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Liru the Lcpl.

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Everything posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: 2:15-2:45, 8:00-8:30, and 15:10-15:35 Reposting to bundle and streamline everything for easy reference
  2. Welcome to Ahoyworld! I'd tell you to not get shot by CSAT, but I think, for your personal disposition, you have a bigger risk of being eaten. I'll be curious to see how you hold and operate a sniper rifle from your crust, and fly a chopper with a pie tin. But, in all seriousness Pie, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY! Sent from my phone with my beach side view.
  3. If you dont have a single friend, then maybe you shouldn't be ramboing certain classes I agree completely with you, but again, I have to throw this in here: "this is EU2" Its a public vanilla server with some allowed mods and plugins. If you heavilly restrict it too much to promote realistic gameplay, you're ALSO going to have negative externalities, such as a lessened playerbase. Too short of a playerbase and, as I said and showed before, some operations within the server become borderline impossible. Not everyone joins I o a server with friends. Some people join into a server to do their own thing, supporting others, some join to find friends, etc. It's a range. Also, not everyone's going to want to be a "support role" ESPECIALLY on EU 1 or 2 (go look at the chopper repair thread if you don't kown what I mean). It's already hard to have a pub take a repair specialist role, so imagine how freaking hard it will be to ask someone: "hey, can you outfit your auto rifleman role or squad leader role to be me assistant AT Specialist or assistant autorifleman role? There's no way in heck a pub would do that: they're just there for the action themselves. ON TOP OF THAT you're going to have to be WITHIN THEIR ROLE TO TAKE AMMO FOR THEM because of how the new gun system works. You have to take the weapon to then bring ammo for it but if it's not in your class it will be removed. Imagine asking an AT Specialist to just bring missiles for you because if they brought a launcher themselves you'd lose out on an extra 2 missiles to bring. Have that go for you. Gotta think long term and all of the issue lay. I'm curious to see how these changes will affect new people coming to play on EU 2. Only time will tell Sent from my phone with a beach side view.
  4. Screw it, I gotta call it as I see it. No more jokes. What you're describing is a perfect scenario of a spotter and sniper coordinating properly. In that same scenario, AT gunners also have assistant AT specialists that carry the missiles that the specialists can carry to even out the weight load. On a millsim or EU 3 server, I would completely agree this. HOWEVER... This is EU 2! A server where your enemy is extremely mobile and will immediately start pressing onto your position at a quick rate! you NEED to be at least somewhat mobile to evade your enemy, and GOD HELP YOU if the enemy has artillery! Seriously, If artillery comes up now, the server becomes UNPLAYABLE unless you have a massive fource to counter them. That force also must be mobile to evade artillery and still have enough firepower to completely take them out. I mean, watch this: HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: 2:15-2:45, 8:00-8:30, and 15:10-15:35 Look @Jocky and his pics, especially with his "best load out for the weight" one. O_O is all I have to give to that. Before I made the video linked above there was this other guy, this pub who was probably in the server for the first time, who kept having to go back and fourth from the arsenal and 10 feet away because he either lost an item from the class system of he couldn't do anything past walking, and he wasn't in a ghillie suit and had a Bergen backpack. Nope, he just had a standard class load out on and a field pack, and he could not, for the life of him, figure out a loud out that could suit him. So what did he do? he left. left and most likely will never come back because he'll find somewhere else. This needs to be kept in mind here if these changes are going to be permanent in the public servers. EU 2 is a public server for the casuals, as I have said, and Ahoyworld is supposed to be a community that welcomes all playstyles, right? How are you going to grow a playerbase for casual arma 3 players with such tight restrictions? I'm with @xSniper1982 on this one. This is a step in the right direction, but it still requires some heavy tweaking, such as taking base equipment like cloths, vests, helmets, and all of your other base gear and editing their default weight. Something like a 50% off their base weight so you can at least HAVE a standard military grade load out and be able to at least sprint around in dashes when you need them the most. Just my two cents. Feel free to try to counter but before you do I'll ask two questions from you... 1. Have you played on EU 2 before these new changes and with these new changes? 2. Did you play with a large group of players during server "prime time" or with a small fireteam or even squad sized element? Seriously, your argument for or against the new changes will solely depend on your answer for those two questions. I guarantee it.
  5. As an AT gunner, I fight in my underwear so I can carry my 3 missiles and 3 spare mags with these new changes #ATLife
  6. Hope you're ready for Lt's new changes, it's going to be quite interesting seeing how we all do... Welcome to Ahoyworld, and see you in the field
  7. I KNEW I saw this from somewhere years ago! Ahh, the nostalgic memories... Badger-1 is coming back...and this time, it's callsign Prowler... P.S. I dunno if 1.b. is supposed to be cut off after the word "and"
  8. I'm in Colsta's boat, I have work, but next time...I'm taking command of Hammer-1... Badger 1 baby...over and out... Good luck to everyone who joins the op!
