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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. I'm assuming you're getting an undefined error? Because _UKD isn't defined inside the eventhandler scope.
  2. \Defines\MainAos.hpp, search for vehicles.
  3. The other server is MSO
  4. If you just wanted to check that you could've just gone into the admin tools and enabled them from there.
  5. Try this code: [] spawn { waitUntil {sleep 1; !isNil "controlledZones"}; { controlledZones pushBack _x; [_x] call AW_fnc_BaseManager; } forEach ["AAC_Airfield", "Stadium", "Molos_Airfield", "Terminal"]; }; This one is tested and works. As for files involved in the FOBs: defines/MainOAs.hpp functions/base/fn_basemanager.sqf functions/base/fn_baseTeleport.sqf functions/vehicle/fn_vBasemonitor.sqf missions/main/Main_Machine.sqf mission.sqm And no, that error is not relevant, it's about how somewhere a findsafepos has been passed a wrong set of arguments but it doesn't do anything.
  6. No, how did you put them in? If you're copy pasting redact (at least part of) the UIDs.
  7. zeusAdminUIDs isn't for the server.cfg, it's for the arma3_readme.txt. Get rid of whatever is in there and put this in: zeusAdminUIDs = []; zeusModeratorUIDs = []; zeusSpartanUIDs = []; getServerPassword = {_var="PassWordHere"; _var}; Put your UID in either admin or spartan for zeus access. Admins have more access than spartans, moderators don't have anything special.
  8. Oh yea, I forgot you can't edit the loadout there, well in that case you're gonna have to do it like it's done for the jets in that file.
  9. Go to \Functions\Vehicle\fn_vsetup02.sqf and in the switch add a case for the blackfoot. I suggest going to the virtual garage, configuring the loadout you want and hitting the export button, it gives you code you can then just copy paste into your new case. That's by design. If you want to activate them from mission start add this to the end of initserver: { controlledZones pushBack _x; [_x] call AW_fnc_BaseManager; } forEach ["AAC_Airfield", "Stadium", "Molos_Airfield", "Terminal"]: (untested), remove the names in the foreach for the bases you don't want spawned.
  10. Wait, does that mean my craptop has a better keyboard than your rig?
  11. Because there isn't a single check for players being close to the next AO.
  12. He never claimed such a thing, he said there is something wrong with I&A3. And I can fully agree that there are plenty of things wrong with I&A3. I just disagree that the factory mission is one of them.
  13. Hi and welcome to ahoyworld Last time we had a special event has been a few months, but you can always make one yourself.
  14. You presumably deleted the import for that function in the description.ext or deleted the reference in functions.hpp.
  15. You deleted the function fn_getAo.sqf which decides what the next AO will be.
  16. You either deleted too much or too little. But I suggest you make your own post about it instead of simply replying to this one. When you make your new post, include the code and any RPT with errors.
  17. Something along these lines? "We have reports from locals that sensitive, strategic information is changing hands. This is a target of opportunity! We've marked the position on your map; head over there and secure the intel. It should be stored on one of the vehicles or on their persons"
  18. So are you suggesting I bump the number of units it spawns up or find anther way to insert them? This way, like arty and AA, it'd become more of a thread.
  19. The arty and the AA also don't give you rewards or fobs. And the factory doesn't give you nothing. It gives you a mission to play.
  20. Why is it a worthless mission?
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