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Posts posted by Stanhope

  1. 1 hour ago, Observer said:

    2 (both are amateur zeuses) asked if VCOM is going tobe added for the new version.

    As soon as you hit more than 20-ish people that'll kill performance.  Ryko already wrote a set of scripts to improve AI awareness and behaviour


    1 hour ago, Observer said:

    6 of them wished for a more traditional infantry transport system (Squads using MRAPs and Trucks instead of everyone boarding helicopters). According to 5 only special forces and support squads (medics, repair specialists) should be on air transport for the sake of realism.

    There are ground vehicles, I&A never focused on realism.  People just want to play, this isn't milsim. 

  2. Some errors from my RPT from today:

    19:57:54 wrong color format [0,0,0,1]
    20:05:15 error in expression <>
    20:05:15   error position: <>
    20:05:15   error local variable in global space
    20:05:27 unknown entity: 'a</font><br /><img image='#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.1)' height='1' width='640' /><br /><br /><font>custom squads: enforce squad leader?</font><br /><font size='16' face='puristalight'>no</font><br /><img image='#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.1)' height='1' width='640' /><br /><br /><font>reward weapons/gear unlocked at mission start for faction?</font><br /><font size='16' face='puristalight'>yes</font><br />'
    21:11:49 error in expression < (_x select 7) > 0 ) then { _roles = {!(_x isequalto "")} count (_x select 7); }>
    21:11:49   error position: <_x isequalto "")} count (_x select 7); }>
    21:11:49   error undefined variable in expression: _x
    21:11:49 file mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\dg\squad_dialog.sqf..., line 256
    21:11:51 error in expression < select 7) select _foreachindex);
    if ( _player isequalto "" ) then
    {	_name = "(>
    21:11:51   error position: <_player isequalto "" ) then
    21:11:51   error undefined variable in expression: _player
    21:11:51 file mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\dg\squad_dialog.sqf..., line 273
    21:11:51 error in expression <elect 7) select (lbcursel 5210);
    if ( _player != "" ) then
    {	if ( getplayeruid>
    21:11:51   error position: <_player != "" ) then
    21:11:51 file mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\dg\squad_dialog.sqf..., line 297
    21:45:11 error in expression <ntil {!(isnil "playerfaction")};
    if ( showsquadradar ) then { [false] execvm ">
    21:45:11   error position: <showsquadradar ) then { [false] execvm ">
    21:45:11   error undefined variable in expression: showsquadradar
    21:45:11 file mpmissions\__cur_mp.altis\onplayerrespawn.sqf..., line 44



  3. In the latest version pilots will start engaging the AO when they fly into it, regardless of their height.  Meaning that on more than one occasion while I was flying the wipeout just inside the edge of the AO at 2km up I got points for participating in the AO even though I didn't fire a single shot at that AO.  I don't know if this is intentional or not but it wasn't in the previous version so I thought I'd mention it. 

    Some potentially interesting stuff from my RPT:

    22:53:47 "AO any: Subobjective command+control center completed."

    My guess would be that it shouldn't say any there. 


    22:10:30 Error in expression <WARDS (%1 points)', sendPoints]];
    if ( playerRole in ["inf_sl", "inf_tl", "inf_>
    22:10:30   Error position: <playerRole in ["inf_sl", "inf_tl", "inf_>
    22:10:30   Error Undefined variable in expression: playerrole
    22:10:30 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\DG\ia4_menu.sqf..., line 22



  4. private _nextAO = "";
    if (manualAO != "") then { _nextAO = manualAO; };
    while {_nextAO == ""} do {
      	private _testAO = selectRandom allMapMarkers;
      	private _testAOName = (missionConfigFile >> "Main_Aos" >> "AOs" >> _testAO >> "name") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;
      	if (!isNil "_testAOName") then {
        	if (str _testAOName != "any") then {
            	if (!(_nextAO in controlledZones)) then {
                	_nextAO = _testAO;

    Try that, didn't test it myself though. 

