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Posts posted by David

  1. I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).


    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.



  2. It was clearly explained last night to you that if you were to get banned again it would be a permanent one. I entered the EU1 channel to start playing to find you and two others being disruptive by playing wasteland, crossed comms is no fun for anyone & instructed you to make your own channel in the other games (this is exactly what it's for) and you did. Then you came back and started again, I told you not to do it up in the EU1 channel to which you said words to the effect of "Well I am and you can't ban me for it". Guess what, I can & did. I decided to be generous and give you only a week instead of a permanent one that you were due.

  3. It's not my specialty but I'd guess the timer on voting wouldn't be editable. We can change the threshold for activation though (percentage of server only) but that is a double edged sword.

    The reference numbers will be staying at the bottom, this is because if at the top it will likely stay in short term memory, when the rest is filled out the numbers will probably be forgotten. If they forget the numbers anyway it's not the end of the world, if we get in contact we can just ask whether they filled it out or not.

  4. Another small input.

    It does make sence to have the reference digits at the end, as you're finnishing the report, but wouldn't it be more convenient to have those directly underneath the name of the player you're reporting?

    It wouldn't look as good and some people might say that it doesn't makes sence, but I think it accually does. If it's placed near their name, you could easily screenshot the report from your cellphone/pc and thus save the reference digits together with the playername. Otherwise you simply may forget which numbers were connected to which report, and that may cause some inconvenience when an admin asks if you're accually the one filing this specific report. You may remember creating a report, but perhaps not the name of the player, or which reference numbers you accually had.

    Either way, the report form looks great and I'm pretty sure that it'll work really well :)

    Other than that, how does this work when players have similar, or even the same name? Is that what the date & time thing is for? I'm curious, because I noticed a second "Someone" playing on EU2 a coupple days ago. He sat down in my helicopter, played around and pretended to be me for a while. He didn't missbehave or anything, but it still got me thinking. If a player gets banned while playing on the server, it's definetly the correct player getting banned, but when theese are created in hindsight, there might be plenty of people with similar, or even the same name who's been playing the same day, or at similar hours. I'd assume you're checking loggs for who's playing when or something similar?

    Yes we would go and check the server logs, from there we can pull their GUID and if it's necessary, issue a ban or warning when we next see that player.

  5. The report form looks good, and it's a nice featured to be added in. I do however have 3 small suggestions :)

    1) Under links to evidence you state "If no evidence, we will only be able to take action if we receive multiple reports". I understand that it has to work like that, but perhaps I wouldn't write that in the form. Only act if there are several reports, but don't say that in the form. If the form says so, someone might just bring a few friends in and get them to report a guy.

    2) In the box with you have to check in at the end, saying "All information provided is honest, correct and accurate" I would also add that false reports are looked upon as an offence by itself, so that people know that when they do decide to post a report. Basically, it tells people not to report unless they're absolutly certain that the player broke the rules.

    3) Insead of your ingame name, wouldn't it be better to write your Arma3 UID, so that I cannot report someone, in someone elses name. Otherwise people might post false reports in someone elses name, which could be devastating for that person.


    Thanks for your input, I have removed the hint text for the evidence links, there isn't really any decent way of putting it unfortunately. People posting false reports should go without saying it is frowned upon, I have no problem in removing players who do this, spelling it out for them should not be required (which is why it isn't). We certainly could add some sort of player verification, but I'm not sure that UID verification is the way, I will do a quick edit with reference digits!

  6. It was recently suggested that a player report form be added to report players when admins aren't around. It can be found at the top of the site under "player tools" (which is also new and has quite a few useful links) and clicking "report player". You can also find it at www.ahoyworld.co.uk/pr and when I&A is updated you can find it by QR code at the base so you can do it on mobile without even tabbing out!


    You don't need to provide evidence but reports without evidence can be open to doubt so if you can, please do!

  7. Good day to all, we will be hosting a community meeting on the 27th at 17:30 GMT right after the EU3 meeting. We will be discussing some very important topics, some news to share and we would be grateful for your input. This is an incredibly important meeting so we would appreciate it if you could attend. This is also an opportunity for you to raise any questions you may have. Hope to see you there.

  8. Perhaps some sort of form could be made where players can submit things like: TKer name, rough time of TK, screenshots, and maybe some comments on the incident.

    That way players can report it at the time of it happening, rather than waiting for an admin and having to explain it to them hours later through TS, which I have done before and it isn't exactly smooth.

    Sounds like a good idea. I'll do some research and see what will allow us to do that.

  9. You were banned for assisting your friend in his deceit. Initially you were not going to be banned, that was until I looked into your account as part of the investigation into Dwayne. Upon doing so I found the two accounts you had created with the sole purpose to manipulate the poll which your friend had made. This gives me probable cause to assume you were in on the act with Dwayne, you knew he was previously banned and you continued to prevent his detection.


    It takes time to create two accounts, at no point did you stop to consider other people? Whether it was wrong to do what you were doing? The poll manipulation on its own is a trivial act which I don't even care about, but it opens the doors to many things, your ban is one of them.

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