  9. Welcome to Ahoyworld! If you need anything, hop onto the TeamSpeak channel or say something on the forums! See you in the field!
  10. Hey VVARHEAD, let me pull up some stuff regarding your question... These are the repository URLs for EU 1, 2, and 3. EU 1 and 2's mods are optional allowed mods that increase your gameplay experience, while EU 3, which is our modded server, has the repository download as a mandatory thing. You're also required to be on the teamspeak while in the EU 3 server, and additional instructions are in TS for getting into EU 3. Welcome to Ahoyworld! If you need anything else, feel free to ask on the forums, hop on the teamspeak, or bug me, I don't really mind :3 See you in the field, and don't get shot up by CSAT!
  11. Good choice then Robshow, if you ever need help with either of those, there are plenty of people around to teach and help with YouTube content creation! See you in the field!
  12. Welcome to Ahoyworld and it's forums Icescotty, see you in the field
  13. I know I'm not supposed to speak in these, but as his CO I need to list out what exactly happened here in terms of the TS chat. 20 minutes prior to this ban, I gathered the team in my teamspeak in a circle on the server and laid down some ground rules. The last one and the one I stressed the most was no stream sniping, not even jokes. I was dead serious about it. You (XenosInq) were in the TS channel at the time waiting for a slot to open on the server, but I know you heard me when I brought up the rules when you're in Badger-1. Hell, you've served with me before so you should know I don't tolerate even joking about that crap. 10 minutes later you decided to start making jokes about stream sniping, to which I immediately told you to shut up, but you said "Guys, the mission is going to be on Tanoa...and also...there's going to be enemy infantry..." I told you multiple times to shut your mouth, in which you did say you were joking, even though prior I had told everyone that eve joking about it would not be tolerated. 5 minutes later, people in my squad started making jokes in the freaking side chat about stream sniping, and thus the last 5 minutes leading up to the ban ensued with the admins cracking down on the source. If I had not spoken up about who was causing the issue, innocent people would have been banned that night. Regardless of who got banned, You made my entire team look very bad that night, and I would not be surprised if the callsign Badger-1 is under watch for stream sniping now, which is something I would now have to now reassure everyone that we don't. XenosInq, you're a great player and medic, but honestly with the damage that was done, I can't help you. To the admins: sorry if I spoke out of place here, I just wanted to set things completely straight about what happened in that TS channel that night.
  14. *cracks knuckles* The following is from what I have gathered in terms of admin testimony and my own personal experiences and conversations, forum poster discretion is advised... (not really but seriously, loooong post ahead here) Before my time, I've been told that EU 1 and EU 2 DID offer public Zeus to players. Now how could that possibly go wrong? *laughter* Zeus is a tool, and like all tools, such as a knife or letter opener, it can be used to make things more efficient and interesting. Zeus missions do really add a sense of unpredictability to a server, with someone pulling the strings of OPFOR to the point you might not even be shooting at an AI and it might be Zeus himself, or stumble into a well placed mine field, or see incoming CSAT choppers laying down reinforcements. But like all tools, they can be used for great harm: people spawning in a bunch of crap for themselves, people using it to spoil where unit positions are. With great power comes great responsibility (Sorry uncle Ben), and if everyone were to have such a great power, you'd just have freaking chaos...plus having a main AO, side AO, and a Zeus operation can tax the server as Amentes said. If randoms wanted to host Zeus operations, they easily could! All they would have to do is follow this simple guide: Nice and easy, and for the past few weeks I've been hosting events such as these in order to add variety to Ahoyworld. I'll drop a link to my latest operation below because shameless advertising but it can also serve as an example for how you'd want to format an event (sign up sheet, listing what you're doing, etc.) Now, Kyle has mentioned that Zeus could be used by someone like me to easily spice up an AO in EU 1 or 2, and to be honest, admins and Spartans do this all the time to make things more interesting for its playerbase. The trick for being given such a title as I have just described, however, is to do exactly what Brandenburg and David mentioned right above this post: be active in the playerbase from gaming to TS to the forums, be a trust worthy member of Ahoyworld, report rule violations on the servers, forums, and teamspeak with the proper evidence to your local "Ahoverlords" (the admins) and just be a well respected player within the community If you keep a good track record of these actions, you'll easily become recognizable by everyone and, with some time dedication, you can get to one of those ranks. Trust is very hard to build in a virtual world filled with proxies, trolls, hackers, racists, etc., and thus you must understand that it is slow to build. Whew, that was long! Thanks for reading!