  5. From the players and/or the story perspective, what is the added value of the demining drones?  Considering that they were employed by NATO, a conventional army, that were only losing ground, not yet forced to use guerrilla tactics and had more powerful and suitable assets at their disposal. 

  6. Some errors from last night:



    21:30:05 Error in expression <count crew vehicle player < 2} ) then
    {    _vehicle engineOn false; };

    21:30:05   Error position: <_vehicle engineOn false; };

    21:30:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
    21:30:05 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\scripts\vehicle\vehicleFunctions.sqf..., line 158




    21:49:56 Trying to execute a disabled command 'createvehiclelocal' (2 args)
    21:49:56 Error in expression <r;     

    _smokeg = "SmokeShellVehicle" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
    _smokeg setP>
    21:49:56   Error position: <createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
    _smokeg setP>
    21:49:56   Error Generic error in expression
    21:49:56 File A3\functions_f\Effects\fn_effectFiredSmokeLauncher.sqf [BIS_fnc_..., line 52



  7. Let me start by listing the amount of AA spawned by an AO.  A few things to note before I do: all these units, like any unit spawned by an AO, have limited ammo.  For AA-teams this is (iirc) 2 rockets per AA unit, of which there are 2, plus an assistant with another 2 rocket for a total of 6 AA rockets per AA team.  A tigris has a launcher with 4 rockets ready to fire and an additional 4 it reloads if those rockets are spend.  And a nyx-AA also carries 4 rockets ready to launch and an additional 4 it can reload. (again, iirc)  Neither tigris's nor AA teams have the ability to rearm. 

    When an IFV is spawned by the AO there is a 1 in 6 chance that it'll be a nyx AA.

    So, the numbers of what spawns with an AO:

    Less than 10 players: 1 tigris, 1 IFV and 1 AA team

    10 to 20 players: 1-2 tigris's, 1-2 IFVs and 1 AA team

    20 to 30 players: 1-2 tigris's, 1-2 IFVs and 2 AA teams

    30 to 40 players: 2 tigris's, 2 IFVs and 2 AA teams

    40 to 50 players 2-3 tigris's, 2-3 IFVs and 2 AA teams

    50 to 60 players 2-4 tigris's, 2-4 IFVs and 3 AA teams.


    AA teams will always do a circular patrol in the other 10% of the AO and no more than 6 manpads will ever be present in an AO.  Both tigris's and IFVs will drive back and forth in the AO.


    Now about the jets:  Jets will spawn on an airfield, stationary.  The AI will have to take off and fly to the AO before it can start engaging anything.  This will easily take a minute or 2. 


    The AA priority mission was designed to ground all friendly air assets.  Leniency was already build in a while ago, that AA battery will only start firing 30 seconds after the objective spawns.  Giving pilots enough time to get low enough to avoid being targeted by it. 

    The factory will not spawn a jet if there's more than 3 already up.  It will also only spawn a jet every 8 minutes minus the amount of players in the AO times 4 in seconds.


    RPGs are not a threat to any competent pilot.  AI don't fire them at flying helicopters, only at landed helicopters.  And if you land in line of sight of AI they'll probably start shooting their rifles at you before they fire an RPG.  Meaning that you've got plenty of time to fly away.


    Nobody is being punished by AOs spawning close to each-other.  Although the 5 pilots on might want to fly people around, 55 people who are using vehicles don't like to drive from one side of the island to the other.  I believe that the enjoyment of 55 outweighs that of 5.  And most, not all, AOs spawn far enough apart that you can land in the previous AO relatively safely from the new one.  Meaning that pilots can, as their role-description says they should, provide logistical support to the infantry by providing ammo drops instead of evacs.  At main base any chopper bigger than a hummingbird can load up a crate filled with the standard ammo that can be either paradroped somewhere or unloaded once a chopper is landed.  There's plenty of work for pilots that does not involve flying people around.  And if it turns out that there isn't we might as well take a pilot slot away. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Kacper said:

    How about randomizing viper/spetsnaz units spawning in the AO? 50% / 50%

    This is the current situation:


    There is a 2/3 chance that a recon team will be chosen from the following selection of teams: recon patrol (1/5), recon team (1/5), recon squad (1/5) and viper team (2/5).

