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Posts posted by Stanhope

  1. It's best to only do small changes when changing something you're not familiar with.  E.g. first delete a boat, test that it still works, then delete the rest and test again, ... 


    But as for your problems: deleting boats shouldn't cause any issues, nothing in the code is dependant on those boats.  The units on the other hand, everything in the arsenal is dependant on the role description and the abilities (e.g. medics have the medic trait, engineers & repair specs the engineer trait, ...) so changing those is gonna require some actual tweaks in the code.  But I can't really help you with any specifics without error messages.  These error messages typically also point you to the exact line on which an error occurred. 

  2. That's a server configuration problem, not really something to do with I&A though.  Just double check that you've put the PBO in the right place, that the file names match exactly etc.  If that doesn't work just hop on server do a #missions (after logging in as admin) and see if it finds any missions at all.

  3. Vehicle explosions are arma, nothing I can do to fix that.  The main base is where it is now because it's on a shoreline, meaning that I loose 50% less useable places to spawn an AO, putting it in inland means I have to clear a large radius around the location of AOs.  Side mission rewards will contain all vehicles that don't regularly spawn as in vanilla, the cobra is included.  No, side mission rewards have not been spawning yet as there are no side missions compatible with this map yet.  Removing roles from squads (or changing them to existing ones) is possible, adding new ones less so as it'd mean a significant increase in maintenance (the vanilla and prairie fire versions are kept in sync for non-map specific things (like roles)).  I'll put suppressors on the list, ask about the enemy weapons and main base has already been redesigned for the next release.

  4. Havoc all the things you've mentioned are being worked on, schubz when did these framedrops happen?  When an objective spawned in or something like that or just at random?  And we'll have a look at the medical items disappearing.  And river could you elaborate on what you mean?

  5. Mission Summary

    This Wednesday, we turn a regular bout of Liberation around to show off what we can do when we put our minds to it. Expect a solid experience with high emphasis on teamwork and structure, with an established Chain of Command.  These are the days when we push for harder objectives or complex operations in combined arms, or try things we normally would not.


    Modset Required

    The modset, as well as a full explanation on how to join, can be found here:




    Mission Runtime

    Roughly 2 hours with a chance to carry on open-ended


    Friendly Forces

    British Armed Forces

    Opposing Forces

    Middle Eastern Militia



    Clear the region of insurgent forces. Capture strategic objectives. Establish favourable relations with the local populace.



    TBD by Acting Command at the start of the gamenight




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