  15. Another sniper...good choice! Welcome to Ahoyworld The_Laminator, I hope to see you in the jungles of Tanoa sometime! Stay alive and stay safe!
  16. Ahh, you've been in the jungles of Tanoa have you? Have you fought the Viper squads yet? XD They're the nicest human beings CSAT has to offer... Welcome to the community Eagle-Eye! We'll be needing your aim all over Tanoa Soldier, so get back to taking out some CSAT! And, of course, welcome to Ahoyworld!
  17. That's quite an intro, and I applaud you sir Pistolfreak! I wonder how CSAT's going to take this... Welcome to Ahoyworld! If you need anything, feel free to give me a poke! See you in the field!
  18. I would say an hour tops (15-20 minutes for both teams to get ready, 40ish minutes for the operation itself)
  19. DefCon for Defense Condition, yea. And that doesn't matter, I like your version of the spelling more anyway. DeathCon, now THATS something to fear! ^^
  20. Sign up closed. If you still want to participate, please drop into the TS channel 30 minutes before the event begins. WHAT THE AO LOOKS LIKE: http://imgur.com/IOmO40g BE ON TS TO GET THE SERVER IP AND PASSWORD, YOU NEED THE SNEAK PEAK BUILD TO PLAY! The last operation was pretty great, but there are a few things that needed to be changed. For this event, those changes will be made, from better signing up to more organized squads which will be done through TS chat and its whisper system. Although the previous operation was a failure, NATO is fully aware of the CSAT threat now. Tanoa is now on full alert, and any guerrilla offensives now are reported to us for counteroffensive movements. An hour ago, Tanoan officials reported that Comm site Bravo has been taken over by enemy activity. Although the site isn’t finished, there have been reports of a mobilization of construction equipment and something briefly showing on our radar screens. We suspect CSAT is using the site for something sinister, and thus it is absolutely vital that we take this facility down. The threat here is major gentlemen. We know CSAT has been working on devices related to seismic activity, and a product of their research so close to a one active volcano…it’s clear that there is a major possible threat here. Just one extra thing. Tanoan officials do not want us poking our noses around comm site Alpha. They’re worried that is we use it as a staging area, valuable communication equipment could be damaged. That site serves as an early warning system for the entire country, so we must honour this request. NATO OBJECTIVES: 1. Eliminate 80% of the Guerilla forces around comm sight Bravo 2. Find and destroy any CSAT technology NATO’s assets: -Infantry (the players) -Air transport via hummingbird pilots - 2 HMG prowlers -Darters (2) -1 and only 1 Pawnee for CAS CSAT OBJECTIVES: 1. Defend CSAT technology at all costs for 30 minutes on first contact OR 45 minutes after the mission officially begins until the VTOL can extract it (meaning NATO can spend at max 15 minutes of unit placement preparation before a time penalty, timing is key here) CSAT’s assets: -Guerrilla emplacements and forces -Viper infantry (4-6 players) -AT and AA assets -Defensive emplacements Additional notes: -CSAT capable of respawning -multiple ways for CSAT extraction -sign up recommended, but drop ins allowed -no mods -NATO squad leaders can bring RPGs -CSAT team picked at random On a final note, more specific instructions will be posted as time goes by, and within 3 days of the operation, the CSAT team will be contacted and given a specific briefing as well as a preview of the area of operation in order to set up additional defenses. See you all in 2 weeks
  21. SH*T! I forgot to say hello! Hello! ... In all seriousness, welcome to Ahoyworld! If you want any sort of leadership or to join up in coordinated teams, I'd recommend checking out the teamspeak channel. See you in the field, and nice name, it's a good play on words Keep on breathing, and keep on swatting CSAT!
  22. Basically what happened in a nut shell Good PvP and PvE, good jobs all around, and hopefully a good time for everyone. In the process of linking peoples' POVs in the video's description. Stand by for seeing some events come up scheduled within a few days for times around 2 weekends for now. Thank you so much for everyone that played, and stay tuned. We're definitely doing something of this caliber again with the changes that were discussed in TS in the debrief!
  23. Chuck, just tell me how to "Have a border on your stream (with name and what server) " and what to stream, and i'll do it man. Got my hard wire connection properly working today, and the upload speed is sublime
  24. 1. Search Ahoy in the filter option in the internet section of the server browser, and wait about 30 seconds. 2. I have no idea :3 3. Thank you for calling Ahoyworld user support, do you have any other questions?
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