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Posts posted by Stanhope

  1. An other option to the baling is the ability to put your backpack between your legs before taking a parachute (i believe ACE has this ability? Dont know if it's possible on eu 1 and 2 to add this function without using a mod).

  2. Yesterday i was recording whilst i was playing on eu1 with OBS.  When i stopped playing, stopped the recording and started to review the footage i saw something strange.  OBS only captured my map.  And this only in real time when i was ingame in my map.  Whenever i wansnt in my map ingame it recorded a screenshot of my map of when i closed it.  The weird thing, the audio was recorded correctly.  (Does this make any sense or should i upload a clip from the recording?)


    Does anyone know what caused this or what i should do to fix it?


    Information that might be relevant:


    My specs:

    intel core i5-5200U

    8GB ram (DD3L)

    NVIDIA GeForce 940M (4 GB dedicated VRAM)


    My video settings ingame:


    everything on low (or off), with view distance off +/- 2000m


    OBS settings:  Havnt changed any of them since the instal

  3. 1 hour ago, Gamerbug said:

    If a medic forgets his medikit he deserves to be shot! 


    I actually agree, but if we did this we would only have 1 or 2 medics for an entire AO.


    Another benefit of being able to revive with either one is that if you have to parachute out of a chopper, you can still revive players.  (This probably doesnt happen a lot)

  4. I think it's good that you only need one of the 2, but since a lot of people who dont play as medic a lot tend to forget their medkit and only take faks.  So maybe give the medic the possibility to revive using a medkit OR a fak?  I dont know if this is possible with the current scripts.  If it isn't I would prefer that you need a medkit.

  5. Yea, i guess i'll mark things in group from now on.  The reason I mark stuff in vehicle is to give the players in my heli a general idea of how long it will take, how i'll fly and so that the gunners know what too look for when.


    Lets hope there arnt any trolls in the pilot slot or i'd have to make my own private group.

  6. 6 hours ago, SkullCollector said:


    Mark it in your group channel. Unless you run an open group and such people join it, nobody you don't trust will have access to it. Bonus: it prevents clutter on the map for side.

    The only thing i mark in side is the LZ itself, all other things I mark in vehicle, as this is the channel i'm tuned to while flying and with the new update i can't see stuff i marked in other channels.


    6 hours ago, SkullCollector said:

    And honestly, it's a public server. Dicks will be out and about, so come prepared and have a thick enough skin to ignore whatever flak you get.

    Well yes, i should work on a 'thicker skin'.


    6 hours ago, SkullCollector said:

    Have a talk with them if it itches you too much. 

    I tried, multiple times.  The thing is most people do have the balls to initiate a votekick but not tell whoever they are trying to kick why they are trying to votekick him.


    4 hours ago, Liru the Lcpl. said:

    If you're shot down by friendly fire, have that screenshot button ready and see if you can find out who it was, for the next best thing would be to file a player report on that jerk and good riddance.

    As off 3 days ago, i started recording every time i join a public server (because someone shot a 30mm nade at me, killing me and my bird and got away with it).  In those 3 days i managed to capture: 1 mass TK at base, a guy shooting a 30mm at me (what is it that makes my chopper such a good target for 30mm nato grenades?)


    4 hours ago, Liru the Lcpl. said:

    To the new question: ALWAYS draw your flight paths in Vehicle or Group chat. Heck always draw ANYTHING in group or vehicle chat because then, you know it's not going to be deleted unless someone in your vehicle or squad is being a silly silly person and they should get evicted from your vehicle without a parachute or kicked out of the squad. Also, to the votekicking thing, player reports make everything better...

    The thing is, i marked it in vehicle.

    And filing a player report for someone trying to votekick me?  I personally wouldnt do that.  People may think, hell they can even tell me, that I'm a bad pilot. But all they have to do is tell me and I'll see if there arguments make sense or if there are enough people that think it and i'll have 0 problems leaving the pilot slot FOR A BETTER PILOT.