    In the other 1/3rd of cases a recon team will be chosen from the following selection of teams: recon patrol (1/4), recon team (1/4) and viper team (2/4).  These units spawn with tanoa camo. 


    The amount of recon teams spawned per AO are:

    -Less than 10 players: 1

    -Between 10 and 20: 2

    -Between 20 and 30: 1

    -Between 30 and 40: 2

    -Between 40 and 50: 3

    -More than 50: 4

    The reason for the 1 in case of between 20 and 30 players is that other teams (specifically AA and AT teams) have increased.


    With the current arsenal restrictions spetsnaz units cannot be spawn as there are spetnaz uniforms in the arsenal.  When contact came out it was decided to give players that gear and not spawn spetnaz units. 


    2 hours ago, TheScar said:

    Nyx rewards spawn chance  needs to be raised big time,its very comon getting 3 Nyx on 10 side missions (or less)

    Wait, I'm confused, do you want more or less nyx rewards?


    2 hours ago, TheScar said:

    enemy air count is on a way better level than previous versions,finally the AAjets finally got a need

    In the next update they're going to be trimmed back a bit due to there not always being enough experienced enough players on to deal with this new enemy air threat.  New numbers will be:

    -Less than 10 players: 0 jets, 0 helis

    -between 10 and 30: 0 jets, 1 heli

    -between 30 and 40: 1 jet, 1-2 helis

    -between 40 and 50: 1 jet, 2 helis

    -more than 50: 2 jets, 2 helis


    These numbers do not take the subobjective into account.  There is a 3/6 chance that a subobjective that spawns enemy jets spawns with the AO  (1/6 HQ, 2/6 RT) which will spawn a jet 30 seconds to 1,5 minutes after an AO spawns and will continue spawning new jets every 12 to 20 minutes. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, SCHUBZ said:

    so that's why i was harassed by a jet saturday morning when i'm the last one player at EU1... yes i know i deserved it b/c i didn't let zeus get his well deserved sleep... :) 
    (just what you get for "!Admin AFK check?" twice in a row half an hour earlier...) 

    As I said in that reply, that's only what the AO spawns, not what radio towers and HQ buildings spawn.


    52 minutes ago, TheScar said:

    and how about spawning the HQ bunker with "closed" windows,that avoids "certain" people guiding a AP Titan pass it killing the officer in the process and will force up for close encounters,which benefits the added mines

    Applying the factory engineer code on the HQ might be worth a thougt,too ... then its inf only and no UAV,Jet,MBT,ATspec will be able to obsolete the obj once in range

    Well the officers position is already randomized now so he's not always behind that window or even on the bottom floor.  But I'll have a look at closing that window and adding that code.

    54 minutes ago, TheScar said:

    Altho i first heard about it today while playing it seems questionable adding AP mines when the tower is crewed by CSAT forces.

    Wouldnt they take damage by it too?

    The way I've got it set up there's a clear path to the door, the mines are around the building.  This means that you can bypass those mines but people are still walking into them anyway. 

  10. Current numbers for jets and choppers are:

    <= 20 players no jets, no choppers

    > 20 && <= 40 players no choppers, 1/3 chance of a jet

    > 40 && <= 50 players 1 chopper, 2/3 chance of a jet

    > 50 2 choppers, 1 jet

    Note that these are the numbers for the AOs themselves spawning stuff.  This does not include the jet that will be spawned by the HQ or RT.  And both spawn a jet very shortly after an AO spawns with either of them.  The chances of either an HQ or an RT spawning are 1/2.


