after I was shot and I was happy with 15 points that night.

    Next time (with knowledge of zeroing the scope and some hour's offline training) a sniper place was free so I hopped in again. This time I had to search for my spotter and we got two AO passing by without a single shot fired. Therefore, we choose our next spot more wisely on top of a hill. Luckily for us the enemy was engaged from BLUFOR from the side and we were 0.9klicks out and so the shooting begun. A lot of time when I hit a target, my spotter did to and so we could clear out a whole strip for the approaching troops. On the next mission, the enemy was 1.2klicks out in a hill and I could train once more and was pleased with over 50 points this evening. My spotter was eager to know his points and was shocked he had only 5! Therefore, he thought he was hitting my targets lol.

    Some Spotting and Marksmen followed and with one opportunity to go on a round with a experienced crew on a KUMA tank until we were shot twice by a friendly and while repairing finished off by an enemy so this ended quite unfortunately.

    Next step was trying a vortex, but those spots are very hard to get and so my chance came this week at closing hours. So I got me a black fish and hopped to the near mission base and picked up 5 guys. While approaching the AO a Tigris hit me hard and I fell down like a stone from the Sky. Oh men, what an intro in to piloting. Luckily, I was able to crash-land the dead bird and everyone was able to walk away unharmed so it was at least a successful landing right?

    Back on the spawn, I got my hand on a humming bird and flue it to the base. After that, I introduced me like "Hi, im your pilot for today and this is my first MP session as a vortex ". The next two runs where pickups back to base so no real danger and one delivery to the side mission. On the next run to the AO the passenger some funny comments in the vehicle chat after the introduction and they told me "it's not a shame to use auto hover" and so on, so I assume they were quite scared to be in my Chopper and faced certain death. On the way to the LZ I was hit by some shots, so I flew even lower so I could fit between the trees until we were clear of the AO area and towards the open sea. Then I got (IMHO) the wonderful comment that they were scared a lot when saw how close I flew over the ground witch I tock as a compliment. On the turn back to the island, I experienced a timeout. OK, probably not that bad, I mean you can't crash wen this.... oh, you can, so back to the base again. Therefore, after a few more trips and a refueling it was time to call it a day.

    I have read a lot about some bad examples, how newbies got threaten on MP on other games but I experienced a lot of team spirit, players tuck there time to explain me a lot to help me to get better and where forgiving when I made a mistake. So thank you for that welcome and I hope I will find some time to play on EU1 and maybe AWE in the future.

    Best regards and see you on the field


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