  7. Something related to this but a bit off topic:


    Yesterday i was flying to a freshly spawned AO, I marked a safe LZ and a flightpath in advance.  The flightpath was needed to make sure i turned into the right valley and didnt expose my bird to a bunch of enemy vics at the same time.  So there i was cruising at about 170-220 through a valley when suddenly someone in the back decides to delete my flightpath.  Since i didnt have a waypoint set on the LZ (but did mark stuff related to speed on that flightpath) i suddenly had no clue how far i was from the LZ let alone where to go.  So i slow down to a stop and put my heli in autohover, type in chat that i'd return to base if someone deletes my flightpath again and redraw the flightpath, and just to be safe put a waypoint on the LZ and memorize how to fly there.  Guess what happens moments after i had redrawn my flightpath?  Somebody deletes it.  So i slow down, turn around fly 100-200m back and then turn back around and go to the LZ.  Agreed this isnt the best way to handle this, but i'm a bid fed up with people deleting stuff i mark to get them somewhere safely.

    This isnt the part that shocked me, this happend to me before (and i did exactly the same).  

    The part that shocked me is when 2 guys in my heli decided they would try to votekick me.

    The weird thing was that at the moment they tried the votekick me we were traveling at about 200km/h at about 20-50m.  So if i did get votekicked they would all die.  I really dont see the logic in that.  If someone doesnt like the way i fly and asks me to leave the pilot slot for a better pilot and enough people (or the right people, like admins) agree i would do that without any hesitation.  AFTER i got everyone safely out of my heli and put the heli where it belonged.  NOT in the middle of a flight with a nealy full ghosthawk.


    What do you guys think about this and do you guys know a better way to handle people deleting the stuff you mark on the map?

  8. @Cebi, I usually fly a ghosthawk or a hummingbird (or pawnee if it happens to spawn)


    When i'm flying with the humming I will most likely abort the landing and fly to safety unless there is cover real close.  Because which ever caliber it is, it will ruin my day if it hits the engine or me.


    When i'm flying the ghosthawk it depends on the caliber and the direction the fire is coming from anything from the front can ruin my day real bad, and if it's coming from one of the sides or the back i bug out if i guess it to be more than a 7.62 since they can mess the engine up in a single shot or maybe 2.

  9. Just like cryo i have a situation i've been faced with a few times recently. And would like to get some advice on.  So the situation:  an AO just finished and i'm (as a pilot with a chopper) close enough to evac people within a minute or so.  When i'm approaching the evacpoint I hear snaps and I can tell that the fire is comming from my 12.  This means that 1 bullet could send the heli crashing into the ground (if that 1 bullet hits the pilot, me).  


    So what should I do?

    ( considering: 1 there could still be enemies at the ao targeting me, 2 people like to fire of their guns when the ao finishes, 3 people think firing in the direction of a heli will encourage the pilot to pick them up)


    What I usually do: bug out as soon as I hear snaps comming from my 12 and, when i'm at a safe distance, tell people not to fire in the direction of my chopper.  Then I go back to evac people.


    This has on one occasion caused a player to be 'upset' with me and fire his 30mm at my chopper, knocking out the engine and the main and tail rotor.  Causing me to crash, and another pilot having to fly the 10k to the old ao.  This is a bit of an extreme reaction I usually only get called all kind of things.


    Usually people get mad because I 'waisted their time'.  Yes I did waist a full minute or mayby even 2 minutes of their time.  But if I'm shot down they'll have to wait even longer.


    So am I handeling it wright or shouldt I handle it differently (an how then)?

  10. 11 hours ago, TheScar said:

    not really ontopic,but its a nice screen showing how low people can go in a MP session :


      Reveal hidden contents








    What´s really noteable is that all my other fellow pilots followed the advice not to fly while a AA battery is up - took around 14min till Air was safe again and only 2 choppers got lost (on base) while it was live.

    Be the captain of your ride,no?




    Couldnt agree more, but unfortunately I can still think of situations where you might have to kick players out of your chopper and/or lock it.

  11. Yes, it is always possible someone went afk for a minute, but if the chopper was going to base and he knew it i don't think he would mind being dropped at base without that he himself got out.  


    About the new and unskilled pilots, if they use those functions when they are not needed they are a clear indication that he shouldn't be in the pilot slot in the first place.  But yes there is a problem with new and unskilled pilots, and no i don't have the wright/best answer.