    As for which helis spawn:

    1/10 chance for a kajman

    1/10 chance for a xi'an

    4/10 chance for an orca

    4/10 chance for a hellcat


    And for the jets:

    3/9 chance for a Neophron (1/3 cluster, 2/3 cas variant)

    3/9 chance for a Shikra (1/3 default loadout, 1/3 cluster, 1/3 stealth)

    2/9 chance for a Gryphon (1/2 default loadout, 1/3 cluster)

    1/9 chance for a buzzard (always cas loadout)



    It is impossible for the script that ensures that 2 of the same side missions don't spawn in a row to bug out if side missions are still spawning because it's the script that spawns the side missions that does this check.  What can happen is that by pure luck it keeps switching between secure intel unit and secure intel vehicle as these are 2 separate missions.  There are currently 13 side missions the script can chose from, so for a secure intel mission to spawn 3 times in a row that'd give a chance of 1/13 * 1/12 * 1/12 or 1 in 1 872.  Which is actually not that small of a chance (if I can still do chance calculations, which might not be the case), I'll ask Xwatt if I can make it that the side mission cannot be the same as the previous 2 instead of just the previous one. 


  11. 3 hours ago, TheScar said:

    repetetive side missions (seen yesterday 4 SECURE INTEL missions after another)

    The same side mission cannot spawn twice in a row, I guess I could increase that to the last 2. 

    3 hours ago, TheScar said:

    way to less enemy air threats

    The amount of enemy air threats has not changed in at leats 20 versions, what has changed is that enemy jet will prioritize vehicles over infantry to attack.  Enemy helis won't.

    3 hours ago, TheScar said:

    just now i m playing on  fresh started server facing NO MAIN AO and only a side mission active - HC client is live - i capped a T140 in the supposed main AO and killed 3 naked unarmed CSAT crewman standing nxt to their T140,no red circle and the rest of the city is empty

    Yes, it's been acting up a bit, I've already released several versions that only tried fixing that. I'm still working on it.

  12. For clarities sake:

    There's a total of 3 intel missions.  One is a TV placed under a camo net, this one isn't relevant to this topic.  The other 2 are secure intel (unit) and secure intel (vehicle). 


    Let me first talk about secure intel vehicle:
    This mission can be recognized by the 3 officers standing near the vehicles all being armed.  (for the unit one one of the officers will be unarmed).  This mission has 2 fail conditions and 1 win condition.  The obvious win condition is securing the intel from the vehicle.  The first fail condition is the vehicle being destroyed.  The second is a bit more complicated.  First, the vehicle containing the intel needs to have detected an enemy.  (It uses a BI function to detect this)  Once the that vehicle has detected an enemy the groups of the 3 vehicles (which include the officers that aren't yet in the vehicle) are given a waypoint to go to the (centre of the) AO.  Once all of this is done the mission will start checking if there's any blufor in a 500 meter radius.  If this is no longer the case the mission will fail. 


    Now for the secure intel unit:

    This mission can be recognized by 1 of the 3 officers being unarmed.  This mission has again 2 fail conditions and 1 win condition.  And again, the win condition is securing the intel but this time from the unarmed officer, not from the vehicle.  And both fail conditions are also identical but this time all the stuff revolves around the unarmed officer and not the vehicle. 


    As for units disappearing: The only time units are deleted by the mission is after the mission has either completed or failed. 

    As for the stamina: the officer has default AI behaviour and stamina

    And for the moving unpredictably: again, the officer has default AI behaviour and is given one single waypoint towards the AO. 


    Hope this brings some clarity. 

  13. 20 minutes ago, Owenxpl said:

    How can I incrase Amount of infantry groups on the main AO over 10?


    21 minutes ago, Owenxpl said:

    Adding extra options in "Description.ext" seems doesn't work.

    Assume nothing in the options in description.ext works but don't delete any or everything will break.

    22 minutes ago, Owenxpl said:

    How can I remove that info?

    It doesn't show in normal I&A 3 so it's something you changed

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