  12. 51 minutes ago, PiranhA said:


    This can bring alot of drama. With creating a solution on one side it can bring problems on the other. It will give the pilots the power to kick whoever they want from their transport for valid reasons but also for things that actually dont matter. 

    My bad, i meant a script that would kick everyone but the pilot from the heli and only at base.  And yes it can be abused, but a lot of things already on the server can be abused already.


    55 minutes ago, PiranhA said:

    Theres many ways to fix it, land somewere in base away from a big horde waiting for pickup, drop em off and go pick the rest. Or simply cmmunicate with another pilot to do the pickup.

    Yes, if there is another pilot I would also prefer that option, but I've noticed that on 'down-hours' there might not be one.  Or all other pilots might be doing something else (e.g. bringing people to new ao, slinging vehicles, repairing damaged helicopters, ...)


    52 minutes ago, Cebi said:

    Your first problem can be resolved by path like this: Old AO>RTB>AO>Old AO>RTB. Or land evacuees at basketball court. But this is not good attitude for pilot. You are there to provide support and transportation.

    Yes you could but people don't like waiting and start whining (not a real problem but it is annoying) or they just respawn.  And yes landing at the basketball court is in my opinion also not a good option,  that's why I suggested a function to lock the heli.


    56 minutes ago, Cebi said:

    Choosing between ppl waiting for evac and ppl at base waiting for transport should not heppen.

    No it should not, but it does unfortunately (e.g. when there aren't a lot of pilots on, when a chopper is damaged out in the field, ...).


    57 minutes ago, Cebi said:

    Kicking players from helicopters? Why would you need that?

    If for example you're in a ghosthawk, neither the new AO or a side mission have spawned yet and there are 12 people waiting at the old AO.   But you have 1 guy in your heli that just won't get out if you ask him, which would mean you would have to leave 1 guy at  the old ao and do a second run.  (still assuming you're the only pilot available).

  13. So I've been flying a lot on eu1 and eu2 and noticed some things that I think could be solved by adding following features to the helicopters.


    First off all a pilot should be capable of locking his helicopter to prevent people from getting in (not out).  

    This could be, in my opinion, useful in the following situation:  let's assume that there is only 1 pilot with a available for evac off a finished AO (there are only be 3 online, and the 2 others are fixing a broken chopper e.g.), and there are 24 players at that old AO.  This could be done in 2 runs if the ghosthawk leaves empty, takes 12 guys, drops them at base and does the same again.  But most of the time when you land at base someone gets in and wants to ride along even though the pilot repeatedly tells everyone to get out. This would force the pilot to make a three runs, making people at base wait longer to get transport to the new AO/ side mission.  If the pilot could lock his chopper, he could land at base, everyone would disembark, nobody could get in because he locked his chopper and he could evac the 12 remaining guys.  And people wouldn't have to wait as long.


    This brings me to the second feature that, I think, could be useful:  Pilots should be able to kick players out of their choppers.  Of course they should not be capable to do this all the time (e.g. 20m off the ground, traveling 200km/h), but with the proper limitations I think this could make the life of a pilot easier.

    As those limitations I would suggest that the heli should have its engine turned off, speed should be 0 and, maybe, the heli should be within a certain range of base.


    Implementing these features will make the live off a pilot, in my opinion, easier.  And it could help speed things along, as pilots don't have to ask people to leave the chopper any more (which they don't tend to do in my experience).


    Since I have 0 experience with scripting on multiplayer servers I have no idea if this is possible and how it will affect server performance.  But i think it would certainly be useful to have these features.


  14. Hello everyone, I'm stanhope.


    I've been playing arma on the ahoyworld servers (eu1 and 2) for a few days now and decided to become a member of your community.

    I'm 17 and live in Belgium, so English isn't my first language, it's actually my third.  I've been playing arma 3 for a few years now, and I mainly play as a pilot or sniper.  And occasionally I make a small mission in the editor (I haven't published a single one).

    Other games I play are: Heroes and generals, watchdogs, stranded deep and anno 2070.


    I'll see you guys on the battlefield! 


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